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2020-08-02 17:02 网络整理 教案网

Next, let’sfocus on the teaching procedures. I will finish the lesson in 5 steps.

Step1 Warming up

After greeting with the students, I will showsome pictures about the movie theater with the help of the multimedia.

By doing this,the atmosphere of the class will be warmed up and students will pay their attention to the class.

Step 2 Pre-listening

I will write some new words and phrases on the blackboard such ascomfortable seats, bestsound, buy tickets, quickly and close to home, and tell the students the meaning of these new words and phrases with the help ofpictures and stick drawings. I will ask students to read the new words after me. Then ask students“what’s the best movie theater in your mind?”Let them talk about this question freely.

This step can clear off the obstacles and help students learn new content better.

Step 3 While-listening

I will play the tape twice. For the first listening, students should find out the main idea of the dialogue. When they finish listening, I will ask a student to tell us the answer and give him/her praise. Then they will listen to the tape again and answer the following questions:①What’s the qualityof Movie World? ②What’s the qualityof Town Cinema? ③What’s the qualityof Screen City?I will choose some students to answer and also give them praise.

This step can help students get the main idea and basic information of the material. Students can understand listening material clearly.

Step 4 Post-listening

After listening activity, students has known the main content of the dialogue. Then I will let students to make new dialogues. One student asks“What’s the best movie theater in our city?”and one student answers and gives reasons. Then change their roles. When they finish, I will choose some groups to perform their dialogues in front of the class and give them praise.

This step can help students practice the new words, phrases and sentence structures they havelearned in the class and strengthen their confidence to speak English.

Step 5 Summary and homework

I will ask a student to be an assistant teacher to conclude what they have learned today and adds some points he or she forgets. After class, students shouldwrite a short passage about their favorite movie theater with the newknowledge.This step can help students consolidate what they have learned today.