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because of 上海劳力士手表不走怎么回事[好网角文章收藏](4)

2017-12-28 22:01 网络整理 教案网


(又称“玫瑰金表”,为雅致),表壳以750‰的足金+250‰的铜铸成,足金含量不变,但由于铜的占比增加,合金色泽略微偏红,故名红金表 (玫瑰金表)。由于红金这种特殊的色泽,少了几分黄金的张扬,表达出更多的优雅,近年来逐渐被人们认同甚至热爱。白金表,白金与铂金的概念长期被人们混淆着,有必要在此次着重解释清楚。制表业里的白金仍是黄金的一种合金,其中足金的占比也依然是750‰,至于另外250‰的金属,还存在两大流派。

一大流派是添加锌,此法呈现出的白金色泽偏灰偏黄,需要在外层镀铑后才能显得光鲜耀眼。缺点是镀铑层日久天长脱落了,美观度下降。即使大品牌能保证提供重 新镀铑的服务,但也麻烦。另一大流派是添加钯,此种做法成本偏高,因为钯本身也是贵金属。但加钯的白金色泽光润、洁白均匀且无需镀铑,免去日后保养的诸多 麻烦。


(钟表材质的巅峰之作),珠宝市场上铂金戒指比黄金戒指贵出很多,反映到这两种材质手表上,价差仍是基本相仿的。铂金很昂贵,世界上只有珍贵的手 表才会选用铂金表壳,售价更是贵得惊人。在劳力士,铂金与18k金的纯度标记完全不同,购买者还是较易分辨的,劳力士公司为了方便买家,还在所有自家 产铂金表的6点刻度下方镶嵌了一枚小钻石,十分明显。掌握了此法,分辨该品牌的铂金与否不会出错。

watch gold watch has value in the world, largely because the watch brand launched a commemorative limited edition watch or a complex movement process or artistic attainments deep watches, mostly preferred gold precious metals such material. These watches are so powerful, hedging function, gold hedging reputation spreads.

watch gold watch has value in the world, largely because the watch brand launched a commemorative limited edition watch or a complex movement process or artistic attainments deep watches, mostly preferred gold precious metals such material. These watches are so powerful, hedging function, gold hedging reputation spreads.

watch watch the secret of noble metal

The so-called

gold table, not completely use gold to create the table, because the characteristics of gold is not suitable for the manufacture of movement, now watch movement of top brands still preferred brass. Gold table is the table with the case even manufacturing chain of gold, the gold part is different and known as the gold jewelry. In fact, gold may not be used to manufacture the case, because the texture is too soft. Known as the "gold watch", regardless of its color, all selected is an alloy (accounting for 750 per thousand gold and several different metals), this ratio is known as 18K gold, this material is also widely used in Western Jewelry industry.