数学规划问题 的翻译结果
mathematical programming problem
Duality-based regularization in a linear convex mathematical programming problem
Necessary conditions for an extremum in a mathematical programming problem
A semi-infinite programming problem is a mathematical programming problem with a finite number of variables and infinitely many constraints.
Initially, the technique solves the knapsack relaxation of the original mathematical programming problem using dynamic programming.
They are used as functions of a particular mathematical programming problem.
mathematical programming problems
Large-Dimensional Mathematical Programming Problems: A Solution Approach
An algorithm is designed for numerically solving large-dimensional mathematical programming problems, in which only the variables in linear constraints play a dominant role.
The method of feasible directions for mathematical programming problems with preconvex constraints
Generalization of the newton method for one class of nonconvex mathematical programming problems
Several mathematical programming problems, and static and dynamic response structural design problems are used to evaluate the method.
This paper deals with the problem of how, to determine the region of the initial value in a linear differential equation of high order when the u-pper and lower bounds of the Solutions have been given. This is u funda-mental problem in automatic control, which is usually solved by constru-cting лsinyHOB functions. Here, we try to solve it from another approach.Fir- , st it is changed into a mathematical programming problem, then the region is estimated by convex polyhedrons. It is easy to see that this appJoach...
This paper deals with the problem of how, to determine the region of the initial value in a linear differential equation of high order when the u-pper and lower bounds of the Solutions have been given. This is u funda-mental problem in automatic control, which is usually solved by constru-cting лsinyHOB functions. Here, we try to solve it from another approach.Fir- , st it is changed into a mathematical programming problem, then the region is estimated by convex polyhedrons. It is easy to see that this appJoach has greater flexibility and precision than the method of using лsinyHOB fu-nctions. In addition, we proved the convergence of the method. At the eud of the article, an example is provided.
vol. 22, no. 5, 2004.[21] juliang zhang, jian chen, xinjian zhuo, a constrained optimization approach for lcp, journal of computational mathematics, vol. 22, no. 4, 509-522, 2004. [22] juliang zhang, on the convergence properties of the levenberg--marquardt method, optimization, vol. 52, no. 6, 739-756, 2003.[23] juliang zhang, yong wang, a new trust region method for nonlinear equations, mathematical methods of operations research, vol. 58, no. 2, 283-298, 2003. [24] juliang zhang, xiangsun zhang, predictor-corrector smoothing methods for monotone lcp, acta mathematicae applicatae sinica。optimization: a j. of mathematical programming and operationsresearch。[11]guo h y, li z l. structural topology optimization of high-voltage transmission tower with discrete variables[j]. structural and multidisciplinary optimization, 2011, 43(6): 851-861.。
The mathematical formula in similarity of linear equality or linear inequality system with degeneration is finally obtained when many structural optimization problems are solved with optimality criterion method, as well as general mathematical programming. In this case, many algorithms fail to get solution or perform poorly. A unified method presented in this paper which is based on method presented in thispaper which is based on simplex method of linear propramming in used to overcome the difficulty mentioned previously. Optimality criterion method, constrained second order approximation method, Newton-Raphson method, the secone order algorithms of the Fleury's dual method and other method have been improved by using the basic idea of the method discussed in this paper, Numerical examples are given showing the validity of the method.
This paper is believed to be the first to present a new unified hardening