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教案设计者简介:张勤,男高中英语备课教案模板,1967 年 2 月出生,1989 年 7 月毕业于黄冈广 播电视大学英语专业,2004 年获湖北大学自考专科文凭,中学一级教师。从毕 业目前仍然战斗在学校英语课堂一线,有多年高考复习备考的课堂经验。在各级 各类报纸刊物上发表过多篇有观点的课堂论文, 辅导的教师多次荣获过市县市好 名次,正积极组织举办研讨“农村小学教师语文学习困难问题探究”(已递交并 上交了湖北省课改课题开题报告)。现在湖北省黄冈市浠水县团陂高中任教,学 校数学教研组长,高二高三主管,邮编号码:438213。高二数学组集体备课讲稿设计-------湖北省浠水县团陂高中 张勤备课组: 高二数学 备课地点: 高二高三办公室 主讲人 张勤 参加成员: 李文武 万锐敏 杨静 王丹丹 杨小元 南小莉 时间: 2010 年 11 月 19 日 第 1,2,3 节 主要任务记录: 共同研讨 MODULE 4 Period2 Reading 部分公开课内容 一.讲课人(张勤)说课思路 教学项目: 词汇 give concerts, conservatory, soloist, repertoire, characteristic,Poetry, give life to, combine, depress, share feelings and ideas with? 结构 (be) true of/for, (be) the same with, 教学目标: 1. 语言知识运用 give concerts, give life to, combine, make contact with 2.体会一般过去时、现在完成时及以后完成进行时在 reading 中 的应用 3.语言技能:能理解含有本组件所学词汇跟结构的语句、段落并 获取信息; 挖掘文章深意, 提高对文章内容的剖析和解密能力。

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4.文化观念:在阅读理解过程中,能看到隐含在语言中的对祖国 文化遗产的热爱。 5.情感态度:通过对琵琶皇后“刘芳”的学习,了解有关琵琶的 音乐知识,培养教师不畏艰难的质量。 6.学习策略:根据问题锻炼查读跟略读技能,能提高对认知方向 的自觉控制。 教学重点: 阅读掌握并灵活运用短语,理解作者的感情,了解材料中的信息和 内容 教学难点: 学习人物访谈文章的行文结构特征 教学方法: 任务教学法 教学媒体: PPT 幻灯媒体、黑板 运用任务: 能读懂同等难度的有关音乐的文章。 二.讲课试行教案(教案制作人:张勤)Teaching Procedures: Step1: Lead-in Let the Ss listen to a piece of music from a Fishing Boat during Sunset and show them some musical instruments. Step2. Pre-reading Deal with some difficult words Ss may meet in the passage and then see a live performance given by Liu Fang. Step3. Listening reading Listen to the tape to match the general idea correctly. (C) Para.1 A. tells about Liu Fang’s musical influences and characteristics of classical Chinese music (A) Para.2 B. is about Liu Fang’s love for performing live and her goals as an artist (B) Para.3 C. introduces Liu Fang as well as her musical training and background Step4. Carefully reading Read the text part by part and try to find out the answer to the following questions part 1: Read Part 1 and fill in the table. Career international music star Year of birth 1974 Hometown Kunming The place she is living in now university she graduated from The musical instruments she plays Canada Shanghai Conservatory of Music pipa , guzheng,yueqinpart 2: Read Part 2 and choose the correct answers 1.Traditional singing is (a) a. the most important influence on Liu Fang’s style b. not such an important influence. 2.When people listen to her playing (b) a. they also hear her singing b. they think they can hear singing 3.Liu Fang thinks that (a) a. Chinese music is like the Chinese language b. Chinese music and language use the same tones 4.Chinese classical pieces often have poetic titles, (a) a which is understandable. b. which is very surprising 5.Empty spaces in Chinese paintings (a) a. are like the silent parts of Chinese music b. mean the pictures have no life Part 3: Read Part 3 and answer: 1.What makes Liu Fang feel depressed or lonely?When she has no concert for a long time. 2.What are her goals as an artist? To work with master musicians ; To compose her own music ; To introduce classical Chinese pipa and guzheng music to every corner of the world. Step 5 Post reading Consolidation (Fill in the blanks according to the text.) Liu Fang is an international music star, famous for her work with traditional Chinese instruments.Her mother and traditional singing have had an influence on her. The biggest challenge for her is to respect the traditions but to add her own style.The same is true for/of her second instrument高中英语备课教案模板,the guzheng.Chinese music is similar to the Chinese language, poetry and art. There are some empty spaces in Chinese art, which give life to the whole painting. It’s the same with classical Chinese music. Liu Fang feels a little depressed or lonely without concert for a long time. Her goals are to compose her own music and to introduce classical Chinese pipa and guzheng music to every corner of the world. Step 6 Play a game There are six questions in six different boxes, you can choose any one and answer the question it refers to. 1.Classical Chinese music and Chinese poetry are closely related, which leads to most classical pieces having very poetic titles. (Find a sentence to replace it in meaning.) 2.Sing an English song to relax us. 3.Do you think music belongs to a certain country or it is borderless? Why? 4. In Chinese, the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings. The same is true for music. (Translate the sentence into Chinese.) 5.According to Liu Fang’s example, how can you succeed in the future? 6. Role playing Student A: the reporter Student B: Liu Fang You may ask questions like the following: 1.When did you begin to learn the guzheng and the pipa? 2.What is the biggest challenge for you? 3.Who and what have influenced you? 4.Why do you like performing in public? 5.What are your goals? Step7 Homework Do activity 1 and 4 on your book. Find out some important and difficult words, phrases and sentences. Try to find more information about Liu Fang on the Internet.. 三.集体备课组员研讨建议1.王丹: 音乐欣赏部分耗时有点长,可适度删减,让教师感受到音乐文化的 气氛就行。

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2.南小莉:课件中的教学容量较大,要留意时间的掌握。 3.李文武:课件中的 Step 6 Play a game 部分设计独特,难度虽然偏大,学生 配合工作应做好。 4.万锐敏: 导入部分的音乐欣赏如安排在上课前 5 分钟左右时间,让学员经过 40 分钟疲劳学习期间,再度放松,效果会更好。 5.杨静: 阅读时,控制好对学生答题的评判。 6.杨小元:学生自主学习的观念空间还能挖掘。 四.个人教学思想(讲课人张勤) 在本堂课的课堂中, 我会一直关注学生对书本知识的掌握维度,在进行阅读 教学的同时,我应借助不同的活动形式向学员输灌词汇、句型、语法演练、文章 结构、捕捉信息、解决阅读问题、情感价值观等教学内容,让学员在场景中展现 英语学习, 提升知识跟能力, 从而推动教师的教学自主学习跟学生的推动角色转 换。在准确的讲课过程中,因为打算时间匆忙,加上我习惯刻意保留自己的个人 教学风格等因素,有些授课教学环节可能与集体备课组集中探讨的看法会不一 致, 但我必定会吸收全组教授在备课时对我的合理建议,力争讲出一堂高效的英 语课。 五.集体备课小结 1.教师备课充分,驾驭课堂的素养娴熟,结合多媒体现代教学。

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2.课件制作用料质量高,代表性强,易于激发兴趣,学生融入教学角色转 换快。 3.音乐赏析,快乐学习。 4.学生自主学习,教师推动作用发挥得当。 5.当堂训练,培养教师素质的教法多样化,富有创新的课堂思想。 6.三维目标表现了新课改的课堂特色。 7. 讲课教师可大胆创新,在集体备课的基础上张扬自己的时尚教学,展示 了新课改形势下的学生勇于探索教学方法的风格特点,值得在组内推 广。

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