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2020-08-06 05:05 网络整理 教案网


【小学】英语试讲教案模板1.导入:(1)everybody,…2.新授:将导入的语句写在黑板上(创设情境 / 举例子),然后读一下这几个句子。中间有提问和互动环节:(1)问答可以设计为场景提问。(2)可以设定为小组提问。(3)可以设置成选择疑问句 basketball or football?…操练部分:(1)可以给出情景,两人一组练习对话。(2)老师帮举例子,其他同事模仿练习——1~2 分钟,然后老师叫一两组同学们来展现一下刚刚的训练。3.巩固/总结:一般用于讲完内容的之后。复习的过后注意:不是同学来总结,而是鼓励教师来说在这节课学到什么内容。4.布置作业:(1)课本第几页练习题(common)。(2)设置和本章相关的创造性作业,打电话问同学朋友夜晚都在做哪些?(3)听一首 XXX 英文歌,找出这节课的我们学过的句型点或唱一首英文歌,找出定语从句、特殊疑问句、there be 句型等、看电影美剧等。应聘昂立英语,少儿英语老师,面试该注意啥?一、服装二、礼仪三、谈吐四、教学心得五、试讲 重点在试讲和课堂经验上,趣味性是关键,先打算几个单词,好好把动词句型的读音练具体,也能适度的做一些教学道具,表现出你的用心。


对于刚找工作的,对这份工作的用心以及热爱。谁可告诉我,上海昂立少儿英语教师待遇怎么样,企业怎么样?急工作环境很好。昂立少儿英语怎么样?小学语文老师资格证面试备考建议跟备考资料推荐,有兴趣的朋友可以点链接看看喔,一枚温和的硬币:小学语文老师资格笔试备考mgc及全英试讲稿等学校数学试讲稿:Greetings:Hello,You’re fine,Warming-up:Do you remember our friends__A____and __B____. (A,B为对话的两个主人公)Look at the screen and tell me what they are doing. Yes,they are talking about________________ (对话主要大意),So (紧接着提问一个细节性问题)Listen to the tape again,_____________(细节性问题) . Are you clear?OK,(提问学生并板书) Yes,__________. Boys and girls,Go!(提问学生并评价)________________.Practice:I will divide you into two teams. (可以帮每个队,起个队名,然后给出奖励)Team CAT and Team DOG,Ok,let’s go for it.Summary:and think about what you have learned today. (提问学生,然后教授自己做一个拔高性总结)Yes,today we have learned some_________(知识与能力目标). What’s more important,we have learned_______________ (情感目标)Homework:Today our homework is to talk about your parents by using what we have learned today and next class I will check your homework.小学英语全英试讲稿小学英语教师资格证面试备考建议跟备考资料推荐少儿英语试讲教案模板少儿英语试讲教案模板,有兴趣的朋友可以点链接看看喔,祝逢考必过!一枚温和的硬币:小学语文老师资格笔试备考mgc及全英试讲稿等学校数学试讲稿:Greetings: Hello, boys and girls! I am very happy to see you . How are you today? You’re fine, and you’re fine. I’m fine, too. Thank you!Warming-up: before our class, let’s sing a song together. Now everyone, stand up and follow me. (唱歌) Wow, what sweat voice! I’m proud of you! Boys and girls, sit down please.Leading-in and presentation: Do you remember our friends__A____and __B____. (A,B为对话的两个主人公)Look at the screen and tell me what they are doing. Yes, they are talking about something. So what are they talking? Now boys and girls firstly let’s listen to the tape and find out what they are talking. Are you clear? OK, let’s begin. Time is up. Who wants to have a try? (提问学生并板书) Yes, they are talking about________________ (对话主要大意), So (紧接着提问一个细节性问题)Listen to the tape again, and then answer my question: _____________(细节性问题) . Are you clear? OK, let’s begin. Time is up. Who wants to have a try? (提问学生并板书) Yes,__________. Boys and girls, let’s listen to the tape one more time, and pay more attention to the pronunciation. Are you ready? Go! So now who would like to read the dialogue for us? (提问学生并评价)________________.Practice: Boys and girls, since all of you perform well, now let’s play a game. Practice the conversation, and role play the conversation. Before it, I will divide you into two teams. (可以帮每个队,起个队名,然后给出奖励)Team CAT and Team DOG, if team cat has good performance, I will give your team a fish. And if team dog is better, I will give team dog a bone. Are you clear? Ok, let’s go for it.Summary: Time is limited. Now everyone, look at the blackboard, and think about what you have learned today. (提问学生,然后教授自己做一个拔高性总结)Yes, today we have learned some_________(知识与能力目标). What’s more important, we have learned_______________ (情感目标)Homework: Today our homework is to talk about your parents by using what we have learned today and next class I will check your homework.昂立少儿英语怎样,感受过没?他们的课更明确,别的不太清楚。就拿Love English来说,我父亲报去昂立的之后。[9] => 少儿英语启蒙,这些坑一定不要踩!0