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篮球教案模板( 小学一年级篮球教案初一语文教案综合实践(上海版教案))(2)

2021-08-29 09:02 网络整理 教案网



3 教师命令密码 2 徒手练习伸展和模仿乐趣 4 组织四项横向团队运动 3 专项练习 1 练习和观看教师手势移动练习 1 练习 2 观看教师手势改变方向运行 1 组织四向柱和一个篮球小动作 练习跑变方向的教学法 3 快速跑、停、变方向,重点示范和讲解动作 跑动练习 11 响应式探索 2 组练习 4 滑步动作 变向跑 2 控制球灵活个别指导纠正 5 结合小游戏练习移动方向改变跑步研究需要快速反应和快速行动。 1 教师组织并领导一次放松活动。 1 学生模仿流动。 2 指出本课的优点和缺点。 2 总结。 2 学生听问题。篮球预期运动负预期装备20负荷密度小学一年级篮球教案课后总结小学一年级篮球教案班工作日天气113教材题目了解篮球场第一课让学生了解篮球场学习篮球运动知识目的篮球场关键知识的教学 教学方法难以及时组织预期课的内容。老师指导学生。活动的顺序。教学方法的效果。教学方法的效果。学生们慢跑和做徒手操。 1 伸展运动。运动场容量4 腹背运动趣味了解篮球场5 压腿练习6 腕踝关节练习7 身体旋转练习1 认识篮球场老师讲解篮球场知识、场地大小、投篮区、禁区、三分线、篮筐等。 认识篮球 2 组织学生进行半场小组赛,讲解篮球场的用途,探索场地 3 互相学习,讨论画画图片交换放松练习 1 比赛投双球 2 调整呼吸,深呼吸放松全身 全班密度,基础部位密度,篮球预期密度,篮球预期密度场,以及 20 种动态载荷材料的预期密度。课后总结。跑过一米内的障碍物 1 初步学习快速安全通过障碍技能培养敏捷性和速度等体能课程 2 进一步学习小篮球接球、跑步、单手投篮技巧 3 培养学生良好的教学质量机智、勇气和决心 及时组织重点教学方法和难点课。预期课程的内容。老师指导学生。活动的顺序。教学方法的效果。课堂常规。体委组织全队学生听口令。练习伸展老师指挥密码,学生听密码,练习趣味练习,组织四支横队模仿学生听密码站,一个练习队分成四组,篮子上一个练习场,传球和传球。接球原地练习教学方法 原地运球和老师讲解和演示原地单手投篮练习。集体练习接球和单手投篮。教师导游带领学习区,组织成四组。动作要连贯、协调。 30 同时,学生听密码练习。以小组形式在垫子上练习跨栏练习和小组竞争。不要要求跳米,以确保动作的质量。遵守规则。参加放松活动。教师组织和带领学生模仿流动。滇湘组织四排横排,全班密度,基础部分,场地和篮球密度,估计运动器材损失。 20课后小结个人冲锋密度,小学一年级篮球教学计划,第二周课,215课主题教学1行进手间运球,低手和篮筐材料2课1让学员初步掌握行军之间的运球和单手低位上篮技巧和投篮技巧 2 学会单手低位上篮技巧和投篮技巧运球运球。 3 教学重点 手脚协调 教学方法 难课时间 分组预组织 课间班主任引导学生活动顺利 教学分工、有效秩序、组织队型XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXO,老师体育课组委会,全队,汇报人数XXXXXXXXXX,XXX学生人数,师生问候,人发要求检查,全队准备人数篮球教案模板,人数准备之余,衣着欢快安静,宣告本班精神充满内在兴趣,声音洪亮,需要集中注意力,快速反应。徒手练习伸展到位,以充分活动身体的关节。 At the basket, pay attention to the timing of taking the ball and the method of action. When shooting, hold the ball with five fingers from the teacher. 3 The teacher prompts the knowledge of the layup. Stretching upwards: When the ball is close to the basket, the essentials of the action of using the hand to explore the ball. The action of picking up makes the ball rotate forward and throw it at 4 students collectively practice the ball basket study 5 teacher tour individual tutoring 6 student demonstration 1 relaxation exercises 2 summary of this lesson proposed Praise or criticize the flow of relaxation exercises 3 Announce the content of the next class arrangement After-class practice sharing 4 Arrange students to return the equipment


5 Announced that the basic part of the next classroom is the basic part of the basket, the density of the whole class, the density of the ball, the estimated and the expected exercise load density, 20 devices, the summary after class, the first grade basketball lesson plan, the class time of the first grade, the day of the week, the weather 116, the subject material 1 basketball field 21 passed Learn the knowledge of the small basketball field, understand the methods of basketball individual technical competitions, learn how to organize small basketball individual competitions by yourself, 3 be able to actively cooperate with classmates to organize small basketball individual competitions, teaching key basketball individual technical competitions, teaching methods, difficult basketball individual events The method of the technical competition is divided into time. The content of the expected lesson is organized by the teacher. The teacher guides the students. The effect of the order and the teaching method. 1. Jogging 2. Doing free exercises 1. Stretching exercises. Side exercises lesson content 4 abdominal and back exercise fun 5 leg press exercise 6 wrist and ankle joint exercise 7 body rotation exercise Method Basketball field 2 Students group review and exploration 3 Group practice to organize basketball individual competitions and exchanges 1 Adjust breathing and deep breath to relax the whole body. 2 Goodbye teachers and students assist teachers to recycle equipment to enjoy the density of the whole class Basic part of the density of the field and basketball prediction Estimated equipment dynamic load density 20 after-class summary Primary school first grade basketball teaching week class 2 class times 17 days weather sub-topic textbook 1 basketball activities 21 mutual encouragement in practice and help each other promote each other to reflect the courage to fight and never give up. Class 2 Objective 3 Teaching focuses on several different dribbling methods and requirements. Difficulties in teaching can overcome the sour situation in practice. Close cooperation with your own partners. The content of the sequence. The content of the time class. The teacher guides the student activities. Requires full energy 1 Sports committee team division 2 Teacher announces the content of this lesson, the formation is neat and exciting, the speaker task 2 The teacher practice four rows of horizontal numbers check clothing 3 Teacher command password 13 Practice activities special team gymnastics 2 Announce the content of the class queue exercises Bare-handed exercises 5 team types and tasks 2 warm-up activities fun 2 warm-up activities special free-hand exercises 1 organize students to stand in a round shape for dribbling and kicking the ball 1 master the rules to fully play and mobilize students to learn to enter the game independently 2 Close with your own friends 2 Organize students to make round team basketball activities with left and right hands on the spot. Actively carry out 30 dribbles and exchange left and right dribbles to practice exploratory ball practice, which reflects mutual learning, one person dribble, one person observes, encourages and promotes Mental guidance of students and help them to remember the number of energy 3 Organize students to carry out a dribble relay competition. Requirements are to be styled. The level of competition is required. 4 Evaluation of the student’s practice. Organization leader 2 Summary 1 Student active activity flow four columns horizontal 2 Point out the advantages and disadvantages of this class 53 End of class 2 Mutual communication and evaluation teams to share the whole class secret basic part Density venues expected negative sports basketball 20 expected density equipment after class summary Primary school First grade basketball lesson plan Weekly class 1 lesson 18 days sub-qi topic textbook 1 basketball dribble assessment 21 know the method of basketball assessment and the purpose of the required lesson 2 can correct thinking and perform the assessment with all efforts to play their best level 3 Key points of teaching, teaching methods, difficult points, time sequence, content of the class, teacher guidance, student activity organization, pre-effect room, class routine 1 sports committee organization, team 1 request for full energy 1 sports committee team teacher 2 teacher announces the content of this lesson, the formation of the team is neat and stimulates students to greet the speaker task 2 Follow the teacher to practice four rows of horizontal numbers, check clothing, 3 teacher’s command password, 13 practice activities, special team gymnastics, 2 announce the content of the class, queue exercises, free exercises, 5 team types and tasks, 2 preparation activities, fun 2 preparation activities, special free exercises 1 seriously follow the teacher Practice preparation activities and actively prepare for 1 lead the students to make adequate assessments and prepare for the activities 2 listen carefully to the teacher's talk 2 explain the specific methods of the assessment, invigorate the spirit and ask students to pay more attention to the level 3 practice earnestly and actively participate in 3 organization Students conduct assessments and are able to encourage others to try for three times. They are required to encourage other students to demonstrate the basketball dribble assessment. Students who have finished the 30-point exam can have a good mental outlook and some of their favorite activities. Actively cooperate with the teacher to return to the equipment, but the discipline of the student to receive the equipment class determines the student's 5 and the teacher summarizes the gains and losses of this assessment sequence and the assessment and knows 4 organize the students to recycle the device to tell themselves in the class 5 summarize the student assessment situation Position and make a plan for yourself in your mind 1 Relaxing activities are handed in 1 Teacher organization leads 2 Summary 1 Student active activity flows in four columns 2 Point out the advantages and disadvantages of this lesson 53 End of class 2 Mutual communication and evaluation teams to share the density of the basic parts of the whole lesson The field is expected to sport negative basketball 45 expected density equipment after class summary
