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2019-04-27 04:11 网络整理 教案网

expected inflation_expected inflation_gpa inflation



1.when scalar field as outer field is inhomogeneous and is regarded as torsion potential of space-time s torsion, the exponential multiplying power-law inflation may occur in the very early stage of the universe.证明了在非均匀球对称的Tolman-Bondi时空中,应用Brans-Dicke理论,当作为外场的B-D标量场是非均匀的,且将其视为时空挠率的挠率势时,选取合适的拉氏作用量,则极早期宇宙将以指数幂律倍增的形式发生暴涨。

2.When matter spin interaction is considered,the energy content of the universe is spin dominated,effective inflation can occur and the universe is radiation and dust dominated at a sufficiently early epoch.Gasperini给出的自洽的引力场方程,当考虑自旋与自旋的相互作用时,发现自旋密度对极早期宇宙起支配作用,是引起暴涨的根本原因,而且极早期宇宙是以辐射和尘埃为主,同时,由该模型得到一个非零的最小“宇宙半径”和初始密度。

1.Prices jumped 60% last year.物价去年暴涨60%.

2.Prices jumped in OctoBer.10 月份物价暴涨

expected inflation_gpa inflation_expected inflation

3.A sudden pronounced rise, as in price or salary.猛涨,暴涨突然显著的上涨,如价格或薪水的猛涨

4.Last week the price of food jumped.上星期,食物价格暴涨。

5.Prices were running wild all over the country.全国物价普遍在暴涨。

6.Price have shoot up during the strike.罢工期间价格已暴涨。expected inflation

7.During the war time the grain prices went through the roof战争期间粮食暴涨。

8.Prices jumped overnight.股票一夜之间就暴涨了。

expected inflation_expected inflation_gpa inflation

9.These stocks may Boom(/shoot up)today这些股票今天可能暴涨

10.The tide swelled in over the sand潮水暴涨,淹没了沙滩

shot stick up。7. by encouraging government extravagance, destroy its credit, produce years of inflation with rising prices and general discontent. 七、通过鼓励政龘府铺张浪费毁坏其信用,造成物价上涨,通货膨胀和普遍的不满。2015年的快牛尾盘,探路者(300005)股价从年初17.05元涨至最高44.19元,随后股价便开始杀跌,一路跌至如今的11.67元,跌幅超70%,此前不管是追高买入,还是抄底买入的股民,均处于亏损状态,忍住没割肉的散户估计账户更是所剩无几。从表面上看,似乎股价与效益、业绩之间没有直接关系,但从长远的眼光来看,公司的经营效率、业绩提高,可以带动股价上涨,效率低下,业绩不振,股价也跟着下跌。