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【初中英语教学】人教版七年级下Unit 1听说课教案

2022-06-05 01:30 网络整理 教案网


Teaching objectives:

(1)Students could ask questions about the thing others can do.

(2)Students could answer questions about the thing they can do.

(2)Students are able to relate one thing they can do to their life.

Teaching key point: Students are able to answer the questions about the thing they can do.

Teaching difficult point: Some students do not know how to ask questions about the thing other students can do.

Teaching methodology: Task-based learning

Skills: Listening, speaking, communication, collaboration

Teaching Process

Step 1Lead-in (3 minutes)

(1)The teacher tells students what they will do today.

(2)The teacher asks students what they can do and write down answers on the blackboard.

Step 2Video (10 minutes)

(1)The teacher plays a video twice.

(2)Students take notes when the teacher plays the video for the second time.

(3)Students can choose questions of different difficulties and get different scores for their groups.

Step 3Worksheets (2 minutes)

(1)The teacher delivers worksheets.

(2)Students write down their names and one thing they can do.

(3)The teacher is encouraged to participate. The teacher should also write down what he/she can do.

e.g. I can sing/swim/dance/play chess/speak English/play theguitar.

Step 4Write down questions (5 minutes)

(1)Students work in groups. They pass their worksheets to the person on their left. This person writes down questions related to the thing (at least one question).

e. g. Do you like singing?

Where do you swim?

How longdo you dance every week?

Do you always win when you play chess?

How many times do you play chess every week?

Do you like speaking English? Why do you like speaking English?

Which song do you like best?

(2)The teacher asks“who wants to ask me questions?”and pass the worksheet to students who raise their hands.

(3)Repeat the process. Continue passing the worksheets to the person on the left and write down as many questions as possible.

Step 5Answer these questions (7minutes)

(1)The process finishes when the worksheet is passed back to the person who writes down the thing he/she can do.

(2)The teacher answers the questions on the worksheet as a demonstration.

(3)Students answer the questions on the worksheets and share the answers with their teammates. They should be honest. If they don’t know the answer, they can just say they don’t know.

Step 6Group Presentation (10 minutes)

(1)Each group chooses one student as the main presenter.

(2)Other students read their questions one by one and the main presenter answers these questions. The presenter is encouraged to give more details.

Step7Summary (3 minutes)

(1)The teacher gives feedback to students.

(2)The teacher summarizes today’s lesson.


Write a short essay to describe one thing you can do based on the questions on the worksheet.

(1)You do not have to answer all the questions.

(2)You are encouraged to give more details.