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2021-08-04 18:07 网络整理 教案网










(三)建立保障机制。一是建立经费保障机制。社区戒毒(康复)工作经费列入财政预算,社区戒毒(康复)工作经费由各成员单位组成工作指导组要保证必要的工作经费,提供基本的工作条件。二是建立专职社区戒毒(康复)人员队伍,10人以下的社区戒毒(康复)人员可以兼任由社区(村)卫生安全主任负责;10人以上30人的,可兼任卫生主任,指定1名社区(村)干部负责社区戒毒(康复)工作; 30人可向社会公开招聘符合条件的专职人员 市办七个社区(村)必须配备社区戒毒(康复)专职人员,复兴、官渡、长昌三个镇应配备专职人员2人,其余镇应至少配备专职人员1人。各镇、镇、街道可以通过多种方式整合人力资源,协助其开展社区戒毒(康复)工作,也可以争取相关部门的支持,从“4050”人员和巡检队伍中选拔合格人员会员从事社区戒毒(康复)工作。专职人员工资按650元/月计算,由市政府和农村政府决定。社区戒毒人员应当具备学习和运用相关知识和技能开展各项服务工作,身体健康,能够胜任日常工作,具有良好的思想素质和纪律和法律意识的条件,并经市药品监督管理局批准。康复(Rehabilitation)工作指导组专项培训取得资格。



公安机关发现吸毒人员、释放、拘留吸毒人员后,社区民警应当配合社区吸毒(康复)专职人员对吸毒人员的家庭状况、身体状况、生活条件等进行检查排查心理状况,对具备社区戒毒(康复)条件者联系有关部门,及时下发《下令社区戒毒(康复)决定》,让社区(村)及时建立相应组织并制定相关措施,开展社区戒毒(康复)工作。不具备社区戒毒(康复)条件的,应当及时送至戒毒所。在社区戒毒(戒毒)过程中,未履行戒毒协议,乡、街道社区戒毒(戒毒)工作指导组经警告拒不改正的,由公安机关实施强制戒毒。依法隔离。社区戒毒(康复)工作完成后,社区(村)、乡(镇、街道)应当依法对社区内接受社区戒毒(康复)人员进行综合考核。 (村庄)。 《社区戒毒(康复)决定》,撤销对社区戒毒(康复)人员的控制。


市社区戒毒(康复)指导组办公室组织各乡镇(镇、街道)、公安、司法、卫生、民政、劳动和社会保障、教育等部门对社区戒毒健康状况进行分析(康复)人员 针对目前的情况、生活条件、培训就业、戒毒等情况,制定切实有效的措施,解决存在的问题。




For departments and townships (towns, sub-districts) that do not perform or perform poorly in community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) duties, the Municipal Community Drug Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation) Work Steering Group Office will issue a notice of supervision and rectification, and if they refuse to rectify, report The municipal party committee and the municipal government shall pursue accountability in accordance with the accountability system for drug control work, and impose administrative sanctions on relevant persons responsible in accordance with the law.

The fifth is to establish a community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) incentive mechanism.

According to the phased community detoxification (rehabilitation), one drug addict will reward the community (village) 50 yuan, the phased community detoxification (rehabilitation) will reward the community (village) 100 yuan for one drug addict, and the phased community detoxification (rehabilitation) ) In three years, a drug addict will reward the community (village) with 200 yuan to mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of community (village) cadres to participate in community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation).

(五)建章立制. According to the needs of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation), the establishment of "Community Drug Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation) Work Responsibilities and Accountability System", "Community Drug Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation) Personnel Urine Examination System", "Community Drug Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation) Personnel Implementation Location Change System", "Community Drug Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation) Personnel Periodic Reporting System" and other systems provide standardized management of community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work.

六、job requirements

(一) Raise awareness and strengthen leadership. Community detoxification (rehabilitation) is a major reform of drug detoxification methods. It is a concrete manifestation of people-oriented anti-drug work in my country, and is an important measure to help drug addicts to quit drug addiction in stages. The member units of the community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) guidance group and all townships (towns, sub-districts) must deeply understand the importance of carrying out community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work, and take a highly responsible attitude to the party and the people. Responsible for the overall responsibility, responsible for the specific leadership of the leadership, and earnestly undertake the important task of organizing and leading the community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work.

(二)Exploration mode, comprehensive promotion. Starting from September 10th, community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work will be carried out in the city, and strive to focus on improving organizational structures, implementing funding guarantees, improving mechanisms, and standardizing work systems in the first year , To supervise drug addicts who are determined by the public security organs to detoxify (rehabilitation) in the community to ensure that community drug addicts (rehabilitation) achieve certain results in physical and mental health and reduce withdrawal symptoms. In the second year, continue to treat drug addicts (rehabilitation) in the community At the same time, we organize community drug addicts to participate in social activities and help employment, and strive to gradually integrate community drug addicts (rehabilitation) into the social family. In the third year, continue to monitor community drug addicts (rehabilitation) to help community drug addicts (rehabilitation) The personnel fully recovered and allowed them to return to society to lead a healthy and good life.

(三) Standardize procedures and strictly enforce the law. All levels and departments must carry out community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work in accordance with the community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) laws and regulations, and carry out community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work in accordance with Chishui City’s community drug rehabilitation (rehabilitation) work procedures. Community drug addicts (rehabilitation) are monitored and managed. For those responsible for violating regulations, the relevant units and individuals will be held accountable in accordance with the law on the basis of the "Chishui City Anti-drug Work Responsibility Measures".

>>>There are more community drug rehabilitation work plans in 2017 on the next page