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中国政治体制改革论 实现和维护社会公平正义的理性思考

2018-01-27 19:06 网络整理 教案网


本文关键词: 社会公平正义 和谐社会 思考出处:《理论观察》2012年05期论文类型:期刊论文


[Abstract]:The maintenance and realization of social fairness and justice has become a major proposition related to the trend of economic and social development in our country, and has received extensive attention from the whole society. This paper starts with the correct understanding of the scientific connotation of social fairness and justice. This paper expounds the great significance of maintaining and realizing social fairness and justice, and from the aspects of promoting development, strengthening the material foundation of social fairness and justice, promoting the construction of democracy and rule of law, and establishing the concept of justice. The author puts forward some countermeasures to maintain and realize the social justice in the social environment of fairness and justice.

【作者单位】: 中共齐齐哈尔市委党校;


【正文快照】: 自古以来,公平正义一直是人类永恒的追求,是社会文明进步的重要标志。罗尔斯曾在《正义论》中指出:“正义是社会制度的首要价值,正像真理是思想体系中的首要价值一样。中国政治体制改革论”无论对于一个民族还是对于公民个人,公平正义的理念与实践都具有重要的意义。正如温宝家总理曾指出:“公


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