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2021-08-05 00:59 网络整理 教案网




康德曾经说过:“教育是一门高难度的艺术……”经过一年多的大学英语教学实践工作,我慢慢开始体会到这句话的分量。因为在我工作的过程中,越来越多的疑惑和问题开始记录在我的反思日志中:“如何在课堂活跃的氛围中有效地传授知识?作为一名年轻教师,我总是两者兼而有之。两者都要考虑。” “老师在课堂上扮演什么角色,才能更有效地实现学生的学习效果?” “现在大学的很多专业课程都是用英语授课的,英语作为一种交流工具的作用得到了真正的体现。在这种情况下,大学英语在大学教育中扮演什么样的角色?有朝一日中国的高校会不会不再需要我们大学英语老师了,或者这些老师应该开始尝试学习一些专业知识,比如商业、管理、法律、化学等呢?” “在英语课堂中师生之间的情感和信任的作用是可有可无的吗?”等等。但我找不到合理的答案。我报名参加大学英语教学改革网络培训的目的很简单。我想通过参加这次培训找到一些问题的答案,受益匪浅。

这两天,听了王守仁、李小祥、谢晓元、金燕、姜学清等几位教授的报告,我想用几个关键词来总结一下本次的主要内容培训,这是大学英语教学的改革。 “网络资源”、“教师角色”、“个性化学习”、“四六级改革”的主要特点。下面我简单说一下我对这些关键词的理解和体会。





教师在课堂中正确角色的塑造对课堂教学的有效性起着极其重要的作用。与传统教学注重提高学生阅读理解能力和写作能力不同,新改革下的大学英语教学开始把加强学生听说能力放在首位。教学任务的变化决定了高校教师在课堂中的角色不再是单纯的知识传授者和课堂教学的主体。相反,学生应该是教学的主体,教师应该充分发挥他们的主导作用,成为“语言知识的传授者、语言技能的模范、道德的教师、学习效果的评价者。 ”教师角色的转变,注定会改变大学教师的教学理念。但是,对此,有一个问题让我还是有些疑惑:当大学教师的角色发生变化时,我们的学生是否应该重新定位和认识自己的老师?因为中国学生一直把教师视为无所不能的知识载体。学生们认为“老师不应该犯错,老师的职责是在课堂上传授知识”。


大学英语改革有两个理论基础:一个是Krashen提出的输入假设(Input Hypothesis),另一个是Swain提出的输出假设(Output Hypothesis)。根据输入假设,学生只有满足三个条件才能有效地学习。这三个条件包括:足够的可理解的知识输入,相对较低的焦虑,以及大量有趣和相关的语言学习材料;输出假设认为学生想要有学习成就感并应用所学。一个因素:知识输入的机会和应用知识的个人经验、有效和高质量的教师反馈以及输出活动需要多样性。只有通过“边做边学”(Learning by doing),学生才能真正体验到学习英语的乐趣。当代大学生是个性化的个体。他们与信息技术共存,更有力地追求新事物,更喜欢互动式、体验式的教学模式。 90后大学生的特点决定了改革。大学英语教学必须与网络信息紧密结合,根据自身特点和需求开展个性化教学。










The second connotation of the scientific development concept tells us that the starting point and destination of school work must be people-oriented, and we must pay attention to and develop people. I think this is because people are the foundation of education, and people need to be developed. In our work and study, we must consciously abide by laws and regulations, fully perform teachers' duties and responsibilities, and practice teachers' professional ethics. Follow the law of education, follow the good temptation, teach people tirelessly, do not sarcasm, sarcasm, discriminate against students, or punish students in a disguised form; implement quality education to promote the overall development of students; be strict with oneself, lead by example, behave in a decent manner, be honest, and strive to become the love of students and the people Satisfied teacher.

三、Grasp the law and develop scientifically

The scientific development concept proposes to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development. I think the scientific development concept is also of important guiding significance for promoting the professional development of teachers. The two extreme tendencies of "abandoning autonomy" and "working behind closed doors" should be avoided in teacher training. Full implementation and solid work. In the teaching process, we must take practical actions to fully implement the scientific development concept, we must love our jobs and work, consciously perform the sacred duties of teachers, dive down to teach, and calm down to educate people. Educate and influence students with true feelings, sincerity, and sincerity, open up their wisdom, cultivate their sentiments, tap their potential, encourage students to create, and become a guide and guide for the healthy growth of students. We must uphold the spirit of science, establish the concept of lifelong learning, adhere to a rigorous academic attitude, continue to learn new knowledge, update ideas, broaden the horizon of knowledge, and optimize the structure of knowledge. Actively participate in educational innovation practice, actively explore the laws of education and teaching, update teaching content, innovate teaching methods, innovate teaching methods, continuously improve the quality of education and teaching, and strive to cultivate students' innovative spirit and practical ability.


The social and service functions of education are obvious and cannot be ignored. To promote the all-round development of people and build a harmonious socialist society, the foundation lies in education. This education should be a socialist "development education" that embodies the concepts of mass education, education for all, comprehensive education, lifelong education, innovation education, creativity education, and quality education. Efforts to successfully run socialist development education can create hundreds of millions of various types of development and creative talents and builders of the socialist cause.

In short, the scientific development concept put forward by the University of China should also be the guide of action for my country's education and teaching reforms. We need to further study and internalize, fully implement, and work hard in the process of education reform.

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