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2019-06-01 16:11 网络整理 教案网


2、听对话、回答问题 1、听短文、选答。①句子对话:生意英语、求职英语、社交英语、旅游英语、英语900句、新英语900句、练口语3000句、各种时态例句、谚语1500句、走遍美国等。今天关于午睡和下午茶的幼儿园英语场景的句子不多,总共10句,但句句经典而且使用率极高,是每天都会有的经典生活情景,在幼儿园英语阶段,每天都有幼儿英语老师会用到这些句子,日复一日地用到这些句子,熟能生巧,就会内化到日常生活中去了。


(共ee now? 中毕业班质选择题, 共力部分(第一节共 5 小题, 每e 732 k out e to school.yesterday. yesterday.arty yesterd小题, 每小题ase hold on.t's all right. gratulationsnderful, I thinke a T-shirt.共 8 小题, 每小质量检测(75 分) 节) 每小题 1 分,day. 题 1 分, 计 5 s! nk. . 小题 1 分, 计(一)英语试计 5 分) C. sell C. D6C. take ou C. I d5 分) C. CC. Not at aC. You areC. I don’t t C. Yo计 8 分) 试卷 6733 ut rive to schoCan I takall. e welcome. think so. ou are very kol. e a kind.12.13. A. A~~~14. A. T15. A. H~~~16. A. F17. A. Hteac A What is Bill A What is the Art. ~~~~~~~~~~What does Tiring. What wouldHave a swim~~~~~~~~~~What was LFood festivalWhat did BiHe did somecher. going to do boy’s favori ~~~~~~~~~~Mike think o d Mike like tom. ~~~~~~~~~~Lily preparingl. ll do in the le cleaning. this afterno ite subject? B. Mus~~~~~~~~~~of mountain B. o do in the p B. Fly a~~~~~~~~~~g for yesterd B. Fashibrary? B. He readB oon? B sic. ~~~~~~~~~climbing? Relaxing. park? a kite. ~~~~~~~~~day morninghion show. d some ma ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~g? agazines. C C C C. His~~~~~~~~~~ C. DaC. Listen t~~~~~~~~~~C. Basketb. He talkedC C story. ~~~~ angerous. to music. ~~~~ ball game. d with the h head 18. What time did Bill get to the playground? A. 11:15B. 11:30C. 11:45 IV.听短文和问题, 选择正确答案。


优惠政策:5折优惠(凭当年高三、初三、小学六年级学生证或高考、中考、小学升初中的本人2016年有效准考证)。关键初二 初二的学习任务是整个初中三年最重的.需要注意的问题有二:一是,初一的基础如果打得很好,并且在初一升初二的暑假对初二知识有一个大概的了解,那么学好初二内容决不困难.二是,在初二的学习中,我们要注意对相关类型题目的总结,尤其是那些自己易错的题目或不会的题目,一定要进行归类,进行有针对性地学习.冲刺初三 初三的知识点不多,但却都是中考的重点和难点.而且初三的学习以复习为主,复习要求全面、有针对性.尤其是到了初三下半年,最好能够将近几年的中考真题做一下,了解一下哪些地方会出难题,要下功夫掌握。刚刚过去的6月,高三学子备战高考,初三学子备战中考,因为这两大“国考”的缘故,每年六月的校园里和社会上总免不了要经历一段相关的紧张和焦灼。


66. Josephine Cochrane found it took too long to wash her dishes ________________. 67. _________________________________________________________________________________ 68. _________________________________________________________________________________ 69. What is the hardest part of inventing? __________________________________________________________________________________ 70. __________________________________________________________________________________ X.词语运用(每空 I 分, 共计 10 分) (2013 咸宁中考) 根据短文内容及所给提示, 补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空。


2.常 省 略上 下文 之 间 的 连词现 代 汉 语 中 的连 词用以 连接两个以 上 的词、短语 或 分 句,一般不能 省 略,但 新 闻 标 题 却 常 省 略 连词。在本次考试中,两个班的学生在基础题方面,如看拼音写词语,选字组词,作家作品、扩句、改病句、改反问句等基础知识方面做得比较好。(一)、放在句子开头,表前后句的承接或因果关系,与现在的承接连词或因果连词相同。

要求符合语法, 语句通顺, 大小写 正确。(单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出) 81. you, do, singing, like ______________________________________________________________________________________? 82. what, favorite, your, is, song ______________________________________________________________________________________? 83. singing songs, you, make, will, relaxed ______________________________________________________________________________________. 84. my, sing, can, friend, very, fast songs, well ______________________________________________________________________________________. 85. voice, beautiful, how, his,is _______________________________________________________________________________86,请要求参考 ________________________________! 请结合下面两求: 1.简要描述2.文中不得3.80 个词左考词汇:beatThere is ____________________________________________________________________________两幅图片所示述两幅图片, 并出现考生真左右, 已给出t, kick, laughsomething_________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 示内容, 以“H并针对这些校实的姓名和学的部分不计人h at, respectHow to g unpleasa____________________________________How to behav校园欺凌现象学校名称;人总词数。

请你以“my approach to difficulties in learning” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈自己的一些做法。假设某中学生英文报开展关于计算机与学生生活的征文活动,请你根据下表所提示的要点,以computer in my life为题,用英语为该报写一篇短文,简述计算机在你生活中的用途,并就计算机对你生活的影响谈谈你的感受。2.在读了题之后,要把这些问题记在心里,并带着这些问题去阅读短文,关于这一点考生是要经过反复的训练才能形成能力的,因为短文后的这些问题本身所表达的信息并不象短文那样有情节,也不象短文那样连贯,所以有不少同学在开始试用这种方法时,往往先读了题之后(尤其是当问题较多时)再读短文时,又忘记是什么问题了。

71. needs 72. with 73. help 74. him 75. feel 76. because 77. different 78. members 79. best 80. found 81. Do you like singing? 82. What is your favorite song? 83. Sing songs will make you relaxed. 84. My friend can sing fast songs very well. 85. How beautiful his voice is! 86. How to Behave at School? There is something unpleasant happening at school. In Picture One, two girls are beating their classmate. In Picture Two, a group of students are laughing at a poor boy because he failedin the exam. How rude they are! We should say no to such things. As a student, I think we should respect each other and be friendly to others. If we have different ideas, we’d better discuss instead of fighting. Besides, we should help our classmates when they are in trouble. Let’s play a role in building a harmonious school