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护理教案模板范文 无论是医院还是患者?分享的“三个“”(2)

2021-08-10 15:57 网络整理 教案网


1、 明确服务目标,落实工作责任。首先,每个护士都要明确,护理工作的对象是只有一个生命的人。珍惜重要责任,尊重人的健康权利和尊严,是护士义不容辞的责任。在所有实施的护理技术操作中,以患者的安全为首要任务,倡导精益求精、一丝不苟的工作态度,让每位护士都能激活自我意识,感受到工作的责任和义务,从中吸取教训。身边最熟悉的东西。首先,要意识到您的角色对人类生活至关重要,从而营造浓厚的护理职业安全氛围。


3、 鼓励护士之间的团队合作以引起有意识的关注。注意是心理活动对某一对象的定向和集中,分为有意注意和无意注意。护士在工作时必须在刻意注意的状态下工作,以确保他们专注于完成护理任务。但是,刻意长时间的关注会使人感到疲倦,并出现“视而不见,不知道为什么”的现象,造成错误和事故。因此,鼓励和培养护士之间的团结协作精神,提倡在忙碌的工作中相互提醒、相互监督,成立护理质量检查组,将护理检查分为四大内容:护理文件、消毒隔离、基础护理及环境管理、药品管理,对检查结果进行书面和口头总结报告,及时发现安全隐患,排除差错,结果不与月末考核及奖金挂钩。


诸如“辛苦了”、“谢谢”、“做得很好”、“继续努力”等鼓励和安慰的话语,善于发现和肯定护士的优点。个别提醒不足 主要是少公开批评,尽量保护护士的自尊,经常征求护士对护理工作的意见,采纳好的建议,并在例会上表扬,使护士有责任感,归属感、工作积极性和意识、关怀护士职业生活的爱好,在不违背原则的情况下,尽量满足护士的合理要求。比如旅游、度假,共同营造和谐、团结、友好的工作氛围,减少压力和负面情绪,减少错误的发生。


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6 个月至 2 岁的护士需要熟练使用护理程序来实施整体护理。对患者进行健康教育和心理护理,熟悉心肺复苏抢救程序和心电监护系统的应用。要求2年以上护士能够识别心内科各种心律失常的心电图,安排相应的护理巡查,进行专业知识的提升和学习,鼓励护士总结经验,写论文。此外,鼓励护士大专或本科自学,适当轮班照顾,提高护理质量和护士理论水平,培养“有为人才”。






1、 进一步改革护理工作模式,实行全面护理小组责任制。每位护士负责8-10名患者,为负责的患者提供持续、全程的基础护理和专业技术服务



3、 制定科学有效的绩效考核体系,与护理工作量、质量、患者满意度、护理难度、技术要求挂钩,体现优劳优酬,多劳多益,充分调动护士的工作热情。使护士对自己的工作满意 96%。




1、 Establish a nursing quality supervision team for head nurses and quality control nurses, with clear division of responsibilities, weekly quality control inspections with records, and earnest implementation of various nursing safety rules and regulations.

2、 Strictly implement the verification system, and use at least two methods to verify the identity of patients before treatment and drug administration, and the implementation rate is 100%.

3、 regulates the use of wristbands "wristbands", with a pass rate of 100%.

4、 regulates the use of various nursing warning signs, and the utilization rate is 100%.

5、 Correctly assess the risk factors of high-risk patients falling/falling from bed, pipe slippage, and pressure ulcers, with an assessment rate of 98%. And implement effective protective measures.

6、The first aid items are complete, in an emergency standby state, designated for management, shifts are handed over, and quality control nurses check irregularly, and the first aid items are 100% in good condition.

7、Strengthen the safety management of medicines. Special personnel are responsible for counting every week. High-risk drugs are marked, stored at designated locations, and configured at designated locations. The compliance rate is 98%.

8、 Implement basic nursing service items for inpatients and earnestly implement the hierarchical nursing system. The pass rate of basic nursing is 97%, and the pass rate of special and first-level nursing is 98%.

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9、The nursing records are objective, timely, true, accurate and complete. The pass rate of nursing document writing is 98.2%.

10、 provides patients with various forms of specialist disease health education (windows, brochures, concentrated lectures, etc.). The health education coverage rate is 100%, and the awareness rate is 90%.

11、 Adverse nursing events should be reported in time, and the reasons should be analyzed, and rectification measures should be implemented.

12、 Carefully implement various nursing care to ensure that there are no nursing complications for hospitalized patients throughout the year.

13、 Strengthen safety management, and no nursing errors occurred throughout the year.


1、 Strictly implement the disinfection and isolation system, aseptic technique operating procedures, and the head nurse and the hospital quality control nurses conduct regular self-examinations.

2、 Strictly dispose of medical waste in strict accordance with the "Medical Waste Management Measures for Medical and Health Institutions" and the requirements of our hospital's medical waste management system.

3、 Strictly implement the "Hand Hygiene Regulations for Medical Staff", master the correct hand-washing method, and standardize the hand-washing rate of 100%.

4、The pass rate of sterile items is 100%.

5、 Strictly implement the safe injection system, and the implementation rate of one injection and one tube per person is 100%.

6、 take the initiative to receive training on sense of hospitality, so that each person has no less than 6 hours per year.

四、Training and learning

1、 conducts specialized knowledge training every month, and seed nurses organize nursing technical operation training and hierarchical assessment in the department. The compliance rate of nursing technical operation assessment was 100%.

2、 conducts quarterly nursing core system training, and the awareness rate of nursing staff is 100%.

3、On-the-job nursing staff participate in the theory assessment of all staff twice a year, and the passing rate of the exam is 100%.

4、 participated in the whole hospital nursing operation assessment organized by the Nursing Department, and the compliance rate was 100%.

5、 Organize disease care rounds and business learning once a month, and organize two rounds with the participation of the Nursing Department. Organize hospital-wide nursing consultations in time for difficult cases.

6、 organized and carried out emergency plan training, and the awareness rate of nursing staff was 100%.

7、 Organize and carry out specialized first aid skills training, the training rate is 100%. The qualified rate of nursing staff's technical operation is 100%.

8、According to the requirements of different levels, complete the annual follow-up teaching points and nursing intensive training hours, and the compliance rate is 100%.
