高一下学期英语Module4 Unit 1 A语法课答辩.docx
高一下学期英语 Module4 Unit 1 A语法课答辩英语答辩是笔试中的最终一步,是指考生对于评审人士对课程设计强调的弊端进行进一步 解释表明,答辩通常用英文作答。答辩问题常涉及教学内容方面,如课堂目标的设置是否 合理、教学重难点是否突破、教学方法如何表现、教学活动能否达成教学目标并且是否符 合学生发展水平等;此外,还会涉及教学组织方面,如学子互动如何表现、学生兴趣如何 激发及保持、教师反馈是否立即有效等。因此,答辩不仅无法考察考生英语教学的观念、 课堂的把控力跟鼓励力,而且无法考察考生的英语表达能力或者逻辑思维能力。以下为“遵循教学规律循序渐进高中英语语法教案模板,发展学生自主学习能力”译林版高中下学期 Module4 Unit 1 Advertising 语法课课堂设计设计答辩问题:注意【参考答案】是用英文跟英语, 根据问题判断是英文而是英语。1. How do you achieve the teaching aims?【参考答案】To achieve the teaching aims of this lesson, I set three step of this lesson. In presentation step, by showing plenty of sentences to help students to include the rules of the reported speech and make a foundation for students applying. Then in practice step, I lead students to take part in different activities including mechanical practice and meaningful practice to help students more familiar with the rules, which is also the basis to achieve ability aim. Moreover in production step, students are organized into groups and talk about their own opinion. In this way students can learn how to combine the knowledge with their daily life. Ability aims and emotional aims will also be achieve.2. What is the teaching key point of a grammar lesson?【参考答案】Grammar teaching is an important part of the whole English teaching, and it help to improve the language skills and communicative ability. In my opinion, when we teach grammar, there are three key points: interest, communication and application. Grammar is the base of students speaking ability, but most students is uninterested in learning it, even thinking it is boring. Soteacher need to create various activities to arouse students learning interest. Secondly, grammar is not for reciting. It is for using. Therefore, students should have more chance to communicate with each other to apply the grammar.3. What did you do to help students practice the grammar rules?【参考答案】In this practice part, I set two activities: mechanical practice and meaningful practice. In mechanical practice, students are invited to correct some sentences and complete the letter, this can help students to go on consolidating the grammar rules and pay attention to the key and difficult points of the reported speech. They can avoid some mistakes when they use it. In meaningful practice, I set two activities. Firstly, students are asked to retell the advice to their partners. In this way, students can learn to apply what they learn in an fixed situation. Then the flexibility of the activity increases. Students need to retell the story to their partner. The story has a closed relationship with their daily life, which can set a consolidation to the next production step.或者问题一:请评价本节课课堂的优缺点?【参考答案】首先,本节课更多的使用了场景教学法,将情境跟本单元学生熟悉的情境紧密相连,更加 有利于学生处于课堂,帮助教师应用之前所学的词组短语,降低表达难度。
其次,在本节 课中,充分尊重了学生的主体地位,将归纳法跟诠释法相结合,培养了教师自主学习能力 和合作精神,并且让学生对自己总结起来的词汇规则非常印象深刻。第三高中英语语法教案模板,在本节课中, 我还修改了长期贴合学生生活的任务,通过完成任务,学生无法训练跟应用间接引语表达, 锻炼了英语素质,增加了教师语文语法学习的趣味性。但是因为我实际教学心得不足,同 时本节课知识点也非常多,所以在实际课堂教学中可能会存在任务过多,影响课程进度, 导致本节课可能难以完成所有活动。问题二:请你聊聊如何帮大学学员布置作业。【参考答案】我觉得在学校阶段,作业布置需要以培育教师的学习能力和构建精神为中心进行,避免为 了考试而布置大量题海作业,不仅加剧学生学习负担,还耗费大量时间跟精力。教师可以 使作业非常贴近学生生活跟心理特征,例如三分钟小演讲这样探究式作业。让学生们充分 利用课外资源,通过书籍、电视、广播和互联网等渠道,收集和本单元本节课有关的信息,丰富数学常识,增加教师的自信心和探索意识。高中生的数学作业布置需要非常灵活开放, 以演进提高学生的综合语言采用素质为目标,尽可能帮助学生真正的去用英语说话情,避 免机械重复单调的作业。 更多招教面试资料能查看-教师聘用面试频道。 讲师解析 ·关注学生会考 回复“招教备考”,查看学生招聘备考资料 回复“教招面试”,查看说课稿|教案模板范例