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2021-08-15 15:03 网络整理 教案网


《中国史》一年级第二册内容从隋唐到明清,各时期兴衰​​及经济、政治、军事的改革发展,和文化。四个单元共23课。 , 包括探究活动课4节课。


《世界史》九年级第二卷涵盖了从一战到二战的世界政治格局的两极分化和世界政治格局的多极化。它包括五个单元,总共 25 课。包括3小时的探究活动课。










1、 对重要的历史事件和重要人物进行具体描述,阐明线索。每节课都突出重点和基本点,供学生掌握和巩固。




(三)Education 关于教学过程中的情感、态度和价值观:


2、 用历史辩证唯物主义的初步教育。使学生学会科学地分析和评价革命时期的史实和人物,培养分析归纳能力。


4、 进行优秀的道德高尚教育。涌现出无数杰出的政治家、军事家、思想家、科学家、作家、艺术家和能工巧匠,无不体现出高尚的情操和卓越的品质,值得发展。

5、 开展国情教育,增强时代责任感,比照内外,甚至为国家争光,树立民族自尊、自豪、自信。




本学期努力使自己的学科成为学生喜爱的学科,课堂教学正朝着有趣、生动、有趣的方向努力。让学生积极参与课堂教学,如课堂答疑、小讨论、讲故事等。通过这些活动,可以开发学生的思维潜能,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创新意识,学生也能够主动复习当天所学内容。这样,学生就可以将注意力集中在课堂上,加强课堂纪律的管理。及时发现不足,及时总结。 ##



高中新课程标准在明确高中培养目标、优化课程结构、保障教学内容、促进教学方式转变等方面进行了积极的改革探索。在教学上,要跟上高中课程改革的步伐。为适应这一新形势,确保高中教育质量稳步提高,我们的教学必须有利于广大学生的自主发展。高中历史新课程作为高中历史教育的实验场,对我们教师来说既是挑战也是机遇。只有认真的研究、深入的思考、刻苦的实践,才能赢得主动权,实现事业和生活的双重进步。在接下来的教学实践中,要遵循拓展教学思路、创新教学模式、提高教学技能、拓宽教学视野的指导精神,积极探索和总结教学规律,尽快提高学生的认知能力和历史学习能力。尽可能。 The interest of seeking knowledge will realize a new breakthrough in history teaching in Qiongshan Overseas Chinese Middle School.


There are more than 700 students in the 1-10 classes of the first grade. The quality of the key classes is relatively good, and the quality of the non-key classes is poor. The first grade freshmen on the other hand are relatively basic in the history of junior high school. It is weak, so history teaching in the first year of high school should pay attention to the cultivation of foundation and the cultivation of interest. In addition, teachers should intersperse some historical allusions related to history teaching in the teaching process, use multimedia as much as possible to assist teaching, and present historical knowledge and historical development context to students in a vivid and intuitive way.


Comprehensive test center content, highlight the knowledge connection within disciplines, pay attention to the connection between disciplines, broaden students' knowledge and improve students' thinking ability; basic training, focus on application; expansion training, focus on improvement; comprehensive training, focus on develop. So that students can not only expand from the "points", but also integrate and understand the knowledge points they have learned.

The main structure of high school history textbooks is constructed according to "study topics". Li's political activities are rich and colorful and extremely complex. Together with economic activities and cultural activities, they constitute the colorful life activities of mankind. As long as the students study with great concentration and explore carefully, they will surely have many unexpected gains and realize the true meaning of many history.

四、Key work and specific measures

(一)key work

(1)Clarify teaching tasks, grasp teaching routines, pay attention to basic knowledge, and cultivate students' interest.


(2) Prepare lessons carefully, prepare each lesson as a high-quality lesson, and pay attention to the exploration of teaching design.

(3)Pay attention to the improvement of teaching methods, so that students can master the knowledge and methods of learning knowledge.

(二)Specific measures

1、 increases the fun of history teaching and enlivens the classroom atmosphere

Compared with junior high school students, the level of ideological understanding of high school students has begun to undergo a major change, and the ability of rational thinking has been greatly improved. But because after all, the first-year students have not completely transitioned to mature rational thinking, completely boring and single rational analysis is not completely suitable for their cognitive level. Therefore, in the teaching process, it is necessary to cultivate their understanding and analysis of the nature of the event and the law of the event, but also to combine interesting historical allusions and historical anecdotes to assist students in the understanding and analysis of the historical environment and historical events at that time.

2、 Cultivate students' rational thinking and research ability

(1) After completing a unit, guide students to summarize the knowledge system of this unit and cultivate their generalization and summary ability.

(2)In the course of classroom teaching, some exercises of typical examples of the college entrance examination are appropriately interspersed to cultivate their awareness of taking the exam.

(3) will organize students to expand the field of historical reading, broaden their knowledge, and cultivate their connection skills within the time limit.

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