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教案模板2(LaTeX对Word和LaTeX的初次模板使用过程中首次用到 )(2)

2021-09-08 05:56 网络整理 教案网



	\caption{show tabel.}%标注该表格,用于在文章内引用
		A & \multicolumn{3}{c}{B}  \\
		& C & C2 & 3 \\	
		a1 & 0.4 & 0.9 & 0.8 \\
		a2 & 0.1 & 0.1& 0.9 \\
		a3 & 0.5 & 0.0& 0.5 \\
		a4 & 0.7 & 0.7& 0.7 \\


The $A_{1}=B+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})$President has told members of his team that starting a new conflict would amount to breaking his campaign promise to wind do.
A_{1}=B+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})
o breaking his
A_{1}=B+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})\\
A_{1}=B+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})
o breaking his
A_{1}=B+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})-C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})\\
=C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})+C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})\\
=C(\dfrac{a}{a\log b})

结合BibTeX自动导入引用引用,先在test_main.tex所在的文件下存放一个BibTeX文件,命名为reference,即reference.bib。您可以从 Google Scholar 中导入参考文章的 BibTXT 并将其复制到参考。以下方式自动加载,然后可以直接引用参考文献,使用\cite{XX},XX为.bib文件中文章后的内容教案模板2,如下图

members of\cite{olson1999nutrition} his team that starting a new conflict would amount to breaking his campaign promise\cite{townsend2001food} to winstarting a new conflict would amount to breaking his\cite{olson1999nutrition}.

