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全国中小学英语课堂大赛课件教案说课计划教学设计课后教学反思范文模板 (5)

2020-01-29 09:02 网络整理 教案网


A Football Match --六年级阅读课课堂设计执 教:朱一 单 位:安徽省安庆市宜秀区白泽湖中心学校授课教材:PEP Primary English 六年级下册 单元 课题:Unit 2, Part B, Let’s read 本课 主 题:A Football Match 教学内容: :P PEP 英语六年级下册 Unit 2, Part B, Let's read 阅读教学设计 宜秀区白泽湖中心学校 朱一 学情分析 本课课堂的对象为六年级学生,他们已具有初步的英文短文阅读感受,但还没有形成明确的阅读策略意识。为让学生日渐适应较长语篇的阅读,我探索着在阅读教学中拓展训练学生的快速阅读策略。 教材内容探讨 1、本单元为六年级下册第二单元,主题是学习用形容词表达人物的状况跟觉得;本节课是 B 部分的阅读课,前面新授部分尚未学过怎么用 excited, sad, happy, angry 等形容词结合 He/She feels...句型描述对方的觉得; 2、本课内容的重点是用 excited, sad, happy, angry 等形容词描述详细事件中人物的情绪;难点是识别和理解下列名词的屈折方式:laughing/has/passes/ flies/kicks/bounces/won 等。


教 学 目 标 1、学生可在老师示范引导下利用有效策略速读本文,了解主要内容; 2、学生可灵活采用文中重点词汇,并使用多感官理解难点词汇; 3、了解读书和运动的重要意义,并借助比赛培养永不放弃的魄力品质。 课时安排 本课课堂时间为 30 分钟教案教学反思范文大全,课前让学员预习并查阅生词。 教学方法 整体语言教学法、多感官参与教学法、全身动作反应法、任务型教学方法 辅助方式 段 多媒体课件、实物道具、生词图片 板书设计 计LESSON PROCEDURES Before Reading (6 min) Steps Teacher does Students do Purpose Warm- - up (3 min) 1. Self-introduction and greeting. 2. Teach three verbs about football: pass, bounce, kick. 1. Greet the teacher with respect. 2. Do actions and learn to say new verbs. Break ice and prepare the kids key verbs in the passage. Goal- - setting (1 min) 1. Present a quote about reading. 2. Set a goal for the kids-a reading match. 1. Learn about the goal. 2. Hooray for their team. Inspire the kids to get ready to read. Vis ual input ( ( 2 min) ) Tell the kids to watch a cool video and answer what it is about. Watch a video and tell what it is about. Input the whole passage through multimedia. During Reading (15 5 min) Scanning ( (6 6 min) 1. Ask the kids to read quickly for the basic information of the match. 2. Model telling the story briefly first and then ask the kids to do the same. 3. Ask the kids to read and answer the three questions below the passage. 1. Read quickly for specific information of the match. 2. Tell the story briefly. 3. Read quickly again and answer questions.Coach the kids in scanning and sketching a passage.S S TEPS TEACHER DOES STUDENTS DO PURPOSE Sequencing ( (6 6 min) 1. Ask them to read and rearrange the sentences. 2. Act and get the kids to say the body part of the passage. 1. Read quickly and number, then check in pairs. 2. Act and read aloud after the teacher. Help the kids comprehend the body part of the passage and act it out. Choosing a title ( (3 3 min) 1. Ask the kids to read again quickly and choose a title for the passage. 2. Play the record of the whole story. 1. Read quickly and think of a title. 2. Read aloud after the record. Stimulate the kids to think of the gist of the passage. After Reading( (9 9 min) Commenting the match ( (6 6 min) 1. Model commenting the body part of the video match with a student. 2. Encourage them to prepare to do the same in pairs. 1. Watch the video and listen to the teacher modeling. 2. Prepare to comment the match with a partner. 3. Show it. Train the kids to read the body part of the passage fluently in a creative way. Extension ( (3 3 min) 1. Hooray for the winner team of the reading match and encourage the loser team never to give up. 2. Talk about the benefits of reading and sports, then extend to London Olympics and Diaoyu Islands. 1. Shout“Hooray!” and “Never give up!” to get encouraged. 2. Learn about the importance of reading and sports and sound out to protect Diaoyu Islands. Encourage the kids to develop a positive attitude to reading, sports and our country. Homew ork 1. Retell the story. 2. Write about an interesting match. Help transit to the next lesson of reading and writing.附:学案 本课阅读指导 本课学习目标:带着问题迅速默读。


技巧 点拨 :读之前先看问题,记住关键词,再快速默读找答案,不必一字一句地读。 本课主要方法: : 第一步 扫读全文教案教学反思范文大全,填写 比赛 信息表。 。限 (限 3 分钟) When? It’s________________________________. What? There’s a _________match between Class __ and Class__. Who? John, ______, and ______________ are playing the game. Winner? At last, Class __ won the game. 第二步 扫读 第二、三段 , 排序限 ,然后同桌对照。(限 3 分钟) ( ) Zhang Peng kicks the ball. ( 2 ) Mike kicks the ball and it’s a goal. ( 1 ) John has the ball. He passes it to Mike. ( ) Another goal! John is so happy! ( ) The ball bounces off John’s head. ( ) The ball flies into John’s face! John is a little angry. 第三步 概括 全文,为本文选 标题 , 然后 同桌分享。 。限 (限 1 分钟) a. Class 1 and Class 3b. A Football Match(Game) c. A Funny Goald. 自己想个更好的 第四步 两人合作,看着录像解说赛事。 。限 (限 30 秒,准备两分钟)