四是对辖区内吸毒人员实行严格动态管控,随时随地掌握行踪,防止失控失控。加强流动人口管理,全力寻找下落不明的吸毒人员。五是严格执行社区戒毒(康复)人员制度,即第一年至少每两个月一次,第二年每季度一次,第三年至少每六个月一次。 ,并对关键人员进行频繁的尿检;尿检及时发现吸毒(康复)人员偷(返)吸毒行为,及时发现新增吸毒人员和逃跑吸毒人员。六是落实社区戒毒(戒毒)人员救助措施,实施真情关怀,尽力帮助他们解决生活问题。过程中遇到的困难。七、对拒绝接受社区戒毒,严重违反社区戒毒协议,在社区戒毒期间吸食、注射毒品的吸毒人员,依法强制隔离戒毒。八是及时隔离管辖戒毒。分析社区吸毒情况,发动群众举报吸毒犯罪,及时发现和掌握涉毒犯罪线索。九是依法严厉打击辖区内涉毒犯罪,净化社区戒毒(康复)环境。乡卫生院:一是根据《禁毒法》、《戒毒条例》和《四川省社区戒毒工作实施细则》,组织卫生院医生参与社区戒毒(康复)监测工作。二是安排卫生院医生对社区戒毒(康复)人员及时进行体检,了解健康状况和病情。三是在力所能及的范围内救治患病的社区吸毒人员,对患有严重或传染性疾病的吸毒人员采取相应措施。
四是大力宣传、动员、组织社区戒毒人员开展社区戒毒维持治疗和到有条件的医疗机构开展戒毒治疗,并及时向公安等部门报告情况。五是对社区戒毒人员进行有针对性的身心治疗和身体健康培训。六是配合公安机关对社区吸毒人员进行尿检,确定吸毒程度。七是指定范围内符合条件的医疗机构为自愿戒毒专科医疗机构。乡镇中心学校:一是做好学校禁毒预防教育,教育师生了解毒品、拒绝毒品、预防毒品,教育社区戒毒(康复)人员子女就读学校积极配合社区戒毒小组,帮助家长完成工作。社区排毒(康复)。二是不歧视社区戒毒(康复)人员的学童,为他们的入学和教育提供便利。三是子女就读义务教育的社区吸毒人员家庭困难,按规定减免相关费用。四、当学校学生感染毒品时,要积极配合有关部门为他们做好社区戒毒(康复)工作,及时抢救。团委:一是组织开展“社区青年远离毒品”等活动,加大教育宣传力度。二是加强对青少年的法制宣传教育,在青少年中普及禁毒法律知识,增强禁毒意识和禁毒意识。三是组织乡镇禁毒志愿者队伍积极参与社区戒毒(康复)工作。乡妇联:一是加大宣传力度,积极参与乡镇禁毒委组织的宣传活动。二是组建乡镇禁毒志愿者队伍。第三章开头:龙水塘社区XX戒毒工作方案 龙水塘社区XX戒毒工作方案是根据国家禁毒委《关于开展社区戒毒和社区戒毒试点工作的通知》(药品万通[XX]26号)和凤凰街的相关要求,结合我社区的实际情况,专门制定了XX年工作计划:一、以社区为基础的戒毒工作,以社区为基础,以家庭为依托,由专业机构提供指导和服务,广泛参与社区戒毒工作,最大限度地教育和解救吸毒者,帮助吸毒者回归社会。
二、社区排毒工作领导小组成员组长:杨义寿(社区党支部书记)副组长:雷家兵(居委会主任)顾红卫(党支部副书记)成员:钟玉梅(妇联主席) ) 许春丽(党支部委员) 邓玉良(居委会奉献) 罗艳平(居委会奉献) 陈娟(居委会奉献) 曾晓春(社区警察) 苏玉衡(社区Police) Zhang Xiong (Community Doctor) Hong Zhongrong (Group Leader) Gao Li Qin (team leader) Jin Jitang (team leader) Yang Lin (team leader) Su Chongxian (team leader)三、社区工作responsibilities. (1) Signed the "Community Drug Rehabilitation Agreement" with the drug rehabilitation personnel. (2) Approval of the drug rehabilitation personnel’s request to change the community drug rehabilitation site. (3)Propose community drug rehabilitation removal opinions. (4)对 No occupation and lack of employment Competent drug rehabilitation personnel provide necessary vocational skills training, employment guidance and employment assistance. (5)Develop community drug rehabilitation work plans, guide the establishment of community drug rehabilitation assistance groups, and implement community drug rehabilitation measures. (6)对Refusal to conduct community drug rehabilitation Or seriously violating the community detoxification treatment, they should report to the higher authority in time. 四、社区戒毒的工作步1、帮教组 Establish a contact mechanism (such as mobile phones, fixed phones, etc.) with the detoxification personnel and their family members, so that they can be treated at any time. The staff provide legal assistance, psychological intervention and knowledge counseling for drug rehabilitation personnel.2、戒毒人 In the process of community drug rehabilitation, they encounter difficulties in school and employment. The help team reports to the community drug rehabilitation office in a timely manner and communicates with various departments Coordinate and work hard to solve the problems of schooling and employment for drug addicts.
For drug addicts who are unemployed and lack employability, report to the community drug rehabilitation office to provide them with necessary vocational skills training, employment guidance and employment assistance. 3、 For drug rehabilitation personnel who leave the community drug rehabilitation site without permission, evade or refuse to be tested, refuse to report drug rehabilitation, and other disciplinary behaviors, the help and education team shall promptly warn them, and record this situation in the actual performance of the drug rehabilitation personnel . 4、 For serious violations of the community drug rehabilitation agreement or taking or injecting drugs during the community drug rehabilitation, or committing other illegal or criminal activities, the help and education team shall promptly report to the public security organs and the community drug rehabilitation office. 5、Police Station conducts regular and irregular testing of drug addicts in accordance with requirements (6 times in the first year, 4 times in the second year, and 2 times in the third year), and updates the test results to the dynamic control system for drug addicts at any time. Takishuitang Community Neighborhood Committee February 16, XX