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牛津大学数学9B Unit4导学案参考答案(2)

2020-08-23 14:13 网络整理 教案网


Have you ever______________?He____________________________. 2.车失去了控制,撞上了马路的一棵树。 car________________________________________________________.3.据说Nell Armstrong 被选为一名宇航员。 saidNeil Armstrong 4.昨天,Tom是第一个完成这项任务的人。Yesterday Tom________________________________________________________. 5.他十六岁时获得了飞机驾驶执照。 Hegot______________________________________________________________. 6.李小龙是让美国功夫在英美流行起来的影片明星。 Bruce Lee 7.别担心,一切都在掌控之中。Don’t commander____________________________________________________.9.他就是昨天偷我自行车的人。


He person______________________________________________________.10.Edison 是生活在二十世纪的更伟大的科学家之一。 Edison_____________________________________________________________. 11.Ohio 是那些伟大的宇航员的出生地。 Ohio place____________________________________________________.12.Anna 说她可为我抽出半小时。 Anna said________________________________________________________. 13.当我看到他时,他正从汽车里走出来。 When I______________,he____________________________. 14.他自高中毕业以来,一直在哪座城市工作。 Ever since________________________,________________________________. 15.通过加热,我们无法将冰成为水。


We can change_____________________________________________________. 四、在以下段落的空白处填入正确的关系代词(that,which,who)(共10 room______________you cleaned last night? 3.I hate people______________ talk much dolittle. 4.Jim can’t eat food______________ has chocolate. 5.Can you tell me factory______________youvisited last week? 6.This born.7.The first film______________Bruce acted 1946.8.Game lastfilm______________Bruce acted 9.Theplace______________Bruce Lee SanFrancisco. 10.I believe bestfootball player has______________ ever played. 五、从方框中选取恰当的词组并用其适当方式填空(共15 talkhelp read cost keep change do visit go sit 1._______it_______much livehere? 2.The teacher looked cleanclassroom saidwe_______a good job. 3.The Smiths_______greatly lasttwo years. 4.He heard her singing aloud nextroom,so he_______in loudervoice. someforeigners_______our class nextweek. 6.They have done what can_______usstop sandstorm.7.Why somany people over there?Let’s go seewhat_______on. 8.My family_______at table when doorbellrang. 9.It’s very cold room。

Let’smake fire_______uswarm. 10.What do you think_______about meetingtomorrow? 六、从方框中选取恰当的词组并用其适当方式填空,使短文正确、通顺、连贯(每词只用一 次)(共15 dreameither get good you many real sad see woman littlegirl playing basketball every day from my kitchen window.One day askedher why she practiced so .Shesaid,‘I want college.Theonly way cango scholarship(奖学金).Ilike basketball college.Mydad told me,“If bigenough,the facts don’t count.”’ She never changed her mind.1 watched her through those uniorhigh years seniorhigh school.One day before she graduated from high school,I saw her sitting askedher what wrong.Shetold me hercoach said she tooshort goodbasketball player,so she should stop aboutgoing mademe feel bad shesmiled toldme her father said wrong.Hedid dream.Herfather said her英语表格式导学案,‘Ifyou goodcollege英语表格式导学案,nothing canstop your dream.’He told her again,‘If bigenough,the facts don’t count.’ nextyear,she herteam went biggame.She famouscollege team 10basketball team collegeeducation shehad dreamed workedtowards allthose years. bigenough,the facts don’t count.’It 10.______七、单项选择(共15 Micegoing when she finishes______ ourcountry? saidshe herown country. A.to teach;is going B.teaching;will return teaches;isgoing D.teaching;decides returnback )2.Theclothes sodifficult drybecause sundoesn’t shine______ days.A.enough bright B.bright enough C.brightly enough D.enough bright )3.Thewoman doctor.A.that B.which C.to whom D.with whom man______you think job.A.whom B.whose whichD.who soangry about everything______ had happened______ he walked out without saying word.A.that;that B.which;that C.that;which D.what;as young,shecan make money herself. A.Although B.Since C.Even D.If havekept you waiting. 一Oh,______.I’ve been here only fewminutes. A.you’re welcome B.go ahead C.that’s right D.that’s all right )8.Theteacher told us moon______around earth.A.moved B.moves C.was moving D.had moved