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三年级英语上册 lesson4 Number 1

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小学语文试题、试卷、习题精选资料 三年级英语上册 lesson4 Number 1-5 教案 (新版)冀教版 一、教学目标: (一) 知识目标: 1.使学生可听、 说、 认识和口头运用短语 one, two, three, four, five 2.使学生无法理解并可口头运用 Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too! (二) 能力目标: 1.培养教师利用数学数字的素养, 使教师对动词复数有初步的认知。 2.培养教师的语言综合利用能力冀教版三年级英语上册表格式教案, 使之可把所学句型应用于日常对话 中。 (三) 情感目标: 1.激发学生学习数学的兴趣,调动人们的学习积极性,提高教师的口 语表达能力。 2.通过游戏冀教版三年级英语上册表格式教案,交际实践、小组合作等方法培养学员的合作观念跟用英 语说话情的素养。 二、教学重难点: 1、教学重点: 使教师可熟练掌握数字单词并能初步认知名词复数形 式。 2、 教学难点: 使教师能否理解并可口头运用: Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too! 三、教学准备:数字卡片,实物 四、教学资源: 名词复数的规则差异情况 构成方式 读音 例词 一般情况 加 -s 1.清辅音后读/s/; map-maps 2.浊声母跟元音后 bag-bags 读 /z/; car-cars 五、教学过程: (一)Step One: Class Opening and Review 1. Greetings: to suppor ting the growing number of students seeking odd jobs,能在实 际背 景中体 会进行 整式加 减的必 要性, 能用整 式加减 运算解 决实际 问题 1/3 小学语文试题、试卷、习题精选资料 T: Hello! boys and girls. Nice to meet you! S: Hello, Miss Sun! Nice to meet you, too! T: Let’s sing a song. 2.T: Let’s play a game “point to the words”(在游戏中, 既复习了将要学过的词组,又为本课的新授知识做了伏笔,同时也激 发了学生的学习兴趣。


) (二)Step Two: New Concepts 1) Numbers one to five T:What’s this? Yes, it’s a book. It’s one book.Write “one book” on the blackboard. Have the students say together. T: Now, What’s this?(point to one chair and desk) S: It’s one chair. It’s one desk. T: What are these? Two books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to say. T: How many chairs? How many desks? (point to two chairs and desks) S: Two chairs. Two desks. T: How many books? Three books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read. T: How many boys? How many girls? (Point to three boys and girls) S: Three boys. Three girls. T: Now how many books? Four books. Write it on the blackboard and learn to read. T: How many schools? How many teachers?(show some pictures) S: Four schools. Four teachers. T: How many books in my hands? Let’s count together. Yes, five books. Write it on the blackboard and have the students read. T: How many desks? How many chairs? (show some pictures) S: Five desks, five chairs. T: Who can find the different? 2) T: Let’s count the numbers. S: one, two, three, four, five. T: Let’s play a guessing game. to suppor ting the growing number of students seeking odd jobs,能在实 际背 景中体 会进行 整式加 减的必 要性, 能用整 式加减 运算解 决实际 问题 2/3 小学语文试题、试卷、习题精选资料 (二)Step two:Let chant (三). Nice to meet you. (1)Introduce: 教师带上人物头饰和学生进行示范。


T: Hello. My name is ______ . What’s your name? S: My name is ______ . T: How are you? S: I’m fine, thanks. How are you? T: Fine, thank you. Nice to meet you. S:……(鼓励学生说出 Nice to meet you.) 用英语告诉学生, 当一个人第一次遇到某个人时, 可以说 Nice