3、 认真配合团队部,配合班主任进行学校歌唱比赛的训练。
首先,我从我自己的点点滴滴做起。一方面,上课要注重歌唱、钢琴、语言、教学态度、着装等方面的美,让学生从老师那里体验美,让学生爱老师小学 音乐 教案 范文,然后喜欢带音乐课。另一方面,学生通过听音乐、表达音乐、音乐创作等审美活动,充分体验音乐所蕴含的美和丰富的情感,被理想境界所吸引、陶醉并产生情感。用音乐表达真善美。共鸣使音乐艺术净化心灵、陶冶情操、启迪智慧,使学生养成健康、高尚的审美情趣和积极乐观的生活态度。
自主、合作、探究式学习主要是通过提供开放的音乐场景来激发学生的好奇心和探究欲望。小组合作学习的形式是开展自主、合作、探索性学习的有效途径。通过小组学习,学生可以挖掘自己的潜力。如:组织能力、交际能力、合作意识、团结意识等。 我在课堂上组织学生进行小组合作学习时,注意引导学生积极参与各种音乐活动,增加学生的兴趣,增强学生的学习能力' 对音乐表演的自信,培养良好的合作与团结意识。
当学生刚开始学习基本音阶时,老师要在黑板上写下七个音符,用汉语拼音点名,然后再一个一个地教学生认识每个音符。老师用钢琴为学生伴奏,学生们一起唱歌。 经过一段时间的训练,虽然我已经基本可以识字和唱歌了,但是我的语调,尤其是半音,仍然没有很好地掌握。这种方法不能引起孩子的兴趣。这时,根据孩子的特点,“听”可以作为激发兴趣的主要目的。方法是:将学生分成两组进行游戏。一组学生拍手喊“4”,另一组学生拍脚唱法;拍拍手喊6;另一组唱啦;拍手喊7;另一组唱... 重复这样的重复之后,不仅有音程的变化和组合,还有问答游戏,既训练学生的语调感,又培养注意力,逐渐激发孩子的学习兴趣。新生特点活跃。如果学生在课堂上坐着不动,他们将无法静坐。因此,当学生基本能唱一首歌时,一定要选择合适的动作。比如:在教《小袋鼠》这首歌的时候:“小袋鼠,摘水果,把水果装在一个大袋子里,……”我选择简单合适的动作,教学生唱歌跳舞。 ,结合“身体节奏”,2/4时间播放音乐进行训练。这时可以要求学生在音乐声中摘水果。采摘水果是强击,将采摘的水果放入篮子是击球失败。当我教完这首歌的动作时,学生们完全掌握了歌词和强弱规律,同时也理解了歌曲的内容。
我国小学音乐课本中的歌曲,大部分都是历经时间考验,唱得不厌其烦的优秀作品。在我的教学中,让学生充分理解歌曲的内容,体验歌曲所表达的思想感情,达到美育的目的。比如我教学生唱《向国旗敬礼》时,首先要求听《国歌》,并展示一张挥舞国旗的图片,供导入。然后结合课本中的插图或校园升旗仪式,引导学生认识国旗就是我们。国家的象征。然后,教学生朗读歌词,根据歌词,让学生找出歌曲中的哪些词和字应该发音更重,用生动的语言向学生介绍国旗的含义,并告诉学生升国旗时要做什么。要注意什么? How to salute the flag, etc. I guided the students to sing with expressions. "Love the motherland, love the national flag" must be affirmative, the word "national flag" in "Salute to the national flag" must be sung more prominently, and "Respect" must be sung firmly and full. , "Salute" requires enthusiasm. Teacher's summary: The national flag is a symbol of our country. We love the national flag and respect the national flag, which means loving the country and ourselves.
(三) Starting from the creation of the situation, let students receive aesthetic education in a pleasant atmosphere.
When I was teaching the duration of notes, I asked students to "choke|choke" through their own walking steps to feel the timing of quarter notes and the rhythm characteristics of the fourth or second time. Then, through the students’ life experience, “running is faster than walking”, “one step can run two steps”, “running away, running away”, and the sound of the small alarm clock “tick tick tick” to recognize the eighth note Time value. Lower grades do not have the concept of fractions, and often cannot understand that eighth notes are shorter than quarter notes, and they are easy to remember. In the explanation, I used a piece of paper and cut one into two, took out one of them (with half notes on it), and told the students to cut a piece of paper, one of which is like a half note. I still use a piece of paper to cut into quarters or eights, representing quarter notes and eighth notes, respectively. With this explanation, students can easily recognize the truth that the eighth note is indeed shorter than the quarter note. In order to make simple rhythm exercises interesting, I also selected a few familiar 8-bar or 6-bar short songs for children. The students clap their hands in the order of practice, and I play the melody on the piano. Through the above exercises, not only can the simple rhythm practice be combined with the melody, which increases the musicality and interest, but also cultivates the ability of children to clap their hands with the rhythm of the music.
Starting from image and intuition, let children get the feeling and association of beauty. Storytelling and riddles are one of the best ways to attract children. When I was teaching the song "Blinking Little Star", I first compiled the content of this song into a short story and told the children so that they could get a beautiful feeling from the visual intuition. I asked, what things flashed, flashed, shining, like thousands of small eyes, hanging in the sky will shine. "Classmates, guess what is this?" The children will soon answer "stars" in unison based on their own life experience. After I affirmed this answer, I went on to say, today we will learn to sing an American nursery rhyme "Sparkling Little Star". When this song is sung, there is a twinkling, twinkling, and shining image in the children's minds. In this way, there is no need for me to emphasize, the students will quickly learn the lyrics while listening to stories and guessing riddles.
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