不断探索,尝试总结提炼新化学课改教学反思第四章化学新课改教学反思张亚红高中化学新课改已经一年,进入新时期课程中,我们是否关注我们以往的教学理念、方法和行为都体现出来了。教学反思是新课改对学生发展和教师专业发展的需要。对化学教师而言,教学反思有助于教师树立科学、现代的教学理念,自觉将新理念转化为教学行动。提高教师的自我教育意识,增强引导和自我批评的能力,有利于充分激发教师的教学积极性和创造性,增强教师对教学实践的判断、思考和分析能力,从而进一步完善比较系统的教学理论。教育和教学。我将主要谈谈教学方法。反思和反思家庭作业。在教学方法上,要摒弃原来一嘴一书一粉笔的怪圈。实验是一种很好的教学方法,可以增加学生对化学的兴趣,培养动手能力。化学老师应该尽力做到更多。演示实验并改进实验。如果条件允许,让学生自己做更多的实验。在现代化学教学中,学生最喜欢的教学方式是多媒体彩动画视频和化学实验。我们可以选择教材中的一些典型章节进行多媒体课件视频教学。很多老师都没用过。他们觉得通过多媒体辅助教学制作课件比较麻烦,课后时间也比较长。事实上,有时我们使用多媒体来增加教学内容和教学信息,以简化抽象的化学问题,使静态的理论动态化,使其更容易。比如在讲座中谈到原子结构时,可以用不同颜色和大小的小球来代表原子核和原子核外的电子,然后制作动画来模拟原子核外电子的运动通过闪烁和叠加的方法显示电子云的特性。比较取代反应和加成反应。当反应这两个概念时,动画模拟了甲烷和氯如何破坏键。氯原子和碳原子形成新的键。乙烯中的碳碳双键断裂。两个氯原子与两个碳原子相连。不同的反应机理,尤其是有机化学部分,有机化学反应。内容很琐碎。在每堂新课之前,使用多媒体复习上一堂课的内容。复习上次的内容,学习新的。借助视频教学,既能保证学生的安全,又能保护环境,取得良好的效果。例如苯与液溴在铁粉作催化剂条件下的取代反应。由于在取液溴过程中溴蒸气会挥发,可使用视频技术进行演示。同时,局部放大操作注意点,引入旁白。使学生不仅可以理解为什么这种操作更好地体验正确操作,还可以避免液溴中毒的危害。大多数地方学校使用江苏教育版作为新课程版本来准备作业。课本上有活动探索、问题解决、交流讨论、复习巩固作业。课本里有练习和练习,你可以做这方面的功课。这些书本练习是教材的一部分。它们是我们学习的精髓。一定要全神贯注,详细讲解。一些学校精心挑选和编辑试题,控制难度,提高练习的效率和准确性。课堂使用的学习计划相当不错,包括学习目标、现有知识、问题、探索、课外学习问题等小模块当然最匹配的是老师精心设计的练习或试卷。不要有太多的问题。选题要慎重,教材要符合学生的实际情况。老师写三年反思,有可能成为名师。新课改还很长 泰安市岱岳区满庄二中秀岭课改实施的教学改革与思考。课程改革实施以来,我们一线数学教师的教育教学理念确实发生了可喜的变化。大多数教师已经意识到数学的教学不仅仅是数学知识。教学更注重让学生感受知识获取的过程。数学教学对学生的要求不仅注重对书本知识的掌握,更注重学生学会运用数学知识的能力。教师开始有意识地在课堂教学中使用它。以实例、活动、游戏等形式引入知识点,让学生感受到数学知识在现实生活中无处不在。教师在课程观、教学方法、教材、评价、学生观等方面都有真正的变化。教师在日常教学中仍然自觉。渗透情感、态度和价值观的内容。及时教育学生。经过一段时间的学生评价实验,教师有意识地减少了定性评价,增加了发展性评价。减少批评和否认。增加鼓励和表扬。你在现在的教室里很棒。这是一个很好的答案,真的很好。再想想。 Such words have replaced it. Don’t talk nonsense. Don’t use your brains and greatly arouse the students’ enthusiasm.
Sex protects the courage and dignity of students to express and question. At the same time that teachers’ teaching concepts are changing, students’ learning styles are also changing to varying degrees. More and more students are accustomed to expressing their opinions boldly to classmates. The teacher’s method of asking questions, more and more students are used to cooperating with classmates and communicating Improved students’ interest in learning, improved students’ thinking and expression skills, their ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems and the ability to cooperate and communicate. At the same time, qualities such as self-confidence and self-improvement are gradually taking shape. The new curriculum reform has indeed brought teachers and students unprecedented Development, but in the actual implementation process, we also have some confusions and questions. The following reflections on my problems and practices in teaching practice are as follows: 1. After years of curriculum reform, teachers are often confused about the implementation of the double base. They are often worried that the students’ double base will become weak. The knowledge points cannot be implemented. The computing power will decrease. The computing speed will slow down, etc. It is difficult to take care of Shuangji and improve the ability to develop personality. To solve this problem, first we have to figure out what the real Shuangji is. The Shuangji we talked about before is basically just book knowledge. It’s just the implementation of book knowledge that does not really cultivate students’ mathematics abilities. Enriching students’ mathematics knowledge, and for the dual basic body, we should regard it as a concept that keeps pace with the times. "Curriculum Standards" and "Outline" are no longer required to compare Students are required to calculate quickly and accurately, but they are required to master the necessary computing skills. At the same time, calculators are introduced in elementary schools to help students perform more complex calculations. This makes the requirements for students' computing skills even lower, so the past standards cannot be used to measure the current The current basic knowledge and basic skills of students are more for students to learn useful and necessary mathematics knowledge, so that students learn to explore the learning methods of cooperation and communication in mathematics learning. We should review the "Curriculum Standards" in solving this problem. More accurately grasp the new requirements for Shuangji under the curriculum standards. The new standards further change the teachers' concept 2. The problem of method optimization in mathematics teaching. In the curriculum standards, we advocate paying attention to the diversification of algorithms in mathematics teaching and do not promote the unity of methods. In actual teaching, teachers are worried about whether the existence of multiple methods for students will not be optimized. Whether the students’ arithmetical ability only uses their own methods is the personality developed. We believe that in the actual teaching of mathematics, it is not that the method cannot be optimized, but it depends on when you optimize and who will optimize it. Emphasis on the diversity of methods is for students’ The thinking is fully developed to allow students to experience success and the joy of exploration and creation to varying degrees. However, while the teacher fully explores the methods, he should also guide the students to optimize independently so that the students can experience the advantages of good methods in comparison to accept and master What we don't advocate is the optimization of teachers' direct indoctrination, and the optimization after students' self-inquiry and comparison is the approach that meets the curriculum standards. The contradiction between classroom activities and the completion of teaching tasks. In experimental teaching, we often have such confusion. When we have carried out a large number of activities in the classroom, teaching tasks are often not completed on schedule. Class activities are not carried out and it is contrary to the spirit of the new curriculum reform. How to deal with the contradiction between these two aspects. In thinking about this problem, we must first clarify what the new curriculum reform should promote the classroom activities. In the new curriculum reform requirements, we advocate that our teachers should introduce mathematical knowledge from the games in the actual activities. This is necessary, but at the same time, we also encourage students to experience the process of acquiring knowledge in the inquiry cooperation and communication. At the same time, we must also make it clear that any classroom activities are for teaching tasks and goals. Accurately locate the teaching tasks and goals of each lesson. Reasonable arrangement of classroom activities is very important. Therefore, we need to do a good job of preparing lessons, dig deep into teaching materials, grasp the important and difficult points, make breakthroughs, prepare students to learn the method, prepare for each link, etc., can truly prepare the teaching materials and prepare the teaching methods. Only by studying the law can students improve classroom efficiency to complete teaching tasks and classroom activities. The role of teachers in classroom teaching does not need to be arranged in each section of inquiry learning, cooperative learning, autonomous learning, etc., but also according to the different requirements of the teaching task. Various teaching methods should be adopted in a timely and appropriate manner. Or it is not necessary to carry out and cannot be forced to arrange. Always make it clear that whether it is the role of the teacher or the choice of teaching form, it should be effective and beneficial to serve the teaching goal. Therefore, it should be handled flexibly in the actual teaching process. Activities for activities The above points are a little bit of my thinking in the teaching process. Incomplete and inaccurate points. Please criticize and correct me.