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2018-2019-英语四级写作-历年的联考精选作文-范文word版 (1页)

2020-09-05 05:13 网络整理 教案网

怎么更新dx12_会写作的人适合做编导_四级写作模板讲义word更新版 2

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怎么更新dx12_会写作的人适合做编导_四级写作模板讲义word更新版 2


怎么更新dx12_会写作的人适合做编导_四级写作模板讲义word更新版 2

as we can learn from the graph, the ownership of private cars varies from year to year. in the year of 1990, there are only two cars among 100 families, but in the year of 1995, it is 10, and it goes up dramatically to 30 in 201X. generally speaking, it involves an upward trend.

怎么更新dx12_四级写作模板讲义word更新版 2_会写作的人适合做编导

there are three reasons for the change. to begin with, people’s income has been improved, more and more families can afford cars; in addition to it, the price of cars has been brought down sharply; last but not the least, various measures to stimulate consumption taken by our government can’t be ignored. all these factors result in the rapid change in the ownership of private cars.

四级写作模板讲义word更新版 2_怎么更新dx12_会写作的人适合做编导

to sum up, with the further development of our economy, there is no doubt that more and more families will have their own cars.
