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thatcher 雅思口语th发音规律简析

2018-02-01 16:03 网络整理 教案网

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在雅思口语考试中有一项评分标准是发音(pronunciation)。关于发音(pronunciation)问题,有的考生在没有进入考场之前还在考虑在考试的时候发英音(British accent)还是美音(American accent)能获得高分,老实说中国人大多数的发音都是“杂音”(英音和美音的杂交产物)。所以,我们只要做到清晰即可。而且在雅思口语考试那种精神高度紧张的状态下,什么美音(American accent)英音(British accent)的早就抛到脑后了,只要能说清楚即可,但是不可否认发音(pronunciation)的准确性是必不可少的。而对于我们中国考生来说th音是我们母语发音没有的,考生如果能把th音的单词发的正确,那么在口语考试的时候在发音打分这一项会助你一臂之力。thatcher


首当其冲的是th音,凡是遇到th我们都要咬舌头,比如the, think, this, mother, both, three, through, month, maths。绝大多数学生在遇到th时,都用s或z来替代,没有伸出舌尖。这样做的结果是自己说得很舒服,听的人很不舒服。说英语时th和s不分相当于说普通话时十和四不分,是相当严重的错误,有时甚至会引起误解。


1.四种词类 th 读清音,即国际音标的

数词:three, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand

形容词:thin, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough

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名词:thing, theatre, thumb, thunder, thermos, Thursday

动词:think, thank, throw, thrive, thicken

2.在以下 两种 词类 th 读 浊音,即国际音标

功能词:the, than, then, though, thus, therefore

代词:they, them, their, theirs, this, these, that, those, there


多数是清音:bath, breath, both, cloth, tooth, health, wealth

少数单词读浊音:with, smooth

thatcher 彩虹6号_thatcher_thatcher彩虹六号


多数是浊音:other, mother, brother, another, father, weather

也有读清音:method, nothing, anything, healthy, wealthy


Nurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday she had to deliver 33 boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes on the three bulletin boards withthumbtacks throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to insure their worthiness; otherwise they needed to be thrown away.

任何事情都有一个例外的可能(TH Exceptions),th发音同样也如此,the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T.大家一定要万分的注意下面这些th的发音为/t/. (Thomas,Thompson,Theresa,Thailand,Thames,Esther,Thyme)

在文章结束之前,我相信大家对雅思口语考试加分音th音已经掌握的很棒了,既然这样我先给大家点个赞thumb up! 太傻教育助力雅思高分!
