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2021-03-10 09:09 网络整理 教案网


新版PEP小学三年级上册英语教案(全英)RevisionTeaching contents Revision 1, Can write down the words of school supplies 2, Can write down the words of colors 3, Can write down the words of parts of the body Teaching aims 4, Review the words of animals 5, Review the words of foods 6, Can use them make sentences Important points The words of country, family, fruits and numbers Difficult points Make sentences use them English book , word cards , little blackboard , tape Teaching aids Teaching procedures Teacher Students The first lesson ---------------------------- I Organization Teacher and students say 1 , Greetings hello to each other 2 , Free talk 3 , Let’s sing : “ A B C song ” Students sing after tape II Revision 1 , Review the words of school supplies Students must write ruler , pencil ,eraser小学英语全英教案范文, crayon , bag , pen , book down them on the exerc ise-book 2 , Use them make sentences I have { a bag Teacher read them a ruler. a pencil Students rea


d after him a crayon an eraser Students make sentences a pencil box Practice in group s 3 , Review the words of colors red , green , yellow , blue , black , brown , white , orange , pink , purple Stude nts must write down them on the exerc4 , Use them make sentences ise-book I see { red. green white Teacher read them black Color it { yellow Students read after him blue brown Students make sentences 5 , Can write down the words of parts of the Practice with neighbor body ear , eye , nose , mouth , face Students must write head , hand , arm , body , leg , foot down them on the exerc ise-book 6 , Use them make sentences Look at me. This is my {face. Teach er read them ear eye Stude nts read after him nose mouth Stude nts make sentences face Practice with partner III Let’s sing : “ color song ” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sing after the tape The second class -------------


----------------------- ----------------------------------- I Organization 1 , Greetings 2 , Free talk Teach er and students say 3 , Let’s sing : “ Old Macdonald ” hello to each other II Revision Stude nts sing after tape 1 , Review the words of animals pig , bear , cat , duke , dog bird , panda , tiger 2 , Use them make sentences What’s that? It’s a { tiger bird panda 3 , Review the words of foods juice , egg ,milk小学英语全英教案范文, bread , water , cake , fish , rice 4 , Use them make sentences Mum, I’m hungry! Have some { bread }. Here you are. III Let’s sing “ Let’s have a picnic today ” Students must write down them on the exercise-book Teacher read them and students after him Students make sentences Practice with partner Teacher read them Students read after him Students make sentences Practice in groups Sing after the tape blackboard design Revision Review the words of { colors animals numbers foods Make sentences use them