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PAGE PAGE 3 陆军基层政治工作课第五讲 教学计划 教学学时 8 累计学时 20 章节名称 初级思想政治教育专题 思想政治教育内容与方法 政治课的组织与实施 讨论:不同人的思想工作方法练习:准备政治课。实践:讲授政治课的目的和要求。通过教学,学生可以掌握基层思想政治教育的内容、形式、制度和方法,掌握不同对象的思想工作方法,了解政治课组织实施的基本环节,可以进行初步的政治课组织工作。 重点与难点:基层思想政治教育的主要内容、基本制度、基本形式和方法,政治课组织实施的环节,政治课的准备与讲授。教学方式:教具、电脑、投影仪、课外作业1. 基层思想政治教育的主要内容是什么? 2. 准备关于不同人如何思考和工作的研讨会。 3、基层思想政治教育的基本制度是什么? 4、基层思想政治教育的基本形式和方法有哪些? 5、政治课的组织实施有哪些基本环节? 6、备课要注意哪些方面? 7、政治讲座有哪些类型? 8、如何进行好的讨论? 9、总结需要注意哪些方面? 10、以党的十七届四中全会精神为主题,准备政治课。 11、 推荐 4 名学生上一堂 20 分钟的政治课。教学环节的教学流程设计意在介绍新课。谈基层思想政治教育的内容、形式、制度和方法,不同对象的思想工作方法,政治课组织实施的基本环节。

让学生了解本课的内容。新课学习1、思想政治教育的内容和方法2、政治课的组织实施3、讨论:不同人的思想工作方法4、实践:准备政治课第5、课实践:政治课让学生通过教学掌握基层思想政治教育的内容、形式、制度和方法,了解政治课组织实施的基本环节,能够初步组织政治课。课后思考1.基层思想政治教育的主要内容是什么? 2. 准备关于不同人如何思考和工作的研讨会。 3、基层思想政治教育的基本制度是什么? 4、基层思想政治教育的基本形式和方法有哪些? 5、政治课的组织实施有哪些基本环节? 6、备课要注意哪些方面? 7、政治讲座有哪些类型? 8、如何进行好的讨论? 9、总结需要注意哪些方面? 10、以党的十七届四中全会精神为主题,准备政治课。 11、 推荐 4 名学生上一堂 20 分钟的政治课。巩固教学内容、教学后记、基层思想政治教育。这里所说的基层思想政治教育,是指党在我军基层有组织、有计划、相对集中地进行的比较系统的理论灌输和思想启蒙活动。这是基本的思想工作。重要内容。它区别于经常性的基层思想工作,它在实施上有计划,时间上比较集中,内容上比较系统。 一、思想政治教育的内容和方法(一)思想政治教育的内容根据形势、任务和教育目标,设置基层思想政治教育的内容。

新历史条件下的思想政治教育必须把运用马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想作为武装官兵的根本任务和核心内容,深化“第四次“个性化教育”是引导官兵树立共产主义崇高理想和建设有中国特色社会主义共同理想,树立正确世界观、人生观的常态化课题。教育内容要贯彻“细心、有效”的原则,突出重点,贴近实际,简明扼要,深度适中。 1.马克思主义基础理论教育组织官兵学习马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观,掌握基本知识,积极进取马克思主义的理论、观点和方法,学会以马克思主义为指导,分析解决问题,保持思想理论的先进性,为坚定理想信念的形成奠定坚实的思想理论基础,高尚的道德情操,良好的作风和纪律。 2. 党的路线方针政策教育有助于引导官兵在社会主义初级阶段认真学习党的基本路线和基本纲领。牢固树立坚持党的一百年基本路线的思想,树立为建设有中国特色社会主义和全面建成小康社会奋斗目标的奋斗思想,认识和正确把握现阶段党的政策,自觉贯彻落实党的路线方针政策样板。 3. 人民军队的性质、宗旨、职能和优良传统 教育组织引导官兵学习和了解人民军队的光荣历史,我军的根本性质、宗旨、职能任务和优良传统,强化坚持党对军队绝对领导的观念 树立全心全意为人民服务的思想,明确革命军人的根本职能和任务,强化国防意识和战斗队思想,自觉维护本性、人民军队的性质和作风,努力为打赢未来的高科技战争贡献力量。


4. 爱国奉献、革命人生观、敬军爱兵、勤奋教育。学习了解中国近代历史和我军爱国主义的优良传统,树立热爱祖国、为国防献身的思想;学会理解革命军人 树立做人的基本原则,树立正确的人生追求和价值观;学习了解我军敬兵爱兵的优良传统,增强敬兵爱兵意识;学习了解我军艰苦奋斗的光辉历史和精神实质,把握艰苦奋斗时代的特点,自觉弘扬艰苦奋斗精神。 5. 理想信念、军事道德、法律法规、时事政策教育,帮助官兵了解和把握社会发展的客观规律和必然趋势,建立共产主义,建设中国特色社会主义,建设全面建成小康社会。理想和信念;培养革命军人应有的崇高道德情操,保持军队道德纯洁;组织指导官兵认真学习社会主义法制建设基本知识,掌握有关法律、法规和规章,强化法治观念和纪律观念,学会遵纪守法处理普通法制问题,养成良好有遵纪守法、依法办事的习惯;组织官兵学习党、国家、军队重要会议和文件精神,了解国内外大事,了解改革建设的发展和伟大成就,正确认识形势任务,提高贯彻党和国家现行政策的意识和能力。 6. 爱国主义、集体主义、革命英雄主义和革命廉洁教育组织引导官兵学习历史知识,了解和掌握中华民族和我党我军爱国主义的光荣传统,牢固树立和自觉发扬弘扬爱国主义精神;帮助官兵正确认识个人与集体的关系,明白集体利益包括集体成员的个人利益,高于个人利益,以力量为重的基本原则。集体大于集体所有成员个人力量的总和,牢固树立集体主义思想;指导;官兵学习我军革命先烈和英雄的思想和事迹,认识到革命英雄主义是革命军人的必备素质,自觉弘扬革命英雄主义精神;教育引导官兵自觉维护无产阶级的革命气节,自觉在平时兴旺发达。不矫情,抗腐蚀,从不粘,自觉顽强,顽强,英勇作战,战时不屈。

(二)思想政治教育体系 建立和坚持思想政治教育体系是实现思想政治教育规范化、系统化,提高教育质量,保证效果的必要措施。 1. 教育准备会议制度教育准备会议是旅团政治机关学习部署基层思想政治教育的例行工作会议,一般每月召开一次,主要是汇报和总结以往教育情况,分析军队思想情况,研究部署新的教育内容,引入第一手经验。示范教学。 2、备课和教学体系 基层思想政治教育一般由教师讲授(教学职责),其他军官也应主要负责教学任务。教师应认真备课,设计教案,必要时进行试讲。班(排)讨论制重要学习教育内容应以班(排)为讨论单位:基层军官参加指导班(排)讨论,帮助班(排)领导者提高组织讨论的能力,使他们逐渐能够展示演讲、启发和引导、总结结论。 4、正常情况下,每周教育日制度要求每周有相对固定的思想政治教育时间,有计划、有准备地实施各项教育。您还可以根据需要调整使用时间。 5. 听新闻、看报纸、做时事政策报道 系统坚持每天组织电视新闻广播,或组织阅读报纸、听广播新闻。旅领导每季度至少做一次基层官兵时事政策报告。 6. 签到、补课、讲课评价系统。基层单位组织实施教育,应当登记班级人数、班级内容等,班级出勤率不低于参加人数的85%。

缺课者由营地和公司组织补课。各专业教育后及时评论。 7. 检查监督系统 大队要及时检查基层思想政治教育情况,监督教育实施情况。教育评估一般在每个专业教育之后进行,并没有接受程度。考核不仅取决于教育的实施时间、人员、内容、官兵对所学知识的掌握程度,还取决于个人思想觉悟、单位精神面貌、任务完成情况的提高。 ,以及机组的整体建设。考核结果作为评选先进单位和优秀士兵的条件之一。 (三)思想政治教育的主要形式和方法。思想政治教育要分层次,因材施教,着力引导官兵进行自我教育。着力增强思想政治教育在实施教育过程中,要根据不同的内容和实际情况,选择合适的、灵活多样的形式和方法,努力提高教育的效果。1.课堂教育 课堂教育是思想政治教育的基本形式,必须强调教学艺术,运用启发和引导,把理化为事物,形象生动部队政治教育教案下载,把科学原理灌输到情理之中,增强发挥政治课的感染力、号召力和说服力,努力提高课堂教育质量,充分发挥政治课的作用2. 群众自学发挥教育对象主体作用,落实官兵、兵教、兵教兵,调动学习的主动性和积极性和教育;充分发挥官兵在教育中的积极作用,倡导和组织共同关心的热点。 、疑难问题,开展充分民主讨论,人人发问,人人分清是非,人人讲道理,人人找答案,集思广益,提高思想认识。


3.军队、社会、家庭三合一教育,根据教育内容的需要,有选择地采取走访、社会调查、邀请当地同志作报告等形式,使官兵能够及时了解国家改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的伟大成就,亲身体验社会发展进步,了解学习先进模式和新事物,升华思想境界,激发创新精神;利用社会教育基地、各类纪念场所和各类展览,丰富军事教育资源;官兵家乡政府与家属建立联系,做好部队、家属、社会之间的互教互育工作。 4. 将思想教育融入军营文化生活。广泛开展丰富多彩的群众性文化娱乐活动,开展读书育人、知识竞赛、书评、影评等活动,使官兵获得科学文化知识的掌握,文化娱乐活动。活动陶冶情操,提高思想道德水平和鉴赏能力,抵制腐朽思想文化的侵蚀。 5. 发挥大众传媒的教育作用 报纸、广播、电视等大众传媒已成为官兵接受各种思想价值观影响的重要渠道。把党和政府主办的媒体作为思想政治教育的重要载体,鼓励和组织官兵经常收听、收看具有积极教育意义的广播电视节目,开展报纸宣传活动。阅读活动。禁止各类非法出版物和社交媒体传播不良信息。 6. 利用信息网络开展教育。信息网络技术的发展对官兵思想产生了极其深刻的影响,既有积极的影响,也有消极的影响。一方面,要提高思想政治教育的实效性和影响力,必须努力开发在线教育资源,加快军队局域网建设,发展在线教育,积极开发多媒体课件,充分发挥网络教育的作用。网络技术在教育中的积极作用。

另一方面,还要注意加强官兵对互联网和互联网的管理,引导官兵提高对网络事物的识别能力,尽量减少互联网对官兵网络的负面影响。官兵的思想。 7. 营造良好的教育环境。升国旗、奏唱国歌,张贴领导人题词、英雄画像,举行授旗仪式,建立健全军史馆、荣誉室等纪念场所和设施,激活共青团、军队委员会办好工作,组织重大节日纪念活动,及时提出鼓舞人心的宣传口号,办好墙报、黑板报,营造良好的教育环境,让官兵听得进耳听闻。 8. 做好心理教育指导工作,要研究掌握官兵心理特点和变化规律,把做好心理教育指导工作作为重要的辅助手段思想政治教育。做好心理科学知识普及工作,及时解决官兵各种心理问题,培养官兵健全人格和履行职责所必需的良好心理素质。 9. 重视法律约束和法律服务的教育作用。要认真抓好普法教育,开展形式多样的法律咨询活动。要健全和充分发挥法律骨干作用,为官兵提供各种行之有效的法律服务,增强依法办事意识和能力。基层思想政治教育要进一步拓宽路径,根据不同的内容和实际情况,选择适当、灵活、多样的形式和方法。我们要摒弃形式主义,提高教育效果。教育的组织实施要扎实,不能快节奏、形式化。一定要坚持内容和形式的统一,不要搞花哨的东西。

二、 政治课的组织实施政治课是基层思想政治教育的主要形式。组织和讲政治课是基层政治干部的必备能力。政治课的组织实施一般包括五个基本环节:备课、讲课、阅读指导、组织讨论、总结。 (一)备课是讲师在讲课前所做的准备,是上好政治课的前提和基础。教育能否达到预期的目的和要求,收到预期的效果是非常重要的程度要看准备的是否充分和现实。所以,要上好政治课,必须在准备工作上下功夫。1.明确目的和要求,了解材料的内容首先部队政治教育教案下载,您必须有一个深刻理解学科教育的目的和要求,明确讲课的重点和难点;其次,认真阅读教材,熟悉内容,理清其逻辑结构和内在联系,准确把握中心思想。三、根据讲课内容,认真学习毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛等人,讨论和领会相关单位精神。党中央、中央军委的指示和文件。还需要广泛查阅相关资料,扩大知识范围。这样才能保证教育内容的思想性和科学性。 2. 了解教育对象,把握思想形势 只有了解教育目标,了解单位情况,才能有针对性地开展教育。因此,要深入官兵内部,通过各种方法和渠道,了解和掌握官兵的思想和行为,把握与主题相关的思想和认识。问题,正确分析其性质、范围、程度、原因和发展趋势,使教育内容贴近官兵实际思维,增强针对性。


要了解真相,学习把握青年官兵世界观和人生观形成的基本规律,从思想认识、文化基础、接受度等方面入手,把握好青年官兵世界观和人生观形成的基本规律。讲课,使内容通俗易懂,循序渐进,通俗易懂。 3. 精心设计教案,精心编排讲课、设计教案,目的是强化教育的目的性和规划性,提高教学水平。教案设计要求内容完整、观点正确、组织清晰、简明扼要。内容一般包括:主题、教育目标和要求、教育时间、主要内容、方法步骤、参考书目、讨论或作业问题等。 教育内容是教案的核心部分,应慎重考虑、慎重设计的。写一篇讲课的关键是要注意中心,抓住问题,在理论与实践相结合的基础上,深入研究要讨论的问题,形成自己的深思熟虑。在思想形成过程中,要注意把官兵的生活经验、实践经验和集体智慧作为教育资源加以吸收和利用。还需要仔细选择示例和口头表达。备课力求做到四个熟:成熟的思想和观点、成熟的实事研究、成熟的表达、成熟的解释和练习。重要教育可以在一定范围内进行试点,广泛征求意见,反复修改完善。定稿后,必须制作多媒体课件。 (二)讲座讲座是整个教育过程中的关键环节。政治讲座的种类很多,主要有:系统讲座、提示讲解、问答题、阅读讲座。无论是哪种类型讲座要取得好成绩,必须认真学习,遵循课堂教学规律,使政治课生动有趣。

1.当讲课条理清楚、逻辑严谨时,首先要根据讲课的思路,对问题进行不同层次的讲解。注重突出重点,明确难点。既要防止主次全面,又要防止胡说八道。概念要清楚,判断要准确,论证和推理要符合逻辑规则。特别注意:一是层次分明。意见和材料的组织要正确反映内容整体与部分的层次关系,属的概念和种的概念,层层递进,防止种的概念混淆和倒置。 ,并且要防止过渡性中介概念和原则的丢失。二是要组织好。意见和材料的组织安排要正确反映内容中并列的概念和原则之间的范畴关系,防止出现“跨话题”重叠重复的现象。 2. 事理结合,以简单的方式闹事为例子。道理就是真理。所谓事理结合,就是根据客观事实来说明真相,通过阐明基本原理,揭示客观事物的内在本质和规律。实现事实与真理的有机融合。只有事理相结合,才能使抽象的真理具体化,把复杂的问题组织起来,才能使深刻的真理通俗化。一是要恰当地选择和使用例子,把道理讲得清楚透彻。在具体操作中要落实“七忌”:一忌脱离实际;两个禁忌是矛盾的;三忌不一致;四忌相互矛盾;五忌乱七八糟;六忌被滥用;同时,要善于运用鲜明的对比、恰当的比喻、精炼的概括,从普遍现象中推导出深刻哲理,将复杂零散的线索组织起来,力求将共同的问题和原则个性化。悟,抽象的道理通俗,深奥的道理通透,枯燥的道理生动。

其次,要结合大原则和小原则。第一,要坚信革命理论的巨大威力,直截了当地讲真话。二是讲大道理时,把小道理连起来,使情、理、先例融为一体,使大道理能听、能动、能听。三是从小原则走向大原则。要对具体问题进行理论分析,把个人利益问题放在集体利益和国家利益中去理解。当大理由与小理由发生矛盾时,必须用大理由管理小理由。 3、语言生动,形式生动。语言是讲师表达思想和传授知识的主要工具。我们必须按照准确、生动、简洁、简洁的基本要求,努力提高语言表达艺术。注意语法规则,注意通俗易懂,不要使用无法解释、晦涩难懂的词。说话清晰流利,以防止口齿不清或半途而废。注意语言的节奏,注意起落,适中的快慢,不要马虎。还可以适当使用一些谚语、成语、格言、诗句,使语言生动活泼。注重语音和形体的结合,善于运用表情和手势来增强语言效果。抓住机会,适时提问,适当使用黑板、图表、实物、模型、幻灯片等直观的教具和多媒体课件,调动受教对象的多种感官,使他们能够集中注意力、思考积极主动,加深印象,更好地理解和掌握教育内容。 4. 以诚恳的态度和充满感情的政治讲座,是教育者和被教育者之间的情感和思想的双向交流。有同情心才能讲道理,有情才能讲道理,有真情才能说真话。


教师要以平等的态度分析事物,以真诚饱满的热情解决问题,充分体现对教育对象的高度信任和尊重,实现精神上的交流。讲课要精神集中,精神饱满,情绪饱满,善于用爱恨情仇的激情来表达教育的内容,保持良好的心情,这样才能激起受过教育的人的心弦。并引起情感共鸣。 5. 注重政治课开始和结束的有效性。开始和结束非常重要。 The commonly used methods at the beginning include directly pointing a question, asking a question, or starting from a certain case of the unit, or quoting a story, breaking the question with an allusion, and so on. But no matter which method is used to start, it must be clear and attractive. There is no fixed format at the end, but it must be philosophical, passionate, and memorable. Sometimes it summarizes, sometimes points out the direction, sometimes asks enlightening questions to guide thinking, and sometimes uses celebrity quotes or poems as the closing words. But no matter what the format is, it must meet the requirements of the subject and be thought-provoking. (三) Instructing reading and reading is an important part of political class. In political class, we must pay great attention to guiding officers and soldiers to read relevant books as prescribed textbooks. Textbooks, textbooks, and textbooks. Now some units are involved in politics The class is only satisfied with inviting people for guidance, lectures, organizing discussions, and visits, and not paying enough attention to guidance and reading, which loses the basis of political lessons. There are three ways to read in the course of political lessons: one is preview. That is, in Before the lecture, guide the officers and soldiers to read the textbook roughly, understand the outline and findings of the learning content, and ask difficult questions, so as to lay the foundation for the lecture.

The second is intensive reading. That is, to help officers and soldiers connect the teaching content and the reality of society, their units and individuals, read textbooks in depth and meticulously, read and think while taking notes, and understand and memorize the knowledge and principles learned from the combination of theory and practice. The third is to read. That is to say, in order to clarify some difficult problems, officers and soldiers are required to read relevant reference books and newspaper materials extensively in conjunction with educational content. 1. Clarify the reading requirements, such as focusing on understanding and remembering which questions, which books or chapters to read, whether to organize notes, etc. Requests should take into account the soldiers’ education level, theoretical level, and self-learning ability. It is necessary to put forward general requirements for all educational objects, but also to put forward different requirements for different types of people. 2. It is reminded that the reading method should be targeted at the problems that officers and soldiers tend to make in reading, and the reading method should be specifically taught to them. For example, how to grasp the key points and tackle the difficult points, how to connect the content of the book with the content of the lecture and the objective reality, how to grasp the internal connection between the various parts of knowledge, how to make reading notes and eyebrows, etc. In addition to direct teaching of reading methods by educators, officers and soldiers should also be appropriately organized to exchange reading methods with each other. 3. Strengthen inspection and supervision. In the process of reading, educators should go to each group to inspect the reading situation, and check the effect of reading through questions in class, individual conversations after class, and random inspection of reading notes. If problems are found, they must be corrected in time. For serious study and good learning effect, it should be praised in time. (四)Organizing discussion discussion is to further understand and digest the lecture content, consolidate and expand the reading effect. To organize the discussion, we must pay attention to the following three aspects: 1. Clear the theme, make a good discussion question An important prerequisite for a good discussion.

If the subject is not clear, the discussion will inevitably lead to ramblings and ramblings, failing to achieve the purpose of education. After the topic is clear, if the discussion questions are too abstract to make it impossible to talk about, or too specific, the ideas will not open up, and the discussion will not be easy to become active. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the educational theme of each or every lesson, and grasp the issues that officers and soldiers are most interested in, most in need of clarification, and least easy to unify, that is, commonly referred to as "hot spots", "doubts", and "difficulties". Several specific topics are discussed for discussion. Regardless of the type of topic, it must be closely related to the ideological reality of the officers and soldiers, and be as targeted as possible, rich in connotation, and enlightening, and can arouse everyone's interest in discussion. It is necessary to issue an "anmin notice" in advance to tell everyone the content, topics, methods and steps of the discussion, and arrange a certain amount of time for individuals to read relevant books and materials to prepare for speaking. When necessary, everyone is also required to write an outline of the speech to ensure the effectiveness of the discussion. 2. Arrange key speeches After setting up the discussion questions, you can arrange backbones or designated persons to prepare so that they can take the lead in the discussion to prevent cold spots or digressions. Some difficult discussion questions can be explained and guided by educators by focusing on the backbone. If there are no key speakers, the class (platoon) leader who convenes or presides over the discussion should take the lead in speaking and guide the discussion. 3. Strengthening the on-site guidance class (platoon) leader should strengthen the organization and guidance of the discussion, and solve various problems in the discussion in a timely manner. When discussing a "cold field", you should promptly inspire positive thinking and lively debate; when there is a phenomenon of "off-topic" or "cutting the corner", you should conduct a comprehensive analysis to point out the correct aspects and shortcomings of their respective opinions, and guide everyone to a unified understanding; When discovering ideas with unique insights, they should be affirmed and encouraged in time to lead the discussion in depth.


4. Create a good atmosphere During the discussion, we must create a good atmosphere of democracy, equality, and enthusiasm, so that everyone can open their minds, speak freely, and achieve the purpose of inspiring each other and improving together. Do not rush to conclusions about the vague understandings that have been discussed, even if there are some wrong ideas, let people finish the words; do not discriminate against comrades with more vague understandings, do not sarcasm, do not catch the negative examples; do not have different opinions, do not Make simple conclusions, firmly believe that the truth becomes clearer the more you argue, insist on presenting the facts, be reasonable, be calm, and convince people with reason. (五) Doing a good summary The summary is to summarize and improve the education of the entire subject, which is conducive to the consolidation and deepening of the educational effect. Therefore, a certain time should be arranged for the subject summary based on the discussion. The first is the education situation. Summarize learning gains, answer difficult questions, and point out which points of view in the discussion are correct and which points are incorrect. The second is to evaluate teaching, summarize teaching experience, praise good people and good deeds in learning, and point out the existence The main problems of the school, and put forward corresponding improvement measures and requirements. The summary is generally presided over by the lecturer, but a mass summary can also be adopted to let everyone talk about learning gains and exchange learning experience, and then the lecturer will make a summary.三、Discussion: How to do the ideological work of different people. In the previous class, we set up a discussion topic. Today, we talked about how to organize the discussion of the politics class. Today, we use the time of one class to expand the "how to do Discussion on the ideological work of different people. On the one hand, it is to test the learning effect of everyone’s ideological work and see how everyone prepares for the discussion; on the other hand, through the organization of on-site discussions, everyone can truly feel what political class discussions are. .

It can be said that today’s class is not only a theoretical discussion class, but also a field teaching class. I hope you can combine what you have learned, what you think, see, and think, speak freely, and express your own opinions. Now, the discussion officially begins! (Speech) Just now, several students gave speeches on the ideological work of different objects. They all spoke very well, their views were also very incisive, and the problems pointed out were also very real. It showed everyone's learning achievements and theoretical level, and showed your understanding of the troops. His understanding and experience also contributed to the success of this discussion. For your hard work and cooperation, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. I hope that in the future study, you can continue to carry forward your achievements, make persistent efforts, and work together to make the course of "Political Work in the Army" a good one! 四、Preparing a political class earlier we talked about the organization and implementation of the political class. In the organization and implementation of the political class, the preparation of the class plays a key role. Preparing the political class is not only a need to do a good job in grassroots political work, but also The requirements for good political work in brigades and military divisions are the basic skills of a political cadre, as well as the indispensable qualities of military, logistics, equipment, and technical cadres. Two days ago, we should arrange for everyone to collect and organize the materials for a political class with the theme of preaching the Fourth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee. Today, we use the time of a class to let everyone gather these materials into a real political lecture. 五、 Let’s talk about a lesson in politics. After hard work, most of the students have completed the preparation of a political lesson. Today, we launched 4 students with good speeches and spent 20 minutes with everyone. Have a conversation.