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双语文件生物(双语) 生物(双语)Biology (Bilingual)教案Teaching Plan张Zhang xinyuan生命科学学院College of BiologyE/11/2007 学生材料/教案(院系、姓名) 页1/6双语文件Primary DepartmentSubject Class 1Biology Grade 2008 5.26 Zhang xinyuan 1Preparing Time 15minsDate ByNAME OF LESSON POINTS OF EMPHASIS POINTS OF DIFFICULTY4.1 Bacteria and Fungi1. Know the characteristics of bacterial and fungal colonies; 2. Help the students to observe the colonies in right way. 1. Know the features of colonies. 2. Using the knowledge of this class to observe other colonies. Knowledge aim: Describe the characteristics of bacterial and fungal colonies; Master the cultivation process of bacteria and fungi;AIMSAbility aim: According to activities, can design an experiment about how to cultivate bacteria and fungi. Emotional attitudes and views: Stimulate student’s interests in learning biology. Cultivate student’s capability of observe bacterial and fungal colonies. colony medium agar inoculate purebred colony Sterilize Pictures and ppt. Some pictures about moldy food and colonies. PROCEDURES [Lead in] Good morning, class! [Students] Good morning, teacher! [Teacher] 菌落 培养基 琼脂 接种 纯种菌落 灭菌NEW WORDSMATERIALSPREPARATIONActivity 1E/11/2007学生材料/教案(院系、姓名)2/6双语文件Today is a good day, isn’t it? I hope everyone have a good mood医学教案模板范文,OK? [Students] OK. [Teacher] Ok, girl please, Can you tell us what living things you can see in our school? [Students] tree, flower, dog and ant. [Teacher] Right, thank you, here, in our school, we can see tree, flower, dog and ant, yes? [Students]Yes. [Teacher] But I think we can also say, they are plants and animals right? [Student] Yes. [Teacher] Ok, if except the plants and animals, can you imagine, are there any other living things in our world? [Students]…… [Teacher] Ok, let’s look at some pictures together. Everybody tell me what’s this in English? [Students]Bred. [Teacher] Yes, bred. How about this? What’s wrong with the bred? Yeah Chinese is ok! [Students]发霉的面包。


。 [Teacher]Yeah in Chinese it is 发霉的饼干. In English we call it moldy bred. Ok next. What’s this? [Students]花生。 [Teacher]Yeah if I take one from them, it is a peanut, but they are peanuts. And how about this…… [Student]Moldy peanuts. [Teacher]Yes, great. They are moldy peanuts. Ok let’s stop here everybody do you know what makes these food become this circumstance? And what characteristics do they have? [Student]…… [Teacher]Ok, if we want to solve these problems we should begin our new lesson talk something about bacteria and fungi.E/11/2007 学生材料/教案(院系、姓名) 页3/6双语文件Ok, now please turn to page 54 and look at the pictures by yourself start. [Writing on the blackboard] 4.1 Bacteria and Fungi [Teacher]Ok, now stop, can you translate our today’s topic into Chinese? [Students]…… [Teacher]Ok, bacteria means 细菌医学教案模板范文,fungi means 真菌. Ok you please. [Students]细菌和真菌。


[Teacher]Good. And how many things do you know about bacteria and fungi? [Students]…… [Teacher]For example, they are big or small? [Students]Small. [Teacher] All of them are very small? We know mushroom is a kind ofActivity 2fungi is it very small? [Students]No! [Teacher] So we can say most of the fungi are very small! And where are they? [Students]Every where. [Teacher]Yes, every where, how about our hands? [Students]Yes! [Teacher] So we should often wash our hands before diner ok? [Students]Ok! [Teacher] Sit down please. Ok, we’ve known, most of the bacteria and fungi are very small. And they are living around us. Yes?E/11/2007学生材料/教案(院系、姓名)4/6双语文件[Students]Yes! [Teacher] Now let’s look at this picture again, can you see the individual bacterium or fungus by your eyes? [Students] No. [Teacher] But what is this? Is there just one bacterium or fungus living here? [Students]No. [Teacher]Ok, I think you know, there are many bacteria and fungi living on the peanuts! Yes? [Students]Yes! [Teacher] In biology, the area where bacteria and fungi are living together is called colony. Now do you know what is colony? Chinese meaning 菌落。


So in this picture we can see colonies! Next picture. Everybody tell me what are they? [Students] Colonies. [Teacher] Yes they are colonies. And the first is bacterial colony, the second is fungal colony. Ok please look at this picture carefully and try to describe what characteristics they have. Now start! [Teacher]waiting [Teacher] Ok you please, please describe the bacterial colony. [Students]It is small, white and smooth. [Teacher] Yes very good. How about the fungal colony? You please!Activity 2[Students] It is big, colorful and rough. [Teacher]E/11/2007学生材料/教案(院系、姓名)5/6双语文件Good so smart you are!! And here in this picture, there are two kinds of colonies, they are bacterial colony and fungal colony. But if we want to cultivate purebred colony what should we do? Can you imagine? [Students]…… [Teacher] Ok, doctor Koch, in 1872, had found the best way to cultivate the purebred colony. And the process is at first he made medium, the medium is made of agar and nutrients which are needed by bacteria and fungi. Then he inoculated the bacteria and fungi which he wanted on the medium. At last there become many colonies but they are all purebred. Now let’s review the cultivation process of bacteria and fungi. [Teacher]Here if we want to cultivate the purebred colony we should make medium and next is…… [Students]Inoculate!! [Teacher]Good, how about the last part? [Students]Cultivate! [Teacher]Greet, but we know there are many bacteria and fungi living around us so before the process of inoculation we should…… [Students]Sterilize!! [Teacher]Very good we have finished it now your home work please design an experiment about how to cultivate bacteria and fungi which is on our hand Ok? [Students]Ok!! [Teacher]Ok class is over!! Bye-bye! [Students]Good-bye sir.Activity 3NotesWriter by: _Zhang xinyuan_E/11/2007学生材料/教案(院系、姓名)6/6