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东方学校标准英语教案教学设计表学科:初一英语(下) 教学日期:2012- - 9:00—11:00章节名称 现在进行时专项训练及 unit5 教学教师姓名 : 本学期第 次课老师姓名:学时:21、听写第四单元单词 2、学习 unit5 单词、短语、课文 3、回顾介词专项知识 内容 4、现在进行时语法知识讲解及专项训练 5、讲解第五单元综合练习题 一、听写第四单元单词、短语,检查学生单词、短语记忆情况,对生疏的词汇进 教学过程 行学习。 (课前 10 分钟内完成) 二、unit5 的学习 1、三分钟口语对话(教师合理安排) 通过英语对话,复习 unit4 中的怎样询问职业: ——What do you do? ——I?m a …. ——What does she/he do? ——She/ He is a… ——What do you want to be? ——I want to be a … ——What does he/ she want to be? ——He/ She wants to be a … 2、课本重点单词及时态教学: (教会学生读法跟用法 30 分钟) 名词:toy, activity, pool, camera, bird, west 动词:clean, read, wait, shop 形容词:west 副词:sure 介词:on 短语: Talk to/ with sb 跟某人谈话 talk about sb/ sth 谈论某人/某事 read a book 看书 eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 吃早/午/晚饭 Do one?s homework 做家庭作业 talk on the phone 通电话 Wait for 等待 TV show 电视节目 At school 在大学 at home 在家 Watch TV 看电视 thanks for 因为…而感谢 3、课本重点句型教学(达到会认、会读、会翻译) ——What are you doing? —I?m watching TV. ——What is he doing? —He?s doing his homework. ——Is Nancy doing her homework? ——No, she isn?t. She?s writing a letter.1东方学校标准英语教案What are they talking about? 三、现在进行时语法教学: (30 分钟左右) 1、定义: 现在进行时----表示目前正在进行或出现的动作英语教学设计模板教案,还可以表示现阶段正在进 行的动作,经常跟时间副词 now 连用,或用在 look, listen 等引发的句子中。


2、结构: 肯定句:We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。 I?m watching TV. 否定句:I am not watching TV. 一般疑问句:Is Nancy doing her homework? 特殊疑问句: What are you doing? 肯定句 主语+be( am, is, are)+现在时态+其它. 否定句 主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它. 一般疑问句 Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在时态+其它? 答语:Yes,主语+be(am/is/are). No,主语+be(am/is/are) not. 特殊疑问句 疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在时态+其它? 3、动词今天分词的构成方式: 条件 规则 一般状况 直接加-ing 以 e 结尾 去 e 加-ing 重读闭音节结尾,末 双写最后一个辅音 尾只有一个辅音字母 字母,再加-ing 以 ie 结尾的副词例词 say—saying, play—playing love—loving, make—making sit—sitting, put—putting, swim—swimming把 ie 变为 y,再加 lie—lying, die—dying -ing4、现在进行时的用法 在实际利用时,现在进行时常见以下几种情况: (1)当句子中有 now 时,常表示动作正在进行,这时应用目前进行时。


They are playing basketball now.现在人们正在打篮球。 (2)以 look, listen 开头的语句,提示我们动作正进行,这时应用目前进行时。 Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英文歌。 (3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作, 且这时有 this week, these days 等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。 We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。 (4)描述照片中的人物的动作,也为了表达最生动。此时也常用现在进行时。 Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park. 看这幅图,那些小孩正在公园放风筝。 四、课文讲解(在学习课文的过程中感受那时进行时的用法,要求超过会读、会 翻译、会运用) 1、Thanks for your letter and photos.感谢你的来信和图片。 Thanks for…因为…而感谢英语教学设计模板教案,此处 for 是介词,表示理由。


后面直接加名词, 代词或动名词。2东方学校标准英语教案谢谢你的帮助。—— 多谢你帮助我。—— 2、Here are some of my photos.这儿是我的一些图片。 “Here is/are…”意思是“这里有…”。这是一种倒装结构。 以 here, there 开头的语句,当动词是副词时,要全部倒装。 Here are some books. = Some books are here.这儿是一些书。 (倒装句在之后的学习中会具体讲解。) 3、In the next photo, you can see my family at home. 在下一幅照片中,你能看到我们一家人在家里的状况。 Family 是集体名词,当被看做整体时,是单数;强调家庭成员时,是复数。 This is a big family.这是一个大家庭。 His family are all teachers.他的家人都是老师。 现在进行时专项训练 1.Mr Zheng 2. The rabbits 3.. Look ! Tom and John 4. My brother 5. Look! The bus 6. We 7. Listen! Someone is 8. They (read) a book now. (jump) now. (swim). (make) a kite in his room now. (stop). (have) an English class now. (come). (catch) butterflies now.9. He (do) an experiment now. 10. They (collect) stamps now. 五、交际用语 1、询问他人正在做什么 What are you doing? I?m watching TV/ reading a book/ doing my homework… 2、询问对方能否去做什么 Do you want to go to the movies/ go shopping/ go swimming…? 3、询问对方能否在做哪些 Is Tom/ Nancy/ he doing homework/ swimming/ playing tennis…? 4、介绍别人正在做什么 He?s/ She?s/ They?re…playing soccer/ cleaning… 5、感谢某人做某事 Thanks for your help. Thanks for helping me. 6、建议别人一起做某事 Let?s go at six o?clock/ watch TV/ go to the movies… 六、介词知识解读及练习: 选择恰当的副词填空 in after on for at with to behind of 1. My family often buy clothes _____ HuaXing store _____ weekends.3by东方学校标准英语教案2. Can you help the children _____ English? You may come _____ our club. 3. I?m looking _____ some presents. These shops may have many kinds _____ things _____ sale. Save your money till then! 4. How many cities are there ______ Greece? --I don?t know. 5. Look, the birds are _____ the tree! 6. When is her birthday? I can?t remember…It?s _____ January. 7. Mr. Green always goes to work ______ bus. He has to get up _____ 6 o?clock _____ the morning. 8. Come on! I?m hungry. What do we have _____ dinner? 9. Don?t eat and read _____ night. That is bad _____ your health. 10. Come and see ____ yourself ____ Wendy?s store家庭作业 2、复习今天所学内容,完成时态练习题3、完成《科学训练》第四单元同步习题 5、练习第四单元听力1、听写第四单元单词、短语和重点段落家长关注 请父母督促儿子完成家庭作业并签字!谢谢您的配合! 家长意见 及签字 下节检测 内容 教师签字1、 Unit5 单词、短语和语句的听写。


2、 现在进行时语法考察 3、 动词今天分词的构成方式考察签字:学管签字课后作业 用 a ,an,the 或者 \ 填空 1) There is ______ water on the floor. 2) There is ___ orange on ____ desk. 3) What do you know about _____ pandas? 4) I want to have ______ chicken for dinner. 5) There is _______ fish in the bow. Look! It can swim very fast. 6) There is _____ ?m? in ?climb? and there is ______ ?u? in ?country?. 7) I don?t like _______ broccoli but I like ________ apples. 8) My brother is ______ engineer, and my sister is _______ executive now. 9) I don?t like _______ movie. It?s boring. 10) ______ Jenny?s birthday is Nov. 12th. 11) --Let?s go and play ______ chess. --Sorry, I?m afraid I can?t. It?s time for me to play ______ piano.4东方学校标准英语教案12) He usually has his ______ breakfast at 7:00am and goes to ______ school at 7:30. 写出以下名词的复数方式 1) Cemetery________ 2) tooth _______ 3) country ______ 4) month________ 5) sandwich_______ 6) brush _______ 7) candy bar______ 8) kangaroo ______ 9)man ________ 10) day _______ 11) watch _______ 12) photo ________ 13) orange ________14)dictionary _______ 15) tomato _______ 16) dollar _________ 17) peach_______ 18) strawberry ______ 19)church______ 20) child _________ 选择恰当的副词填空 in after on for at with to behind of by 1. My family often buy clothes _____ HuaXing store _____ weekends. 2. Can you help the children _____ English? You may come _____ our club. 3. I?m looking _____ some presents. These shops may have many kinds _____ things _____ sale. Save your money till then! 4. How many cities are there ______ Greece? --I don?t know. 5. Look, the birds are _____ the tree! 6. When is her birthday? I can?t remember…It?s _____ January. 7. Mr. Green always goes to work ______ bus. He has to get up _____ 6 o?clock _____ the morning. 8. Come on! I?m hungry. What do we have _____ dinner? 9. Don?t eat and read _____ night. That is bad _____ your health. 10. Come and see ____ yourself ____ Wendy?s store! 11. We live _____ London. How about you? Where do you come _____? 12. _____ Sunday morning, I usually sleep late _____ home. 13. Jack is shorter than Sam, but Jack is sitting _________ Sam. 14. Here is a photo ________ your family. 15. There aren?t many people ______ the train ________ five o?clock ______ the morning. 将以下段落改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定跟否定两种回答。


1. I have a dictionary. 2. There are a lot of animals in the zoo. 3. He does his homework at night. 4. Dogs live in all parts of the world. 5. Greenfield is a small village in England. 将下列语句改为否定句。 1. There is a very high waterfall in Venezuela. 2. Egypt has a very long river. 3. She does her homework every day. 4. I come to school by bus. 5. She can swim very well. 用短语正确方式填空 1.Mr Zheng 2. The rabbits 3.. Look ! Tom and John 4. My brother 5. Look! The bus (read) a book now. (jump) now. (swim). (make) a kite in his room now. (stop).5东方学校标准英语教案6. We 7. Listen! Someone is 8. They 9. He 10. They 11. Look! He 12. Tom 13. The doctors 14. Come on. They 15. It 16. My father 17. Where is your mother? She 18. The teachers (answer) the phone. (run) now. (eat) fish now. (work) in the office now. (have) an English class now. (come). (catch) butterflies now. (do) an experiment now. (collect) stamps now. (dive) now. ( watch ) TV in the dining room. (get ) off the bus. ( leave ) now.备注:1、此教案内容量适合两小时教学。

要推动增加成绩目标应该 高质高效授课,且应尽量在学生可接受情况下赶上学生进度,故而教 学内容不能安排很少,宁可内容上不完,也不能出现内容准备很少不 够上而临时拼凑内容消磨时间(因学员在大学一周上四到五节英语课, 我们只上两小时,我们是复习提高课且是一对一,故而应遵循一定的 速度跟强度) 2、我校为减少学生负担,提高备课效率,特将各年级各科教材及培训 资料扫描为电子版,教师备课时能精选需要内容复制粘贴,从而省时, 省功的制作出优秀教案。请大家教师认真听课, 不辜负父母跟 学校厚望,谢谢!此教案为东方学校英语标准教案,凡理科学生制作教案务必以此为标准,不可偷工减料,否则为不合格教案。6