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2019-06-29 15:12 网络整理 教案网


haze weather leads traffic jams and it is bad for our health. more and more seriously air pollution makes haze weather happened frequently. while it happens, first we should close windows all day。ming-zhong liu's emerging international china, how much is a state of some "alternative". "liu is very value the role of market mechanism and." insiders to emerging international china, said the china economic weekly "reporter.。1913-1914: international women's day also became a mechanism for protesting world war i. as part of the peace movement, russian women observed their first international women&rsquo。


Low-preasure and high-moisture make human body have no way to perspire ,and then cause cardiovascular disease . In general, the haze contains millions of particles, include heavy metals and some other hazardous.Once this comes into our body,human maysuffer conditions ranging from rhinitis to lung diseases. Haze may also cause a serious of transport problems.


But how to solve this problem? The president Xi said the primary task is controling the PM2.5 ina recent inspection.Decreasing the source of contamination and controling the airpollutant s effectivly is the key to solve this problem.




低气压和 高湿度致使人类无法正常排汗,造成心血管疾病,一般来说,雾霾中含有大量颗粒物,包括重金属和其他有害物质,一旦进入人体,轻则造成鼻炎重则引起肺部疾病;雾霾还造成了一系列的交通问题.外出带美国进口普卫欣天猫有效防雾霾
