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2021-09-01 18:59 网络整理 教案网






在付出的同时,我也收获了希望。 20xx年获得外语补习学校幼儿教师结业证书,获得幼儿园“幼儿教师风采”演讲比赛优秀奖。 20xx年获得市教委组织的幼儿园教师舞蹈培训证书。 20xx年获“中国·新加坡少儿美术书法大赛”优秀指导教师奖,通过国家书画四级专业证书,x音乐家协会古筝七级证书。 20xx年获得X省中小学教师考试学前教育大专文凭,并通过计算机考试和普通话考试。 20xx年获得X省教师培训中心多媒体课件制作培训证书。 20xx年获得X城幼儿园墙面装饰大赛一等奖。 20xx年被评为局先进个人。




本人XXX,女,1983年6月25日出生,大学学历。 2001年8月,带着少女时代的热情,我来到了梦想的舞台——机构二胎。在这里,我用自己的努力、汗水、真挚的爱心浇灌苗木,陪伴孩子们一个又一个的成长,度过九年的青春。










在付出的同时,我也收获了希望。 2002年获得外语补习学校幼儿教师结业证书,获得幼儿园“幼儿教师风采”演讲比赛优秀奖。 2003年获得市教委组织的幼儿园教师舞蹈培训证书。 2003年获“中国·新加坡少儿美术书法大赛”优秀指导教师奖,通过国家书画考试。 2004年获得X省中小学教师资格考试学前教育专科文凭,并通过计算机考试和普通话考试。 2006年获得X省教师培训中心多媒体课件制作培训证书。 2001年获得X城幼儿园墙面装饰大赛一等奖。 2008年被评为局先进个人。





热爱祖国,热爱人民教育,热爱教师职业。坚持拥护中国共产党领导,坚持四项基本原则,通过看电视、看报、学前教育杂志等多种形式,学习和全面贯彻党的教育方针,了解国内时政和国外。与时俱进,忠于人民教育,用社会主义道德规范约束自己的行为,努力培养高尚的人格和道德情操。教师被誉为人类灵魂的工程师,他们的政治思想将直接影响孩子。我在高标准方面对自己很严格。 Actively participate in various activities in the park, and make careful records, so as not to be late or leave early, and establish an image of being a good teacher.

二、Work performance:

"Try to be a teacher that children love" is my goal of work. There is a famous saying: "Educators have no emotion, no love, just like there is no water in a pond." In actual work, I strive to create a loving "pond" for children. When the child is in trouble, I will always pay attention to help. Especially for children with special circumstances, I have given extra care to help each child build up self-confidence, teach them to respect others, cultivate their good living and study habits, and teach them to find answers by themselves. These will benefit them all their lives.

People say that "children are the work of their parents". As my teacher, how can children be our work? It is our common wish to let children progress and grow. Therefore, I deeply understand the importance of parent work. Teachers and parents can understand the situation of children at home and kindergarten through communication. Therefore, the communication between parents and teachers is still important. After school every day, I will promptly report to the parents the child’s discipline and learning situation that day, and do a good job Give prompt encouragement and praise, and ask parents for cooperation if they do not do enough to help children correct. If I find a child who is absent, I will call the parents in time to greet the child’s physical health, and do a good job in synchronizing the home. Communicate with parents in time and give feedback in time. It has been recognized and trusted by the parents.

Kindergarten education is a complex education. It is not a family or kindergarten that can do it alone. It requires the two to achieve good results. Let parents understand the situation of their children in the kindergarten, and at the same time let us understand the situation of their children at home, understand each other, and at the same time absorb their opinions and suggestions on the education and management of the kindergarten, and strive to make the children develop more comprehensively.

In order to adapt to improve the quality of my education and keep up with the times, I took the self-study exam during my break time and obtained a college degree. I also participated in the various skill assessments of teachers in each period of the kindergarten. By reading some professional books, I constantly updated my knowledge and continuously improved the educational theoretical level and professional ability.
