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2019-10-02 13:03 网络整理 教案网


8挠曲器32搅拌机56水泥胶沙搅拌机80跌落试验机线材试验机校正板 100mΩ 台 300 导通电阻 jjg982-2003电流电阻箱jjg183-1992绝缘电阻1000μf 电容静电手环测试仪(静电测试仪) (0~10)mΩ 台 120 转换电阻 jjg622-1997绝缘电阻表检定规程。手机的充电速度取决于电流、负载等等,如果抛开这些外在因素不说,充电器内置导体材料也是对电流影响非常大的存在,好的线材与差的线材,本身就是电阻,而差的线材则就得导致电阻增大,使通过的电流减少。该图为6n2的特性曲线,设vbb为250v(由于rc耦合电路放大电路屏流较小电流负载箱,因此vbb可以视为屏极电压ua),屏极电阻为120k,250v/120k≈2ma,从横坐标ua250v、屏极电流0处到纵坐标屏极电流2ma、ua0v处连接一直线,该直线为负载线,选取栅极电压为-1v,负载曲线与-1v曲线相交于q点,q点的屏极电流为0.8ma,屏极电压为100v。


电压负载箱:将本电压负荷箱面板上的电压端子Y与相应电压等 级端子并接到被试电压互感器的a与x之间;将负荷调节到被试电压互感器的实际二次负荷;根据用户要求可特殊定制不同要求的负荷箱; 三、使用注意事项1、送检时温度应控制在15-25℃之间;2、做电流互感器时,切勿随意切换档位电流负载箱,造成二次开路;3、注意防潮,防剧烈震动; 四、主要技术指标FY96-H电流互感器负荷箱主要技术指标环境条件:温度:15-25℃ 湿度:<80%(25℃)海拔:<1500m 电源频率:50Hz额定容量:2.5VA-60VA; COS1.0: 2.5VA-20VA;测量范围:电流:%-120%二次电流:5A功率因数:1.0 准确度:±3%±0.0025VA试验电压:2V外形尺寸:250×350 mm×175 mm重量:g FY96-A电流互感器负荷箱主要技术指标环境条件:温度:15-25℃ 湿度:<80%(25℃)海拔:<1500m 电源频率:50Hz额定容量:2.5VA-60VA; COS1.0: 2.5VA-20VA;测量范围:电流:%-120%二次电流:A功率因数:1.0 准确度:±3%±0.0025VA试验电压:2V外形尺寸:250×350 mm×175 mm重量:gFY95-H电压互感器负荷箱主要技术指标环境条件:温度:15-25℃ 温 度:<80%(25℃)海拔:<1500m 电源频率:50Hz额定容量:1.25VA-.75VA测量范围:20%-120%、二次电压;10/√3V功率因数:0.8,1.0 准确度:±3% ±0.VA试验电压:2V外形尺寸:250×350 mm×175 mm重量:8g FY95-A电压互感器负荷箱主要技术指标环境条件:温度:15-25℃ 温 度:<80%(25℃)海拔:<1500m 电源频率:50Hz额定容量:1.25VA-.75VA测量范围:20%-120%、二次电压;10/√3V功率因数:0.8,1.0 准确度:±3% ±0.VA试验电压:2V外形尺寸:250×350 mm×175 mm重量:8g FY98-H电流、电压互感器负荷箱主要技术指标环境条件:温度:15-25℃ 湿度:<80%(25℃)海拔:<1500m 电源频率:50Hz额定容量:电流:2.5VA-60VA; COS1.0: 2.5-5VA;电压:1.25VA-158.75VA测量范围:电流:%-120%电压:20%-120%二次电流:A二次电:100/√3V功率因数:1.0 准确度:电流:±3%±0.0025VA±3% ±0.05VA试验电压:2V外形尺寸:0 mm×350 mm×175 mm重量:5kg FY98-A电流、电压互感器负荷箱主要技术指标环境条件:温度:15-25℃ 湿度:<80%(25℃)海拔:<1500m 电源频率:50Hz额定容量:电流:2.5VA-60VA; COS1.0: 2.5-5VA;电压:1.25VA-158.75VA测量范围:电流:%-120%电压:20%-120%二次电流:A二次电:100/√3V功率因数:1.0 准确度:电流:±3%±0.0025VA±3% ±0.05VA试验电压:2V外形尺寸:0mm×350mm×175mm重量:5kg 五、装箱清单 1、负载箱1台 2、使用说明书1份 3、合格证/保修卡1份武汉市华天电力自动化有限责任公司 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down.In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down.In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notificationschool)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down.In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification