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1. 积极参加学校组织的暑期新课程培训活动,加强理论学习,努力转变教育教学观念。新课程改革对学校、教师和学生提出了新的更高的要求。新课改背景下的教师必须加强学习。只有这样,才能形成正确的教育观、学生观、教师观、质量观。

2. 改变课堂教学模式,改变教学方法和方法。新课程注重“师生互动”、“充分发挥学生主体作用”等教学原则。虽然五个班的学生普遍较差,但在教学过程中,我试图改变过去老师“一言不发”的局面。调动学生积极参与学习的积极性,通过适时的表扬和鼓励,增强学生的自信心。

对于那些基本的地理规律和原则,这些内容往往是困难的和合乎逻辑的。例如,在第一章第三节“地球的运动”和第二章第一节“大气的运动”中,教师的旁白是这些内容的主要主题,使学生能够了解这些基本原则和规律。 ,然后结合课本和练习让学生自己领悟。最后,学生提问,师生共同探讨、探讨问题,让学生体验学习过程,掌握基础知识。


3. 结合学科特点,注重学生学习能力的培养。新课程改革对学生学习能力的培养提出了更高的要求。具体到地理学科,主要表现在自学能力、地理图分析能力、处理能力、空间思维能力等方面。因此,在教学过程中,我特别注重对上述能力的培养能力。


1、The text of the new curriculum geography textbook is short, some only have a few sentences, and there are many knowledge points to the end, leaving too much room for teachers to play (in a disguised way, the teacher’s burden is increased); at the same time, the new curriculum standards are not specific It is difficult to grasp how deep and how much to say.

2、生本课 advocates inquiry-based learning. It takes students as the main body and actively encourages students to participate. The students are very active. However, due to too many activities, it is difficult to finish a lesson. There are heavy tasks and hours in the teaching of geography. The phenomenon of insufficient.

3、 Students generally feel that geography is difficult to learn, and geography knowledge is not systematic and scattered. Many teachers said: It is difficult to teach the new geography curriculum, and it is even more difficult for students to learn it.

4、students participate in classroom activities. Students are used to running on the way to take exams. They only know how to solve problems. Facing the new thinking of observation→discovery→conjecture→argument, I feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is still very difficult to carry out "activities" in the classroom and truly "return the classroom to the students".


三、Some thoughts on teaching in the future

In class, let students use the knowledge they have learned to show their own explanations of the problem, use evidence and joint inquiry strategies, and let students seek reasonable answers by themselves (not Uniqueness), the teacher's main starting point to guide the role. Regarding the fact that the experiment takes a long time, you can try to explain the purpose and operation process of the experiment to the students before class, and prepare in advance.

In view of the lack of systematic and fragmented knowledge, we must learn to summarize and summarize the knowledge points learned in a timely manner. In view of the difficulty of learning, in ordinary geography teaching, we should stimulate students' interest in learning as much as possible, let students like it in advance psychologically, try to discover the advantages of students in certain aspects, and continue to strengthen their interest in learning geography; In the teaching process, the curriculum standards are broken down, and the requirements at the beginning are lowered, so that the students will try to succeed, and the interest will become more and more intense; the students in the first year of high school are young, and most of the students are only ten五、六岁, so you must Pay attention to the expression of language can not be adult, in order to arouse students' resonance. Through the above-mentioned methods, students' interest is cultivated, and it is easy for teachers to teach, and it is not difficult for students to learn.

Through hard work, I successfully completed the teaching task of this semester. In the following teaching, I will still humbly ask other teachers for advice, enrich my professional knowledge, continuously improve my teaching level, and make myself grow.

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