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scientific and technological project

jan.20**- may.20**

straw methane fermentation technology research

for straw the key influence factors in the process of fermentation to produce biogas were studied

impacted on the different conditions of biogas production rate are measured, recorded and analyze the data

according to the data, summarized the optimum pretreatment conditions and fermentation conditions

cassava ethanol production technology

may.20**- jul.20**

college students' summer program

participated in job shell college students summer research program, sponsored by the national total of 35 teams

went to guangxi for on-the-spot investigation, the research of preparing cassava fuel ethanol technology


studyed to obtain better persuasive data, and the relevant papers to write

qiaobu international energy equipment co., ltd

nov.20**- feb.20**

designing manager

in view of the agriculture and forestry waste and the thermo-chemical conversion of urban solid waste system research and development

assisted the design of 200 kg/hour of biomass processing system, including control system, the circulating water system and so on

other experience

** cold machine co., ltd

nov.20**- feb.20**

equipment tester

magic club of jobs university

sep.20**- jun.20**

director (magic guidance)


analysis and research of force and motion of screw-type extrusion molding biomass (ei embody)

biomass conversion of different forms of combustion technology present situation and prospect (ei embody)


outstanding students second-class scholarship (20**)

outstanding graduate (20**)




英文记应届毕业生外扑沁在驱程中就会遭遇的难题。下面是由梦幻网络小编分享的应届毕业生涪文级文模板对外汉语教案模板范文,希望对你有用。 应届毕业生涪文级文模板(一) ERIENCE: 1990-Present REGENCY...(查看全文)

姓 名: 性 迸 茫 汉族 酬月: 1989年1月16日 身 高: 158cm 体 重: 44kg 户 籍: 广东广州 现所在地: 广东广州 毕业院校: 北京理工撮海学院 学 历: 本科 专业名称: 对外汉语 毕业年份: XX...(查看全文)

也许有人看了这糕就有人会想,能够电子工程师不错啊对外汉语教案模板范文,是一福高能力人才所担任得瓢业。以下就分享了一杂工程师牵板,供感意乡子工程师的员工参考一下。 姓 名: 年 龄: 24岁...(查看全文)

姓 名:梦幻网络国籍:中国 目前所在地:黄埔区煤汉族 户口所在地:梅州身材:158 cm 44 kg 婚掖婚年龄:23 岁 釜系方式 通讯地址: 联系电话:家庭电话: 手 机:qq号码: 电子邮件:负 牵?a href="//jianli.7139.com/1388/18/76362.html">查看全文)

安全郑板 目前所在: 天河区 年 龄: 28 户口所在: 广州 国 籍: 中国 婚椅椿 茫 汉族 诚信徽章: 未申请 身 高: 170 cm 人才测评: 未测评 体 重: 我的特长: 氢喜爬嘈停 普...(查看全文)