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2021-08-30 03:57 网络整理 教案网







二、 不够用


2、部分学生的学习积极性没有得到调动,学习氛围不够好,特别是贫困学生对学习失去信心,缺乏学习的主动性。 3、 与学生的交流还不够。没有有效的方法来说服和教育贫困学生。教育效果不理想,严重拖累全班。






(一)在上学期期末考试中掌握了基础知识和基本技能,可见本班个别学生基础知识不够扎实,本学期对这方面进行了密切关注。对于例如课文生词 要求背诵的单词和内容必须全班通过。对于学习重点,如“句型变换”“错句修正”“理解“句子的意思”,我采用了更多容易失分的知识。各种形式的练习,总结方法,练习巩固等,力求让广大学生在课堂上通过。另外,对于马虎的学生作业本,我要求全班同学在作业中用钢笔写字,课后让他们练习。技能和语言能力得到了提高。








(四)Expanding Knowledge horizo​​ns 汉语教学一定要注重积累和应用。学生只有积累了知识才能运用。为了扩大学生的知识视野,我开展了一系列汉语活动:




4、 开展各种语言活动。如辩论、演讲、抄报等。在活动中,学生们增长了知识,锻炼了大脑、嘴巴和手部。


1、学生的作业,个人写作质量太差,作业本没有很好的保护,有的同学对汉字的笔顺和笔画没有掌握好,错别字比较多,他们没有养成认真写作的好习惯。 .












总之,在本学期的教学工作中,我力求严于律己,以身作则,语言健康端正,文明礼貌,以身作则,以身作则。例子。但是,教育教学工作是一项不断更新、永无止境的工作。社会在发展,时代在进步,学生的特点和问题也在不断变化。作为一个负责任的教育工作者,今后我要以高度的敏感性和自觉性,及时发现、研究和解决学生教育管理工作中的新情况、新问题,把握其特点,发现其规律,做好我的责任。 Do a good job well in order to fulfill the sacred historical mission on your shoulders, and work hard to improve the students' language performance in an all-round way.

Pan essay 5 of teacher teaching task summary

时间过得真快。 In a blink of an eye, the teaching work of a semester is coming to an end. In order to do a better job in the future, summarize experience and learn lessons, I will summarize the work of this semester as follows:

With the help and guidance of leaders and colleagues, and with their own efforts, they constantly overcome their weaknesses and put themselves in a correct position. In teaching, in other work, there are obvious improvements. Especially in this semester, I was in charge of the sixth grade Chinese class, successfully completed the teaching task, and created a model in the history of Chinese teaching with eclectic teaching and examination methods. I set a goal for myself at the beginning of school, and I have to try my best to teach this course well. After a semester of hard work, I finally achieved the set goal. Although in the teaching process, due to lack of experience and my own irritability, there have been some problems, but in general, both the teaching plan and the teaching effect are successful. In the past few months, the hard work and painstaking work has been unanimously recognized by teachers and students. My teaching achievements are well-known and everyone can see. If you must tell the advantages by yourself, I can cite the following points:


Since this semester, I have been in the advanced Chinese class, and I feel that I have insufficient teaching experience. In order to get into the state as soon as possible, I spent a lot of time listening to more than 20 lessons from 12 teachers in this school, drawing on the strengths of others to use. Because of my hard work, I have accumulated a wealth of experience in the application. Even so, I deeply feel that the level is not enough and the experience is insufficient. From the beginning of school, I began to collect materials from various sources and prepared a large amount of review materials for students. I have subscribed to several newspapers and periodicals and often go to the reading room to read newspapers and periodicals to increase my knowledge, broaden my horizons and broaden my knowledge. Never let go of the problems that arise in the teaching process, especially in the academic field, be meticulous, keep improving, and treat the unfamiliar parts of the course, and humbly ask others for advice.

二、 Serious work attitude, extremely responsible for students

I have spared no effort in making up lessons for less advanced students. Strive to make students learn more solidly and firmly. In the teaching process, I can observe the students' learning situation keenly, and quickly find out the problem-solving aspects. At the same time pay attention to the overall development of the overall quality of students, and strictly require students in normal times and exams, and sometimes reach a harsh level. Students have troubles at the beginning. However, I do not relax the requirements for them because of this. Putting up the scores of the underachievers, painstakingly lonely, racking my brains, and trying everything possible. And paid a lot of energy for this.