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2019-04-11 22:09 网络整理 教案网

4. 由句意和首字母提示可知这里应填“原因”reason,故答案填reason。

2、莫甘娜拥有被动技能灵魂吸取以及主动技能暗之禁锢、痛苦腐蚀、黑暗之盾、灵魂镣铐,能够对敌方英雄进行线上最大程度的消耗以及控制,非常棒的主动开团技能以及团控和团战能力,在后期团战中可以起到决定性的作用。提示一下,每当弹出升级技能和天赋的界面时,你当即点下的技能和技能强化以及天赋点,都是可以用右键点击取消重选的(仅限当次,之前是不可以重选的)技能有分3个阶段每个阶段有3个技能,技能界面的3列技能分别对应角色的2中攻击模式,和防御模式。漂亮的英文圆体26字母(全)_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载|举报文档 漂亮的英文圆体26字母(全)_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。”从准备上,许利民对于今天的这次竞聘非常重视的,进行了充分的准备,但他对于结果却看得非常淡。




Passage 2

Popcorn(爆玉米花) was first discovered thousands of years ago by thepeople living in what is now Peru (秘鲁). It is believed that thefirst use of corn was popping. The English settlers

w 1 came to America in the 16th and 17th centuries, learned aboutpopcorn from the Native Americans. Native Americans brought a bagof popped com to the first Thanksgiving. A common way to eatpopcorn at that time was to hold an o 2 ear (穗) on a stick over thefire, then chew the popped corn off it. Natives throughout Americaalso made popcorn soup and popcorn beer.

Popcorn was very popular in the United States from the late 19thcentury through the middle of the 20th century. It was a 3 inparks, from street vendors (摊贩), and near the theaters. Streetsellers used to follow crowds around, pushing steam-powered popcornmachines (蒸汽爆米机) through parks and expositions (博览会) .