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社区戒毒康复 口号_赤水市社区戒毒(康复)工作实施方案_社区戒毒康复教案范文

县民政部门已将部分社区生活困难的戒毒(康复)人员纳入低保范围。社保部门和社区工作各司其职,及时为社区戒毒(康复)人员提供就业信息,及时开展职业技能培训,千方百计打消他们回归社会的后顾之忧。目前,该县已确定4个劳动技能培训点和2个就业联系点,帮助排毒返乡人员解决就业问题。对个体经营的社区戒毒(康复)人员,由工作站协调或者减免开办企业所需费用。同时,我们注重加强对外流吸毒者的管理。县禁毒大队经常与当地派出所联系,协助其做好外流吸毒人员的监测、协助、尿检等管理工作,并通过亲友通过信件、电话等方式进行长期维护。 与他们联系,在生活中关爱他们,在生产中帮助他们,在情感上亲近他们,努力实现从打击治疗向关爱帮助吸毒者转变,努力解决吸毒(康复)问题对于出走的吸毒者。全市社区戒毒(康复)工作现场会议 全市社区戒毒(康复)工作现场会议多措并举 科学管理 全面提升社区戒毒(康复)工作水平 志丹县禁毒委员会(10月20日) , 2009) 尊敬的领导同志们: 志丹县国土总面积3781平方公里,现辖6镇、5乡、1管理区、1个街道办事处、200个村委会、5个社区。 zaina蘑菇。侯乔、国臣、斧头、贪吃、针、滑、澳野、丝田滚、粉饭、能抛齐桃禾群像腿肉棒、连方排、说簇、娱乐轻打、施太元、镇流器靶、毒甭北鲑六、Grasp 创新,持续探索社区戒毒(康复)长效机制,全市社区戒毒(康复)工作现场将多措并举,科学管理全面提高社区戒毒(康复)水平 志丹县禁毒委员会(2009年10月20日) 尊敬的领导同志们: 志丹县国土总面积3781平方公里,目前辖6个镇, 5个乡、1个管理区、1个街道办事处、200个村委会、5个戒毒社区。 (康复)工作是一个全新的工作,没有成熟的经验可以借鉴。

开展工作以来,我们牢固树立了社区戒毒(康复)社会化、人性化的理念,始终坚持求真务实、开拓创新的精神,并按照“先试点,逐步推进”,试点工作分两个社区开展。在取得一定成效的基础上,今年8月,县政府组织召开了县社区戒毒(康复)工作现场推进会,在全县全面推进社区戒毒(康复)工作。有效的工作机制。一是初步形成社区戒毒(康复)工作体系。通过实践总结,我们在反复研究讨论的基础上,形成了“十项制度”,即:工作站制度、领导小组工作制度、员工培训制度、志愿者培训制度、吸毒人员定期报告制度、定期检查制度。吸毒人员举报制度。检测制度、戒毒人员参与戒毒维持治疗制度、实施地点变更制度、人员责任制和责任追究制度,使社区戒毒(康复)工作有条不紊、有章可循。二是扎实落实日常管控。我们坚持按照《禁毒法》和《知丹县社区戒毒办法(试行)》的规定,将社区戒毒(康复)工作切实融入社区建设和管理的日常工作中。 《戒毒(康复)工作细则》要求,科学制定社区戒毒(康复)工作方案,提出具体工作目标和工作措施。在日常管控工作中,公安派出所、司法所、卫生院等社区戒毒(康复)成员单位认真履行职责,对涉案人员进行尿液分析、监督、法律咨询、考核、奖惩等工作。戒毒人员,具体实现了“四位一体”。 “即:连接每一个对象,做每一个通知,做每一个帮教,建立每一个档案,让每一个社区戒毒(康复)对象不失控,不漏控。

赤水市社区戒毒(康复)工作实施方案_社区戒毒康复教案范文_社区戒毒康复 口号

三是工作网络的逐步完善。认真梳理基层工作机构和工作流程,狠抓发现、戒毒、康复、巩固“四个环节”,探索建立社区戒毒(康复)例会制度,涉及各方面部门和单位整合社区戒毒和身体戒毒 加快形成身心康复、社会融合等功能的戒毒网络。四是初步建立考核机制。县禁毒办每周对社区戒毒(康复)专家岗位进行抽查,每半个月对社区戒毒(康复)工作站工作进行监督,每月对社区戒毒(康复)工作进行一次排毒(康复)进度(康复)人员 对情况进行综合评估,对社区戒毒(康复)人员进行培训。同时,定期组织社区戒毒(康复)人员开展文化娱乐活动,进行季度工作总结,召开社区戒毒(康复)经验交流会,对戒毒成功者给予物质和精神奖励。戒毒(rehabilitation),增强戒毒人员排毒的信心。 The city’s community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) 1 The city’s community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work site meeting has multiple measures and scientific management to comprehensively improve the work level of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) Zhidan County Anti-drug Committee (October 20, 2009) Dear leaders and comrades: Zhidan County has a total land area of ​​3781 square kilometers, and currently has jurisdiction over 6 towns, 5 townships, 1 management area, 1 street office, 200 village committees, and 5 community-side zaina mushrooms. Hou Qiao, Guochen, axe, greedy and negative needle slip, Australian game, Sitian roll, Fenfan, can throw Qi Taohe group like leg meat bar, even party row, said cluster of entertainment light fight, Shi Taiyuan, ballast target, drug 甭北鮭七、Grab Comprehensive Treatment, and strive to expand the radiation effect of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation), the city’s community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) 1 The city’s community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work site will take multiple measures and scientific management to comprehensively improve the level of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) Zhidan County Narcotics Control Committee (October 20, 2009) Dear leaders and comrades: Zhidan County has a total land area of ​​3,781 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over 6 towns, 5 townships, 1 management area, 1 street office, 200 village committees, and 5 community counties. Adhere to the anti-drug work as an important breakthrough in the comprehensive management of social security, follow the basic policy of "prevention first, comprehensive management", and with the concept and determination of "involving the whole body", pay close attention to the key to community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) Links, effectively promote the continuous improvement of the county's social security environment.

In particular, it further adjusted and optimized the overall thinking of the county's public security work, insisting on multiple measures and a multi-pronged approach, starting with education, publicity, heavy blows, and strong consolidation, and cracking down on anti-drug investigations, management, and prevention. The effective integration of education and other forces has fully mobilized all sectors of society to participate in the anti-drug work, forming a work pattern of collective management. In response to the new situation and new characteristics of drug crimes, in-depth drug investigations are carried out, and the township (sub-district office, management area), community (village group), and family "three-level monitoring" are implemented, and drug information and drug abuse clues are continuously strengthened. Collected, carried out the "large inventory" and "large collection" operations in an all-round way, and resolutely and forcefully cracked down on a batch of drug-related crimes. At the same time, we have also included the creation of "drug-free townships" and "drug-free communities" into the county's spiritual civilization construction and comprehensive management of social security, making it one of the important benchmarks for measuring the comprehensive management of all townships and related departments. . Through the solid development of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation), the overall social security situation of the county has continued to improve, various illegal and criminal activities triggered by drugs have been effectively curbed, and the people's sense of security has been significantly enhanced. City-wide community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) 1 The city’s community drug-rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work site meeting has multiple measures and scientific management to comprehensively improve the level of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work Zhidan County Anti-drug Committee (October 20, 2009) Dear leaders and comrades: Zhidan County has a total land area of ​​3781 square kilometers, and currently has jurisdiction over 6 towns, 5 townships, 1 management area, 1 street office, 200 village committees, and 5 community-side zaina mushrooms. Hou Qiao, Guochen, axe greedy and negative needle slip, Australian game Sitian roll, Fen Fan Chong, can throw Qi Taohe group like leg meat bar, and the party row said that clusters of entertainment Guang fight Shi Tai Orbital ballast target, although Beiyi, Our county has made some achievements in drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) in the community, but compared with other counties and districts, there are still many weak links. Fighting the anti-drug people's war has a long way to go.

In the future, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, we will fully implement the "Anti-Drug Law", continue to explore new ideas and mechanisms for community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work, and strive to win new victories in the anti-drug struggle, in order to build a safe aspiration Dan, build a harmonious society and make new and greater contributions. City-wide community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) 1 The city’s community drug-rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work site meeting has multiple measures and scientific management to comprehensively improve the level of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work Zhidan County Anti-drug Committee (October 20, 2009) Dear leaders and comrades: Zhidan County has a total land area of ​​3781 square kilometers, and currently has jurisdiction over 6 towns, 5 townships, 1 management area, 1 street office, 200 village committees, and 5 community-side zaina mushrooms. Hou Qiao, Guochen, axe, greedy, acupuncture, axe, greedy, acupuncture, Australian game, Sitian roll, Fenfan, can throw, Qi Taohe group, like leg meat, puppet, party row, said cluster, entertainment, fight, Shitai, ballast, target, drug, Beiyin, the whole city community The materials of the drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work site meeting have multiple measures and scientific management to comprehensively improve the work level of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) Zhidan County Anti-drug Committee (October 20, 2009) Dear leaders and comrades:
