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(苏教牛津版)六年级英语上册教案 unit7 第二课时

2020-06-21 01:05 网络整理 教案网


苏教牛津版六年级英语上册教案 unit 7 At Christmas 第二课时 一、 教学目标与要求: 1. 能听懂, 会说, 会读, 会写单词: yours, ours, mine, his, hers 2. 能听懂, 会说, 会读, 会写: Whose … is it/are they? It’ s / They’ re mine/yours/his/hers/ours. 3. 能听懂, 会说, 会读日常交际用语: Open it for me. This one is from Grandpa. 二、 教学重难点分析: 本课的重点和难点是: 名词性物主代词的使用, 建议教师运用讨论礼物或寻求失主这一场景导入教学,使教师在交际中初步领会名词性物主代词的使用方式。 在本课时中6年级上册英语书表格式教案, 教师并不要急于使学员把握, 让人们在诠释的基础上逐渐掌握。 三、 课前准备 1. 教师准备: 1) 教学图片, 有关日用品的实物, 一些礼物 2) 录音机, 磁带 2. 学生准备: 听录音预习课文。 四、 教学方法: 1. 热身: 1) 师生热情地问候。


2) 共同说唱: Send Christmas cards. Wrap presents. Decorate the tree. Sing Christmas carols. Open presents. 2. 新课呈现: T: Last class The Santa Clause comes to our class. He gives me some presents.These presents are for you.Look! This present is for Sun Yan. Sun Yan , come here, please. 3.新课教学: Step 1 mine, yours 1) T & S show the dialogue: Hi, Sun Yan. This present is for you.S: Thank you. T: Here you are. It’ s your present. It’ s yours.(教师示范说三遍) S: Thank you.T: Open it , please.S: OK. Oh, it’ s a doll. I like it very much. T: Look at the card. Who is it from? S: It’ s from Miss Li. T: Yes, now this doll is yours. It’ s yours. S: Thank you. T: You’ re welcome. 2) 教师教说 It’ s your doll. It’ s yours. 3) 教师再跟两位朋友进行演示, 让全班学生一同参加演示: Look at this present. Ss: Who is this present for? T: It’ s for…Come here, …This present is yours. S: OK.Ss:Open it and see. S: Open it for me, please, Miss Li. ( 教师引导学员说出) T: OK. Oh, it’ s a …Do you like it? S: Yes. Ss: Who is it from?S: Oh, it’ s from… T(引导全班说): This … is yours., …. Step 2 his, hers, ours 1) 在第三遍演示的过后, 逐渐将: This present is for …. It’ s hers. It’ s his. It’ s ours. 注意在教学 his, hers, ours 时, 教师要充分利用肢体语言和学生的主动参加能力, 使教师在教授的指导下由不会到会, 由不理解到初步领会。


2) 学生四人一组,每人拿一件物品放到桌子后面6年级上册英语书表格式教案, S: This is my pencil.It’ s mine. S3(其余三人齐说): This is his /her… It’ s his/hers. 交换一个同学: This is my rubber. It’s mine. S3: This is his/her rubber. It’ s his/ hers. Step 3 Dialogue 1)T: Jim’ s family is very happy today. Do you know why? Listen to the tape and answer me . 2) 学生带着问题听录音之后回答疑问. Q1: What day was it?Q2: Where were Jim’ s family?Q3: What did they do with their presents? Q4: How did they feel?3) 教师鼓励学员回答完问题后朗读短文第一段. 4) 教师在实物投影仪上出示 Listen and match 的图 (见书上 P.71), 学生边看图边唱录音。


5) 学生听完后在书上完成题目, 然后总结: T: Who’ s the wallet for? Ss: It’ s for Grandpa. T: Who is it from? Ss:It’ s from Grandma. T: Does Grandpa like the wallet? Ss: Yes, he likes the color very much. 6) 学生唱录音朗读对话, 教师重点指导: Open it for me, please. Open mine for me, Jim. 7) 学生有情感地齐读课本, 然后分角色朗读。 8) 教师出示课文图片, 学生为照片配音。 9) 学生任选一幅图进行探讨, 仿照课文内容对话。 五、 作业: 1.听录音朗读短文。 2.模仿课文进行舞台。