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大学数学期末考试纸质试卷试题模板-试题答题纸附标准答案连续排版.doc 12页(2)

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IV.Translate the following sentences into English. (3X5)51. After seeing the film / movie in Japan, Lu Xun decided to give up medicine and take to literature.52. The tourists cheered with excitement when they saw water cascading down the mountainside.53. Generally speaking, teachers are tolerant of their students’ mistakes.54. We took pity on the mother and her daughter waiting for a bus in the rain and so gave them a lift.55. The press had criticized her so often that in the end she had become immune to what was said.评分标准 1. 该题共5个小题,每小题3分,共15分。


2. 句子结构或主要时态错误扣1分。3. 词汇拼写错误四个扣1分。为方便计分(注:若1处拼写错误,扣0.25分,不易计算),在每一小题中,每1至2处拼写错误均扣0.5分,每3至4处错误均扣1分;4. 意思正确,用词与答案不完全一致,酌情给分。 V. Reading Comprehension (1X15)71. B72. A73. C74. D75. B76. C77. A78. D79. D80. A11. B12. C13. C14. B15. A评分标准:该题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分,。VI. Writing (20 points)评分标准:该个别包含两项内容,总分为20分,其中第一项为15分;第二项为5分。要求主题确立,论据支持论点,内容充实,字数符合规定。字数超过或低于规定每10个单词以上扣1分。句子结构或主要时态错误扣1分,词汇拼写错误四个扣1分。便条部分每处格式错误扣1分。河北师范大学考试答题专用纸2010—2011学年第 2 学期《大学英语》课试题A答案一二三四五六七八九十总分|||代号代号学院专业年级学号姓名备注:①试卷首页必须用统一的考试命题专用纸,第二页以后用专用纸续页。

②试卷必须打印成卷字迹要工整、清楚。 ③各题留出答案空白。④试卷打印后要仔细校对对,避免卷面错误。|||I. Vocabulary & Grammar(1X20I. Vocabulary & Grammar(1X20)1. B2. C3. D4. C5. C6. C7. B8. A9. B10. A11. B12. D13. A14. B15. D16. C17. C18. B19. D20. A评分标准:该题共30小题,每小题1分,共20分。II. Rewrite the following sentences with the expressions given in the box. (2X10)51. Goods on sale are not necessarily inferior in quality to those sold at normal price.52. Despite Congress’s objection, the President stood his ground on the defense budget rise.53. Because of religious biases the tribes are engulfed in mutual hatred and intolerance.54. The accused cannot be granted probation while an investigation is under way.55. He lured her into his home with offers of food and warmth, and then brutally attacked her.56. We should not allow poverty to deprive a single child of the right to receive education.57. The successful release of her debut album propelled her to achieve more.58. Experiments on animals have paved the way for animal-to-human organ transplants.59. Though quite small, the cozy room is graced with a few nice paintings and decorative articles.60. The exhausted dishwasher felt dismayed at the sight of the plates piled up high in the sink.评分标准:1. 本题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分。

2. 替换错误不得分。3. 一处语法出错扣1分;四处拼写错误扣1分。为方便计分(注:若1处拼写错误,扣0.25分,不易计算),在每一小题中,每1至2处拼写错误均扣0.5分,每3至4处错误均扣1分;4. 意思正确,用词与答案不完全一致,酌情给分。|||||||||封|||||||||线|||||||||各位同学,交卷之前再逐个检查一次:答案是否恰当分值是否正确,各题分值试卷排版格式,整体卷面累加是否100分。试题和答题纸跟答案各项分数能否一致。试题编号是否连续,有没有被隐藏的编号跟试题。特别提醒:word自动生成的编号跟打印出来的是否有差别。听力文本跟音频是否对应,答题预留时间能否够14秒,音频是否合并成了一个文件,并且经过MP3格式再次转换。文字格式:5号字,times new roman,宋体, B4横排,两栏。现在是考题录入题库阶段,所有试卷与当时的不可以重复。否则以后自动生成的试卷就会有重题。没有听力素材的预备级听力不必再找。检查完毕,删除此页!