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2021-08-20 13:59 网络整理 教案网


2、立足课堂,致力推进高效课堂。 3、用“课堂-班通”提升教师运用现代教育技术的能力。 4、结合“提升工程”“一师一优课,一师一课”活动开展学校教研活动。 5、 继续做每周和每月的检查。 6、质量类显示。 三、工作方法1、高质量完成各级各类教研工作,教研组要组织配合本组积极完成上级交办的各类教研工作. 2、加强教学科研日常管理,以管理促进教学水平的提升。 (1),规范教研组活动,活动要有效,避免教研活动形式化,教务处监督每一次教研活动的质量。活动前,缺席的教师必须点名并留下记录;每次教研活动,教研组领导要检查教师主旨演讲的质量。活动过程中要有讨论,每个人都要参与结果,在主旨演讲前,组长向组长提交纸质文件,组长对活动进行记录,每位教师的活动记录写在教研活动簿上。 2),教研活动形式:本期教研活动围绕“提升工程”、“一名教师、o “一班一班一师”活动。数学教研活动为期两周 周二,活动期间,请教师自行调整班级,按时参加。 (3)集课:必须准备教案初稿,讨论后形成第二教案。本学期参与推广项目的每位老师负责一个教案。(4) 、校级教研活动:每月举办一次校级教研活动,活动内容主要是信息技术在班级环境中的应用,提高现代教育水平教师技术。

(5)继续坚持周检和月检,每周一下午检查教案,包括当地的课程教案。老师必须按照规定的上课时间准备。教案开头要写明确每周课时,每节课开始时间 立体目标、教学重点、难点、教学过程。每个月最后一周的研究活动记录和作业批改。在“工科”“一师一优班一班一师”活动中,先对组内优质班进行评价比较,并推荐优质班级在全校交流展示,出席人数不少于1节,中层和校级领导每班不少于1.5节哎呀具体安排在9月份:1、制教研工作计划2、教研组会议,安排教研组工作。3、教研组内活动。4、校级教研活动。十月:1、教研组具体备课。 2、quality 课堂展示在群里,讲座评价。 3、校级教研活动。十一月:1、半期考试成绩分析。2、组内教研活动。3、校级教研活动。十二月:1、组内教研。2、校级教研活动。一月:1、教研活动总结。 2、学期复习与考试,成绩分析。一、本学期课本分析,学生现状分析 强,课本提供了学生动手操作和归纳猜想的可能。观察、思考、实验、思考、尝试、做某事等,给学生留下思考的空间,让学生更独立地学习。


因此,每一章的教学都必须体现师生互动、互动、共同发展的过程。要求教师是学生数学学习的组织者和引导者,从学生的生活经历和已有的知识背景出发,在活动中激发学生的学习潜能,鼓励学生在独立自主的过程中真正理解和掌握。探索与合作与交流 提高解决问题能力的基本数学知识、技能、思想和方法。开学第一周,发现少部分学生基础不错,但大部分学生基础和能力较差,连加减乘除运算都不够用,更谈不上解决实际问题所以我们必须想办法鼓励他们增加信心,改变现状。在扎实的基础上提高他们的基本功和解决问题的能力。 二、 制定本学期的教学目标及实现目标的具体方法。本学期教学目标为七年级五章(第一部分),在掌握基础知识的同时,努力提高学生的动手能力、概括能力、类比猜想能力和自主学习能力。在初中数学教学的实践中,经常会发现不少学生一开始并不适应中学教师的教学方法,出现消化不良的症状。学生的原因主要有三个:一是学习态度不端正;二、智力上面有区别;三是学习方法不科学。我认为教学的力量在于引导、转化和启发。 Therefore, in order to prevent premature polarization, I plan to start with the following specific aspects (一) grasp the psychological characteristics of students and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning mathematics.

Students enter middle school from elementary school, and they have undergone major psychological changes. They begin to demand "independence", but the change of student environment does not mean that they have already possessed many abilities of middle school students. Therefore, the difficulties on the learning path are underestimated. In view of these psychological characteristics, teachers must attach great importance to stimulating students' curiosity, introduce students to the application of mathematics in daily life in a purposeful way from time to time, and find ways to let students experience life without knowledge of mathematics. So as to stimulate their direct interest in learning mathematics, the correct grasp of the content of the first chapter of mathematics can do this well. At the same time, in words and deeds, teachers must not hurt the self-esteem of students. (二) strive to improve the efficiency of the class for 45 minutes. (1) In terms of teachers, first of all, we must read through the textbooks, driver textbooks, carefully prepare lessons, carefully prepare students, carefully prepare teaching methods, and understand every aspect of the knowledge taught The transition must be carefully designed. The questions presented to the students must also have levels and gradients, which are completed independently, and which are completed by teamwork. Teachers must master the level of knowledge. At the same time, the homework should also be carried out at different levels. Make good students eat well and poor ones eat well. (2) Emphasizes on students’ ability to cultivate students’ arithmetic ability, develop thinking ability and comprehensively use knowledge to solve practical problems, thereby cultivating students’ sense of innovation. According to current quality education and new courses The spirit of reform, in teaching, I focus on the cultivation of the above-mentioned abilities of students. Give full play to the main role of students, as much as possible to unearth all students' potential. Some students still can’t improve their grades even though they work very hard. This shows that the problem of learning methods at the middle school stage has become a prominent problem. To improve the problem-solving ability of analysis, judgment, synthesis, and induction, I ask students to develop a good habit of reviewing first and doing homework later.

After class, pay attention to timely review and consolidation and frequent review and consolidation, which can make the learned knowledge reach permanent memory, and forget it slowly. 三、教研究计划 Classroom teaching and mathematics reform are complementary. Doing a good job in teaching research can better serve classroom teaching. This semester will actively participate in various teaching and research activities of the school and the lesson preparation group, and write "teaching essays" and "teaching reflections". I decided to hold an open class in the eleventh week to discuss teaching with teachers from the same group in the school. 四、Continuing Education Plan Continuing education is an important way to improve the basic skills of teachers. This semester I actively participate in various continuing education organized inside and outside the school, and strive to improve the level of education and teaching. 1、 Continuous education and training through the Internet, learn new educational concepts, and continuously improve education and teaching methods. 2、 Read books about the new course and make good reading notes; in short, there are still many teaching tasks for this semester, which need to be further supplemented and improved in the actual work in the future.
