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2020-08-30 02:21 网络整理 教案网

Let’s applaud for them! Other groups are also very good。 Now we have a performance。 Each member in every group could act as one person in the video and you have a role play。 Pay attention to all those words that are stressed。 Ok? Now which group would like to have a try? Group 2, come here。 You can start。 They have finished。 What do you think of their performance? They act very lively and all the stressed words are correctly pronounced。 Very good。 Next…。

Ok, class. What we have learned today. Who can help me to summarize. Look at the blackboard. Elaine, please. You said that we have learned the tone and stress. So when do we use rising tone? Yes, when the sentence is a general question. And when do we use falling tone? When the sentence is declarative or specific question. Well done. Sit down please. Let’s leave the other rules to Woody. Woody, so when do we stress? Yes, when the words are nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbials. Anything else? Yes, we can also emphasize on any word we want the have a stress on them. Brilliant! I can see that you all master the rules. And during the practicing I see that you have become more confident when you read.

After class, you can find any dialogue you are interested in and read it out with tone and stress. Ok? Good. Let’s call it a day. See you next time.

That’s all for my presentation. Thank you.(试讲结束,等待答辩,即老师提问)


You all got the meaning of this dialogue clearly. Let’s pay attention to the tone they speak. Ok, let’s listen again.// Have you notice the tone of all these sentences? Yes? So who can tell me which sentences are the rising tone? Frank. Frank said they are “Can you come over here?” “Did you look in your coat pocket?” and “My boat?” Yes, quite right. But do you know why? No? You just listen that they said it in that way. That’s ok. Sit down please. Class. Let’s all look at the material together. Can you find if there is a similarity of the first two sentences? Yes? They are all questions? Indeed. But what kind of question? Oh, general questions. Yes. So can you conclude the rule now? Frank, try again. You said if the sentence is a general question, it should be spoken in a rising tone. Excellent. As for the last one. There is only a noun phrase, so we also use rising tone. clear?

Ok, then next question. Which sentences are the falling tone? Yes. Of course the rest of the dialogue. But can you find what kinds of sentences are they? Such as “what did you say?” Tina. It is a specific question? Yes. Good. Then sentence like “I need help finding my glasses.” They are…yes, we call them declarative sentence. Sit down please. Your have a solid grammar foundation.




3.产出一定要设置使学员训练的环节,可以peer work ,也可以以抽问的方式。




高中英语备课教案模板_初中数学 备课教案模板_初一数学备课教案模板








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4.多多练习,建议每个课型都练两个范文。练习的话可以考前把所有步骤都过几遍,这样就万无一失。教案、试讲,还有结构化问题全部都要自己上手练。不然会出现各种难题 ,时间卡不好,到时候手忙脚乱。






