卷积滤波器 吴恩达《卷积神经网络》课程笔记(1)
10. the objectives of this research are contributed to develop method and technology for mangos surface defect detection and classification by computer vision.。[26] krizhevsky, a. parallelizing convolutional neural networks. in tutorial of ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr 2014). (columbus, ohio, usa, june 23-28, 2014). 2014.。《计算机视觉:一种现代方法 (第二版)》(computer vision: a modern approach )文字版[pdf]。
Image Classification图像分类,Object detection目标检测,Neural Style Transfer图片风格迁移
下图展示了一个Neural Style Transfer的例子:
2. Edge Detection Example边缘检测示例
off则反之,security(安全)、hv(horizontal(水平)andvertical(垂直)) expansion(屏幕拉伸)选择on。原本79点自动对焦系统仅有15个十字型对焦点,且集中在中央区域,两侧均为水平检测一字型对焦点,而图像传感器内置的焦平面相位检测af点均为垂直检测 两者叠加使得混合相位检测af系统拥有79个十字型对焦点,提供更可靠的对焦性能。滤波过程对于每个cu都一样,先对垂直边缘进行水平滤波,再对水平边缘进行垂直滤波,而且滤波的块一定是8*8,4*4的块不进行去方块滤波(为了降低复杂度,此处与avc不同)。you can specify the alignment for parallel groups. it can be one of the following constants defined in the grouplayout.alignment enum: leading, trailing, center, and baseline. these constants are used for both dimensions and depend on whether the component orientation is left-to-right or right-to-left (top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top). for example, if the horizontal (vertical) component orientation is left-to-right (top-to-bottom) leading means left (top) while trailing means right (bottom). center means "centered" in both dimensions. if you do not specify the alignment, leading will be used. the baseline alignment is valid only in the vertical dimension.。