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boost string find_string find 函数_could not find boost(2)

2019-09-22 01:02 网络整理 教案网

6 ifind_nth() 找到第n个匹配的子串(计算从0开始)(不区分大小写)

7 find_head() 找到字符串的前n个字节


string str1("hello dolly!");

iterator_range<string::iterator> result = find_head(str1,5);

transform( result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(), ToUpper ); // str1 == "HELLO dolly!"

8 find_tail() 找到字符串的后n个字节

9 find_token() 找到符合谓词的串


char Add1(const char &ch)


return ch+1;



string str1("hello 1 world!");

any character of the string is not a digit of the specified radix, except that the first character may be a minus sign '-' ('\u002d') or plus sign '+' ('\u002b') provided that the string is longer than length 1.。returns a byte object holding the value given by the specified string. the argument is interpreted as representing a signed decimal byte, exactly as if the argument were given to the method. the result is a byte object that represents the byte value specified by the string.。参数:code - the new result code. often uses the activity activity.result_canceled and activity.result_ok constants, though the actual meaning of this value is ultimately up to the broadcaster.data - the new result data. this is an arbitrary string whose interpretation is up to the broadcaster。

transform( result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(), Add1 ); // str1 == "hello 2 world!");

10 find_regex() 匹配正则表达式


11 find() 使用自己写的查找函数



MyFinder1( std::string::iterator begin, std::string::iterator end )


std::string::iterator itr;

for(itr = begin;itr!=end;itr++)


if((*itr) == '1')


std::string::iterator preitr = itr;

iterator_range<string::iterator> ret(preitr, ++itr);

return ret;



return iterator_range<string::iterator>();

} // boost自己也提供了很多Finder


string str1("hello 1 world!");

iterator_range<string::iterator> result = find(str1,MyFinder1);

transform( result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(), Add1 ); // str1 == "hello 2 world!");


1 replace_first() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其替换为给定的另外一个字符串


string str1("hello world!");

replace_first(str1, "hello", "Hello"); // str1 = "Hello world!"

2 replace_first_copy() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其替换为给定的另外一个字符串,并且赋



string str1("hello world!");

string str2;

str2 = replace_first_copy(str1, "hello", "Hello"); // str2 = "Hello world!"

3 ireplace_first() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其替换为给定的另外一个字符串(不区分大小写)

boost string find_string find 函数_could not find boost

4 ireplace_first_copy() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其替换为给定的另外一个字符串,并且赋值给另一个字符串(不区分大小写)

5 erase_first() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其删除


string str1("hello world!");

erase_first(str1, "llo"); // str1 = "He world!"

6 erase_first_copy() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其删除,并且赋值给另一个字符串


string str1("hello world!");

string str2;

str2 = erase_first_copy(str1, "llo"); // str2 = "He world!"

7 ierase_first() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其删除(不区分大小写)

8 ierase_first_copy() 从头找到第一个匹配的字符串,将其删除,并且赋值给另一个字符串(不区分大小写)// 与上面类似,不过是从字符串尾开始替换

9 replace_last()

10 replace_last_copy()

11 ireplace_last()

12 ireplace_last_copy()

13 erase_last()

14 erase_last_copy()

15 ierase_last()

16 ierase_last_copy()// 与上面类似,不过是从字符串n个匹配的开始替换

17 replace_nth()


string str1("hello world!");

replace_nth(str1, "o", 1, "O"); // str1 = "hello wOrld!"

18 replace_nth_copy()

19 ireplace_nth()

20 ireplace_nth_copy()

21 erase_nth()

22 erase_nth_copy()

23 ierase_nth()

24 ierase_nth_copy()// 与上面类似,不过是将所有的匹配字符串替换

25 replace_all()

26 replace_all_copy()

27 ireplace_all()

28 ireplace_all_copy()

29 erase_all()

30 erase_all_copy()

31 ierase_all()

32 ierase_all_copy()

33 replace_head() 替换前n个字符


string str1("hello world!");

replace_head(str1, 5, "HELLO"); // str1 = "HELLO world!"

34 replace_head_copy() 替换前n个字符boost string find,并且赋值给另一个字符串


string str1("hello world!");

string str2;

str2 = replace_head_copy(str1, 5, "HELLO"); // str2 = "HELLO world!"

35 erase_head() 删除前n个字符


string str1("hello world!");

erase_head(str1, 5); // str1 = " world!"

36 erase_head_copy() 删除前n个字符,并且赋值给另一个字符串


string str1("hello world!");

string str2;

str2 = erase_head_copy(str1, 5); // str2 = " world!"

boost string find_string find 函数_could not find boost

// 与上面类似(替换/删除后n个字符)

37 replace_tail()

38 replace_tail_copy()

39 erase_tail()

40 erase_tail_copy()

// 与正则表示式相关,稍后了解。

41 replace_regex()

42 replace_regex_copy()

43 erase_regex()

44 erase_regex_copy()

45 replace_all_regex()

46 replace_all_regex_copy()

47 erase_all_regex()

48 erase_all_regex_copy()

// 不是很清楚,稍后了解

49 find_format()

50 find_format_copy()

51 find_format_all()

52 find_format_all_copy()


1 find_all() 查找所有匹配的值,并且将这些值放到给定的容器中


string str1("hello world!");

std::vector<std::string> result;

find_all(result, str1, "l"); // result = [3]("l","l","l")

2 ifind_all() 查找所有匹配的值,并且将这些值放到给定的容器中(不区分大小写)

3 find_all_regex() 与正则表达式相关,稍后了解

4 split() 按照给定的谓词切割字符串,并且把切割后的值放入到给定的容器中


class SplitNotThisChar



SplitNotThisChar(const char ch) : m_char(ch) {}

bool operator ()(const char &ch) const


if(ch == m_char)

return true;


return false;



char m_char;


string str1("hello world!");

string str2;

std::vector<std::string> result;

split(result, str1, SplitNotThisChar('l')); // result = [4]("he","","o wor","d!")

5 split_regex() 与正则表达式相关,稍后了解

6 iter_find() 按照给定Finder查找字符串,并且把查找到的值放入到给定的容器中


string str1("hello world!");

std::vector<std::string> result;

// first_finder为Boost自带的Finder

iter_find(result, str1, first_finder("l")); // result = [3]("l","l","l")

7 iter_split() 按照给定的Finder切割字符串,并且把切割后的值放入到给定的容器中


string str1("hello world!");

std::vector<std::string> result;

iter_split(result, str1, first_finder("l")); // result = [4]("he","","o wor","d!")