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教案模板范文 小学语文_小学英语英文教案模板_小学教案模板

教资面试英语教案模板【篇一:英语试讲教案模板】模板: teaching aims (教学目标) 1 knowledge objects: make students read the important words and sentences2 ability objects: make students master the grammar in the text________3 moral objects:improve the interests in studying english and_________ teaching important points(教学重点) words:_________________________________ sentences:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ teaching difficult points(教学难点) master the grammar use the words in their lives ____________________ teaching aids(教具) cards、 projectors _________ __________ ________ teaching procedure:(教学过程) step1 leading-in step 2 __________ ........ step n homework blackboard design (板书设计) (一)形式 教案是课堂设计的文字表现,有相对的格式与要求。

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教案的格式主 要包含文字叙述式、表格式两种。 1.文字叙述式 这是一种基本上全部以文字方式展现出来的教案形式,在日常课堂 的应用最为广泛。 2.表格式 这是一种经常发生的教案形式,一般有小学发给学生。 (二)主要内容 上课的重要根据,通常包含:班级、学科、课题、上课时间、课的 类型、教学方法、教学目的、教学内容、课的进程跟时间分配等。有的还列有教具和现 代化教学方式(如电影、投影、录像、录音等)的 使用、作业题、板书设计跟课后自我思考与评判等项目。由于学科 和教材的性质﹑教学目的跟课的类别不同,教学 设计不必具有固定 的方式。 1.基本内容 (1)课题(说明本课名称)。 (2)教学目标(或称教学规定,说明本课所应完成的教学任务)。 (3)课型(说明属新授课,还是复习课)。 (4)课时(说明属第几课时)。 (5)教学重点(说明本课所需要缓解的关键性问题)。 (6)教学难点(说明本课学习时易造成困难和障碍的知识点)。 (7)教具(或称教具准备,说明辅助教学方法使用的软件) (8)教学过程(或称课堂结构,说明教学进行的内容、方法流程)。 (9)作业处理(说明如何布置书面或口头作业)。 (10)板书设计(说明上课时准备写在黑板上的内容)。

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2.教学过程的方法 书写过程中,教学过程是关键小学英语英文教案模板,它包含下列几个步骤。 (1)导入新课 ①设计独特活泼,精当概括。 ②怎样进行,复习哪些内容? ③提问这些学生,需用多少时间等。 (2)讲授新课 ①针对不同教学内容,选择不同的教学方法。 ②怎样提出疑问,如何逐渐启发、诱导? ③教师该如何教、学生该怎样学?详细方法安排,需用时间。 (3)巩固练习 练习设计独特,有层次、有宽度、有密度。 (4)归纳总结 怎样进行,是老师还是教师归纳? (5)作业安排 ①布置哪些内容?要考量知识拓展性、能力性。 ②需不需要提示或解释。 (三)主要作用: 1.教学活动的根据教学过程是由校长的教跟学员的学所组成的双边活动过程。如果不 认真做教学设计,教学过程中必定目标模糊,心中无数,要求不当,随心 所欲,而最后未能获得好的教学效果。 2.有利于教学水准的提升 在这个过程中,教师除了应研究教材的常识体系、学生学习课本的状 况(接受水准、心理特征跟认知规律),而且应根据课程标准的精神,分 析教材的编 写意图跟教材特点,分析教材的常识结构、体系跟深广度, 特别是要以整体为背景,分析各个别教材的特征,明确教材的规定,教材 的重点难点 ,分析知识的价值功 能,酝酿设计教学过程 ,确定教学方法。

教案模板范文 小学语文_小学教案模板_小学英语英文教案模板

教学水准的提升,在巨大程度上取决于对教材的钻研。 1.一般今天时 the present tense 2.一般过去时 the past tense 3.一般将来时 the future tense 4.一般过去未来时 the past future tense 5.现在进行时 the present continuous tense 6.过去进行时 the past continuous tense 7.将来进行时 the future continuous tense 8.过去未来进行时 the past future continuous tense 9.现在完成时 the present perfect tense 10.过去完成时 the past perfect tense 11.将来完成时 the future perfect tense 12.过去未来完成时 the past future perfect tense 13.现在完成进行时 the present perfect continuous tense 14.过去完成进行时 the past perfect continuous tense 15.将来完成进行时 the future perfect continuous tense 16.过去未来完成进行时 the past future perfect continuous tense ⅰ.warm-up 1.classbegins!goodmorning,boysandgirls!sitdown,please! 2.boysandgirl,areyouhappytoday?imhappy,too.letssinganengli shsongtogether,ok?whatsyourfavouriteseason?clapyourhands ,please.wow!wonderful! ⅱ.presentation letslearn 1.nowboysandgirls,pleaselookatthispicture.whatseasonisitnow ?yes,itssummer.why?becauseicanswim.readafterme.thisline,pl easereadthiswordonebyone.great!2.lookatthispicture!whatseasonisit?why?becauseicanmakeasn owman.readafterme.thisline,readit.verygood! 3.insummer,icanswim.inwinter,icanmakeasnowman.andinwinte r,icanskate,too.followme,please. 3.somuchforthisclass.classisover.goodbye,everyone! thankyouforlistening【篇二:2015 教师聘用面试全英文说课模版】a brief instruction to the topic of“what should i do” good afternoon,everyone. my name is ______. i’m from -------primary school .today i’m going to talk about the topic” ________________”i will divide the instruction into seven parts : they are teaching material analysis, teaching aims, teaching emphasis, teaching difficulties, teaching methods, teaching aids and teaching procedures. part 1 teaching material analysis this period is from unit ?. of ?.b oxford english. first of all,i’d like to talk about my understanding about this lesson.we have learned ?..in unit ?.we have also learned how to _______ in last two units.today we are going to learn __________________.so this unit links with a special meaning of unit ___and unit ___.this period is the first lesson of reading.the main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.we are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following lessons.so this period is very important in this unit. and according to the contents and the fact of the ss, i establish the following three teaching aims of this period. part 2 teaching aims 1.aims of the knowledge: (1)the first one, students can listen, read, say and spell the the following words: ______________ (2) the second one : students can listen, read, say and write the following daily exprssions:________________ to know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases. (3)to grasp the main idea of reading and use the information to talk to others about one’s problems and how to deal with them.2.aims of the ablilities: (1)to improve the ability of getting information by reading. (2)to develope the ability of listening,speaking, and the ability of working in groups and communication.. 3.aims of the emotion: (1)to develop the ss’consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. (2)to lead ss to show ?./ask for advice to solve the problems. part 3 teaching emphasis 1.to help ss communicate with each other using the new sentence pattern. 2.to enable ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully. 3. to develop ss’interest in english. i think, it’s the most important . part 4 teaching difficulties i think the most difficult point is to make sure the students? 1.to make sure the ss use the sentence pattern correctly. lead them to mix the old and new knowledge to ask and answer.to foster ss’abilities of innovation. 2.to finish the task by themselves. part 5 teaching methods in this topic,i will use five-step teaching method , task-based method,communicated method, group cooperate method. .i design some tasks to help the students learn.i think if i want to improve the students’ oral english,i should give them enough chances to practice and i will use pair work,group rt in all kinds of activities.that is “learning by doing,learning by using”.let the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown. part 6 teaching aids i will use some pictures, words and sentence cards, a tape recorder and the computer to help me achieve the aims. part 7 teaching procedure step Ⅰ.lead-in the purpose is to arouse the students’interest of study. in order to attract the ss’ attention and construct ansurrounding of learning english, i let the ss sing an english song and play a game ”” at the same time,the game can help ss review the knowledge , step Ⅱ.presentation the purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles. 1 the substance of language is communication and the environment of communicatiog is life. so when i present the sentence pattern”_________”,i first show ________ ,teach the sentence. then show my own photo of _________,ss ask and guess, in this way, i can attract ss’attention, encourage ss to ask qs with the new knowledge. 2 most of the ss have learned the sentence pattern:___________,so i design a task for ss to help ?. and teach the new language point :___________ meanwhile show the sentences on the cai. 3 after some practice by asking and answering, i present the next language points.___________ finnaly, i’ll let the ss do pair work to consolidate them. step Ⅲ.practice the purpose is to develop the skills of ?.. 1. in order to make sure the ss master the teaching material, let them listen to the tape and answer some question about “true”or“false”.【篇三:小学语文老师资格笔试《traffic lights》教案】小学语文老师资格笔试《traffic lights》教案 欢迎来到福建学生招考信息网,福建中公教育考试网提供真实可靠 的福建教师招聘、教师资格证考试最新资讯,包括招聘公告、考录 进程、考试培训、面试辅导、资料下载等。