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2020-07-28 15:02 网络整理 教案网

(Justification: arouse students’ interests in learning with games and make a good preparation for learning “the simple future tense”)

Step 2 Presentation (22mins)

Task 1 Read the sentences. Then teacher helps students to find the principle of “the simple future tense”

I’m watching TV.


She’s washing her clothes.

They’re listening to a CD

(Justification: During this activity, students can find the principle of “the simple future tense” actively)

Task 2 After learning the principle, ask students to do exercise “Write sentences following the examples.

1) Jenny/clean the house/now

Jenny is cleaning the house now.

2) Bob/make dinner/every Saturday.


3) Mary’s parents/drink tea/after dinner.


4) Bill/talk on the phone/ now.


5) Becky and Bob/watch TV/ on weekends


Task 3 Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. Then practice it with a partner.

_____Do you want to go tomorrow then?

_____OK. See you tomorrow evening!

_____ I’m reading a book.

_____Let’s go at seven o’clock.

_____ No, this book is really interesting.

__1__What are you doing?

_____Do you want to go to the movies now?

_____Sure, what time?

(Justification: in order to master the usage of the grammar item during practice)

Step 3 consolidation

Work in groups. Students will be asked to describe the pictures by the grammar item, which were shown before class.

(Justification: consolidate the usage of the grammar item in communicative way.)

Step 4 summaryand homework

Review the language point by asking questions and write a short article by using “the simple future tense”

(Justification: students can review can consolidate what they have learnt.)

Class Reflection:

Blackboard Design:
