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2020-01-04 17:02 网络整理 教案网


初中语文教案万能模板Good afternoon, dear teachers, (鞠躬)I am number juniormiddle school English teacher。Today ,my topic X。Inorder makemy presentation much clearer, describemy thoughts aspects。初中语文教案万能模板Part 1,analysis teachingmaterial fromSection mainlytalks about closelyrelated ourdaily life, so students’learning interests。 We know mostimportantaim newcurriculum developstudents’comprehensive language competence,in order setup followingteaching objectives。 1。the knowledge objective: lesson,Ss can learn importantwords canlearn sentencepatterns 2。


theAbility objective: Students can improve listening,speaking abilities adopteffective learning strategies。 3。the emotional objective: arouse students’ interest Englishlearning, helpthem form good learning habits。 Also,they can learn how others。According theaboveanalysis,the key points difficultpoints keypoints newwords sentencepatterns。While difficultpoints newwords dailylife, Part 2,analysis juniormiddle school have learned English severalyears。 haveknown simplesentences。 curious,active, comprehensiveability need improving, so paymore attention thosewho have difficulties Englishstudy。


Part teachingmethods mainlyuse task-based instruction,communicative teaching method,and audio-visual method, methodscan improve studentsenthusiasm, Also studentslearn studentslearn more efficiently taperecorder,PPT somepictures before class。 learningmethods,students haveindividual work, pair work groupdiscussion,which canmake them class。OK, so much teachingmethod learningmethod,next comes my most important part, teachingprocedures,There myteaching procedures。 beforeteaching, wholeclass finishdifferent tasks。


Step firstlyshow some pictures about screen,they'll discuss pairsfreely, arousingstudents’ imagination getthem excited。 Step 2,presentation Firstly newwords showingsome pictures /setting situation/doingsome actions/playing guessinggame,for example, presenttheword“。。。”,I 。。。,otherwords sameway。(板 wordsafter newwords, gamecalledflashing cards, takeout some different cards newwords quicklyflash one eachtime ,let studentstell me which word helpthem remember newwords。 Secondly, hospital,lead givethem writedown listeningexercises textbook。


Step practiceHere activitiesActivity 1,ask makeup invitesome pairs actout classroom。Activity roleplay, groups,one student 。。。(interviewees),using dialoguewe have learned today ssconsolidate asksome students summarizewhat we have learned today, givesome supplement necessary。Step HomeworkAsk makeup hispartners using sentencepatterns wehave learned today practicethem。 myteaching procedures。 last,I’ll say something about my blackboard design。 myblackboard design understand。Dear teachers, my teaching concept givestudents much more opportunities letthem focus languageskills。 allmy presentation,thank you。(鞠躬,擦板书)