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because of 2016学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(5)

2018-01-10 17:02 网络整理 教案网

注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 Many people live sedentary (久坐的) lives and pay the price with their health, so now many schools are encouraging children and teens to take an interest in13 activities that they are likely to continue into adulthood. It is a wonderful way to promote ongoing participation in sports. It will help them to stay healthy. The term “life sports” refers to exercises and activities which involve participation over the whole of your life. Habits formed in childhood are often hard to break, so it is important that parents make an effort to help their children develop good habits right from the start. Encouraging active play in babies helps them to develop strong muscles, improves their ability to make their bodies move in a controlled way, and increases their confidence. Furthermore, life sports provide parents with the opportunity to establish traditions where the two generations can play together and enjoy each other’s company. Children who play golf or another life sport with their parents as youngsters are more likely to continue doing so for years to come. They will possibly introduce their own children to the game at some point, so the three generations can spend their spare hours together. It is important that parents be patient teachers when introducing children to a new sport. If playing together is a fun and relaxing experience, children are far more likely to stick with it than if they feel stressed. In order to help children find the life sport that most appeals to them, they should be encouraged to try many different kinds of sports, hoping that one or two will keep them interested enough to continue. Most children will find one or two sports that they enjoy enough to play for a number of years or even for a lifetime. Often, children and teens express their interest in a new sport or activity only to lose interest a few months (or even weeks) later. For parents it is important to remember that participation in sports is helpful to one’s good health in both the short and the long term, so it may be worth allowing their children to change their interests where possible.Title: (71) ______ Sports14 It is good for children to take part in activities Theme over the whole of their lives. ●(73) ______ strong muscles ●Put children in better (74) ______ of their (72) _______ of getting bodies children involved in life ●Make children more (75) ______. sports ●Offer parents or grandparents a(n) (76) ______ to spend time together. ● Introduce (78)____. Things for (77) ______ to do ● (79) _______ children to try various sports and find their favorite one. ● Allow children to change their (80) ______. new sports to their children第六部分 动词填空(共 10 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分 5 分) 81. — What time is it by your watch? — I’m sorry, my watch _________. (repair) 82. Dina, _______(struggle) for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. 83. His first book _________ (publish) next month is about his childhood, which is expected to be a hit. 84. The hurricane eventually died away, _______(cause) much damage to the houses and buildings,. 85. The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes ______ (fix) on the screen. 86. That is the only way we can imagine________(reduce)the overuse of water in student’s bathrooms. 87.The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much-loved river will be appreciated for years______(come).15 88. He jumped back in time to avoid ______(hit) 89. We will make greater efforts to create more jobs and help our country become more______ (develop) at the same time. 90. He pretended ________ (hear) of the news when he was asked by his colleagues.第七部分 句型转换(共 5 小题,共 10 空,每空 0.5 分,满分 5 分) 91. This new invention will surely benefit the world. This new invention will surely ______ ________ to the world. 92. They succeeded in completing the task at a fast pace. They _______ _______ complete the task at a fast pace. 93. From the point of view of some people, we shouldn’t just use nature to meet our own needs. As far as some people_______ _______, we shouldn’t just use nature to meet our own needs. 94. As he ran out of his food, he had to suffer from hunger. With his food ______ ______, he had to suffer from hunger. 95. Tom not only spoke more correctly, but also more confidently. Not only ______ Tom speak more correctly, but also he spoke with more _______.第八部分 书面表达 (15 分) 如今世界粮食短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。