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控球 控球好球落点提高推法复习第12课反手11-12推挡练习成功率第12课挡球成功率3.教师导游介绍64人集体观摩46人技能好。练习 1 安排 2 名技能一般的学生向老师示范,一边称赞球一边前进。应保持两次反手推。应指出存在的问题。在小组中,应形成初始球球比和正手发球。在正确的练习中,所有的学生都应该注意旧的13-14动作,设置比赛并击球。身姿老师指出题型理论知识和实践潜力。 2组练习可以更精准的控制和引入7系好球。练习的成功率是根据球 1 问题什么时候用正手更好的拦网和反手绑球导致完成两种介绍正手和反手落点进入本课学习不同技术 152组推、推、后退和正手练习,可以更准确地控制拦网,发球发平发发球。有效控制球的落点。平射技术。结合推和挡技术的练习。 3 教师注重辅导技巧。掌握技能较慢的学生多受表扬,少受批评。回顾反手并及时。 1 游戏规则及要求介绍。根据不同的推和正确的判断。 2 安排双人和多人身体到球。球体素质练习培养学生的团队控球拍式台球组合练习,结合落地和打结协作精神16和快速挥杆练习,让学生独立教授比赛音量和方向,拦截球,发挥效果老师导览 第4座,针对游戏中出现的疑问,根据学生的能力回答和讨论技能,更熟练自己的安排。老师宣布任务后,学生掌握反体情况。主手推块和17个主选对用于教师教学、导览正手画、正手画、独立选打组合、练习、内部技术内容通过考核,可见两者要考核反手。介绍评估方法和标准推进评估的学术进展。派现有学生独立练习。暂未考核的两对学生将被分配到18道学习题。适当安排实践内容,明确负面,以进一步推进。区域负责人激发积极性,练习表组3分开始考核。 2006学年第二学期四项健美操模板计划。 2 继续学习健美操的基本运动方法、教学方法和体能练习方法, 3 提高协调性、节奏性、敏感性、表现力和心肺耐力,塑造健美体型, 4 学会处理个人与身体的关系集体,培养顽强的意志品质和团队精神;学习目标;学习内容;主要教学策略; 11 了解有氧运动的营养和有氧运动的营养与卫生;使用多媒体课件教授卫生并提高对健美操学习和学生讨论的理解。结合兴趣 2 学生探究与学习 21 学会掌握健美操的基本手型 1 借助老师直观的教与学型 V 一步步 V 步横断面踏步机学生自主学习,结合健美操的基本手型学习跨步一步一步弹跳,2提高协调性,有节奏的动作讲解示范31本学会《全民健美操1学习》全国健美操群众训练教师在讲解示范练习标准《二级规定、标准》2级规定动作1-41-4 8拍8拍41 改进版《全国健美操集体练习1 复习上一课第1-4 8个练习标准》第二级规定动作的第一拍。老师讲解和示范基本的1-4 8-shot 熟练度和规则。 2 学习《全国健美操集体练习让学生自主执行达标》第5级二级规定动作。 8 Work and Inquiry 2 Learn to teach new content 8 beats 3 Self-learning and cooperative learning 51 Improve "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1 Review "National Aerobics Mass Exercise with Teachers' Intuitive Teaching and Learning Standards" Level 2 prescribed actions The second level of the "standard" requires the autonomous learning of the first student to combine 1-8 8-beat proficiency and regularity 1-8 8-beat norms 2 learning to roll step left and right cross crossing 2 learning new teaching content step sucking leg jump 3 Improve coordination and cardiorespiratory endurance 3 Study "National Aerobics Mass Exercise to Improve Coordination and Cardiorespiratory Endurance Standards" Level 2 required actions to cultivate independent learning and cooperative learning 9-10 8 beats 61 "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1 Review the 9th-10th 8th beats of the previous class Let students cooperate independently and standard "Second-level prescribed actions National 2 Study "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Inquiry, Study Aerobics Mass Exercise Standards" Second Standard" Level 2 Regulations The 9th-10th 11-12th 8 beats 8 beats proficiency and standardization 2 learning



New teaching content 3 Improve coordination and sense of rhythm, cultivate the ability of independent learning and cooperative learning 71 Improve "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1 Review of the 9th-12th 8-beat Teacher Guidance and Student Independent Exploration Standards of the Last Class" Second-level required action 2 study "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Study and Study Combination 9-12th 8th 8-beat Proficiency Standards" Level 2 required action, 13-16 8-beat first and standardization 2 Learn new teaching content 3 Improve coordination Sense of Sex and Rhythm Cultivate the ability of autonomous learning and cooperative learning 81 Improve the "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1 Review" "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Students' Independent Cooperative Learning and Practice Standards" Level 2 Regulations Standard Movements Level 2 Regulations 13- 16 8-beat proficiency and 13-16 8-beat normative 2 Learning "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 2" National Aerobics Mass Exercise Standards of the Second Level Regulation Standard of the Second Level Exercise No. 17- 20 8-beat movements 17-20 8-beat proficiency and 3 physical fitness exercises, abdominal muscles, back muscles, standardized arm muscles, 3 development of special physical fitness, and quality training that are not afraid of hardship and tiredness 91 improve "National Aerobics Public Exercise 1 Review the previous lesson "Basic Exercise Standards for National Aerobics Teachers Explaining and Demonstrating" the second-level prescribed exercises, the second-class exercise standards, and the second-level prescribed exercises to allow students to perform 17-20 8-beat proficiency and 17-20 8-beat master cooperation and inquiry learning standardization 2 learning "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 2 Learning New Teaching Content Standards" Level 2 required actions 3rd training to improve coordination and cardiorespiratory resistance 21-24 8-shots of the movement ability training independent learning The ability to cooperate and learn to improve the interest in learning aerobics 101 to further increase the "National Aerobics 1 Review "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Using Group Practice and Teaching Than Mass Exercise Standards" Level 2 Regulations" Level 2 Actions 1st Competition Action 1 -24 8-beats 1-24 8-beats proficiency and standardization 2 Improve coordination and cardiorespiratory endurance Cultivate the ability of independent learning and cooperative learning 111 "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Standard 1 Learning "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Multimedia allows students to be autonomous and accurate. "Second-level prescribed action No. 25-28 Standard" Second-level prescribed action No. Cooperative learning teacher tutors 8 moves 25-28 8 beats 2 Development shift to physical fitness 2 Physical fitness exercises abdominal muscles and back muscles 3 Cultivating rhythmic sensitivity, indicating that the arm muscles are now able to remember cardiorespiratory endurance, and improve the ability of independent learning and cooperative learning. 121 Improve the "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1 Review "The National Aerobics Mass Exercise Teacher's Basic Standards for Explaining and Demonstrating" Level 2 On the basis of the second level of the prescribed actions, the students are allowed to perform autonomous 25-28 8-beat proficiency and 25-28 8-beat cooperative and inquiring learning normative 2 exercises "National Aerobics Public Exercise Standard 2 Preliminary Mastery" "National Aerobics Standard" Level 2 Regulations, Second Level Exercise Standards" Level 2 Regulations 29-32 8 beats for 29-32 8 beats 3 Learn to practice group dance Cha Cha Cha 3 Improve the sense of coordination and rhythm Cultivate self-confidence and The spirit of unity and mutual assistance 131 Preliminary mastery of "National Aerobics Major 1 Study" National Aerobics Mass Exercise Using Multimedia Student Autonomous Exercise Standards "Secondary Regulation Standards" Secondary Regulations 33rd and Cooperative Learning Teacher’s Guided Work 33rd 8 Beats and Ground Motions 8 Beats and Ground Motions 2 Cultivate the ability of independent learning and cooperative learning 141 Improve "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1" National Aerobics Mass Exercise Standards for Students to Carry out Independent Cooperative Training Standards" Level 2 prescribed actions, Level 2 prescribed actions, complete action exercises, teaching competitions, proficiency and standardized habits 2 Improve the sense of coordinated rhythm Cultivate the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance with the development of cardiopulmonary ability 151 Improve the "National Aerobics Mass Exercise 1" National Aerobics Mass Exercise Standards for Students to Carry out Independent Cooperative Training Standards" Level 2 prescribed actions, Level 2 prescribed actions, complete exercise exercises, use multimedia proficiency And standardized exercises 2 broaden your horizons to improve aerobics Xin 2 aerobics complete movement appreciation and appreciation level to cultivate aerobics learning interest 161 proficient in the second level of prescribed movements students to carry out independent and cooperative learning using group exercises and competition methods 2 to improve the sense of coordinated rhythm Harmony Teaching Competition Teachers tour to guide the lung ability to shape the bodybuilding body shape 2 Learn to practice group dance Cha Cha 3 Cultivate the ability of teamwork learning 171 Improve students' cooperative ability Develop students' free combination of no less than 6 Teachers guide and students to explore each other's sense of innovation Created and co-authored the "National Aerobics Mass Exercise Combination Spiritual Standards" with the people who work together to create the opening and closing poses of the second level of the action. Sense of expressiveness, etc. 2 Cultivate students’ self-confidence, expressiveness and sense of collective honor, Yuyao No. 4 Middle School Sports Group, December 2006
