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remain 新年看中国FinTech——过去、现在和未来前景(5)

2018-01-05 18:03 网络整理 教案网

The third enabler is the policy and regulatory environment. China was probably the best playground for FinTech when it had few regulations or lax enforcement, leading to vibrant entrepreneurship and plenty of capital backing up investment opportunities. But the recent policy shift towards risk containment is swinging the pendulum, and along with it the risk of inhibiting the entrepreneurship that has made China a global leader in the first place. The policy risk and regulatory uncertainty have already had a negative impact on the sector, casting doubt over its long-term prospects. Will Chinese regulators be sound enough to strike the right balance between financial innovation and stability? Answers to this question will have huge implications for China and the FinTech sector for many years to come.