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2021-09-02 20:04 网络整理 教案网






二、教学工作。在教学工作中,根据学校的工作目标和教材,了解学生的实际情况。在深入研究教材,研究具体教学方法后,制定了切实可行的学期工作计划,为整个学期的汉语教学工作确立了目标和方向。 ,确保整个教学工作的顺利开展。在教学过程中,学生是主体,让学生学习知识是教师的职责。因此,在教学前,要贯彻《九年义务教育语文教学大纲》的精神,认真细致地学习教材,研究学生掌握知识的方法。经过对教学大纲和教材的深入研究,不断探索和尝试各种教学方法,关于如何培养小学生创新能力的教学实验课题。积极开展教学改革。积极参加市教研室和学校组织的教研活动。通过参观学习、外出听课等教学活动,学习相关教学经验,提高自身教学水平。通过利用网络资源和各种相关专业书籍杂志了解现代教育趋势,拓展教学视野和思维。艺术需要个性。没有个性,就没有艺术。在教学中,尊重孩子不同的爱好、不同的生活感受和不同的表达方式、方法等,使他们形成不同的自我风格,不拘泥于千篇一律。艺术的魅力在于审美个性的独特性。越个性化的艺术,越美。越是独特美丽的人,就越有审美能力和创造力。因此,在小学语文教育中,自觉地以学生为主体,教师为主导。经过各种游戏、比赛等教学方式,







从这学期开始,我从各方面严格要求自己,向老老师求教。结合学校的实际情况和学生的实际情况,我勤奋、认真、有计划、有组织、有步骤地开展教学工作。 取得了非常好的效果。立足当前,放眼未来,为在今后的工作中取得更大的进步,本学期教学工作总结如下:

一、进进 参加政治学习,努力提高自己的政治素养。


二、 认真做好教育教学工作,不断提高自己的专业知识和技能,提高教育教学效果。

1、备课,不仅要备学生,还要备教材。根据教材和学生的实际情况,设计课堂类型、采用的教学方法、教学过程的程序和时间安排。细心安排,认真写教案。每节课都是“有备而来”,每节课课前都做好充分准备,制作各种有趣的教具,吸引学生的注意力,课后及时总结和书写课后,让学生收藏梳理每节课的知识要点,归纳成套;在作业的批改中,我布置的作业是有针对性的、循序渐进的。我努力让每一次运动都达到最好的效果。及时批改学生作业,记录学生作业场景,并对作业过程中遇到的问题进行分类点评,取得了良好的效果。 在辅导学生方面,我为不同层次的学生提供相应的辅导,满足不同层次学生的需求。

2、注重课堂提问的艺术,让学生在课堂上积极思考。提问是一门艺术。上课的时候,老师会不断地提问。如果老师提出的问题太大、太笼统、太难,就很难激发学生的思维火花。 In order to solve this problem well, before each class, I have made serious preparations for the questions to be raised during class. Because the problem is designed reasonably, it is easier for students to understand. In order to mobilize students' initiative to participate in class, I often adopt the method of group competitions to let students discover and solve problems by themselves. I find that students are quite welcome to this approach. If students are more aggressive in class participation, the effect of class will naturally be better.

3、Use multimedia teaching to improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. In recent years, multimedia teaching has quietly emerged in teaching. Multimedia teaching is highly perceptible and interesting because it integrates text, sound, image, and animation, so it has been warmly welcomed by the students. In order to achieve a better multimedia teaching effect, I use my spare time to study hard, self-made courseware, and at the same time develop and utilize modern distance education resources and online education resources a lot.

4、Enhance class skills and improve teaching quality. To make the explanation clear, the clues clear, and explain the profound things in a simple way. In the class, I pay special attention to mobilizing students’ enterprising nature, strengthening teacher-student communication, and fully embodying the main role of students, making it easy for students to learn, easy to learn, and enjoyable to learn; pay attention to detailed lectures Refined, teachers should speak as little as possible in the classroom, and students should use their mouths and brains as much as possible; at the same time, in each class, we fully study the learning needs and learning skills of students at each level, so that students at all levels can get different levels improve.


5、 pays attention to the transformation of underachievers, so as to coordinate the development of teaching.对后进生的辅导不限于知识型辅导。更重要的是,它是学习和思考的指导。要提高后进生的成绩,首先要解决他们的问题,让他们认识到学习的重要性和必要性。 , So that they are interested in learning. Through various ways to stimulate their thirst for knowledge and self-motivated, let them realize that learning is not a boring task, nor is it a painful thing.好有趣。 So as to consciously put the body and mind into learning.让学习成为他们自我意识的一部分。 On this basis, teach them how to learn and improve their skills. And do a good job of checking for leaks and filling vacancies carefully and meticulously. In this way, they will learn easily, improve quickly, and increase their interest and curiosity. This semester, a considerable number of students with learning difficulties have improved significantly.

In short, in my work, I know the responsibilities of a people’s teacher, and I also feel the honor of a people’s teacher. The achievements belong to the past, and the future belongs to myself. Only if I have the courage to forge ahead and keep innovating can I achieve greater score.

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