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高中教资|英语优秀试讲教案《A Taste of English humor》

2022-06-10 09:51 网络整理 教案网


高中英语教学设计《A Taste of English humor》

I Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aims:Students will learn some basic knowledge about story writing, including its format: the situation, what happens, and the punchline.

Ability aims:

1.Students can develop their logical thinking ability through writing.

2.The ability of creating funny stories from their real life can be trained.

Emotional aim:

1.Students can form a positive attitude towards life and the sense of humor.

2.Students could enjoy the success in writing.

II Teaching Key &Difficult Points:

Students will learn some basic knowledge about story writing, including its format: the situation, what happens, and the punchline.

III Teaching Methods:

Brainstorming, Group discussion, Process writing, task-based teaching method, communicative teaching method.

IV Teaching Aids:

Some funny stories examples; Multi-media.

V Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up(3mins)Tell a funny story to students and ask them to listen carefully:A man walks into a bar with a duck under his arm.The bartender asks: "Hey, where did you find the pig?""It's not a pig, it's a duck," the man answers.To which the barman replies: "I was talking to the duck".

Group discussion:Discuss with partners whether you think the story you listen to is funny. Give your reasons. Use these words and expressions in the chart on the textbook to help you.

Step 2: Pre-writing(15mins):Free-talkThink of a funny English or Chinese story and tell it to your partner. While telling, use facial expressions and some acting to help make the story as funny as you can.

Format:Ask one student to tell what he/she heard. I would write every stages of his/her story onto the blackboard.

Then I would ask the whole class to put this story into several parts. According to the answer, I would lead them to discover the format of funny story: Title, Situation, What happened, Punchline.

Step 3: While-writing (7mins):Write down students’ own stories within 7 minutes.

Step 4: Post-writing (15mins):Revising:Ask students to revise their writing according to the following guidance:Does it follow the format?Are there any mistakes of spelling, case or punctuation?Do all the words and phrases used appropriately?After the self-edit, I would ask students to edit each others’ writing within their group according to the standard above.

Evaluation and Present:Invite some students to share their writing with others and teacher would evaluate their writing. Then teacher would pick out some typical mistakes to deal with, the punctuation for instance.

Step 5: Summary & Homework (5mins)Summary:Some students would be invited to sum up the format and their own understanding of the English humor story.


1. To collect at least five humor stories creatively;

2. Finish the chart of Summing up in the textbook.

VII Blackboard design:



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